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Rich beyond dreams (El Jefe Judging)


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Lookspring snorts and says "He served his purpose didn't he? Good riddance to the drunkard. We no longer need him to guide us. I'm willing to bet as well that you carefully studied the route here so you wouldn't need to pay him to guide future trips. Besides, if he just wandered off I'm sure we'll find him when we return with the second expedition. If he's run afoul of a hydra, well then it's already too late to help him. Lets weigh anchor and be on our way."

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Uggla is missing but as you said I now know the way. I do plan to return after resupplying the ship. I have some goods in mind that the villagers might like. I also want to ensure the trade route is established. Next stop Orussus.
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OOC: Lemme know when we get to Orrussus then. BTW, are you going to do the recruitment for the next mission in the RDI or do you want us to do it in character once we're back there and reapproved for our new levels? Maybe we post the notice and interview potentials and you can come in OOC and approve the final choices or something? Or whatever you had planned. ;)


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Phoenix8008 said:
OOC: Lemme know when we get to Orrussus then. BTW, are you going to do the recruitment for the next mission in the RDI or do you want us to do it in character once we're back there and reapproved for our new levels? Maybe we post the notice and interview potentials and you can come in OOC and approve the final choices or something? Or whatever you had planned. ;)

ooc:Last post was in character talk by captain Purdy. I posted from my phone and not able to use code due to limited keyboard characters. In the future if I use my phone to post I will try to explain better.

The ship sets sail as the sun rises. The captain has no problem navigating the reef. Once in open sea the sails are set to full and the ship picks up speed. As you look around the ship seems almost deserted after the losses to the crew and it seems to set lower in the water than the original trip to the island. You also notice there seem to be many new boards used in repairs.

Let me know what type of activities Phoenix and Lookspring partake in on the voyage to Orussus.


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Phoenix spends much of her free time crafting her MW Chain Shirt and MW Heavy Steel Shield. She will help out the sailors some as well, but she and Lookspring work out an arrangement so that one of them is always in the room where all the treasure is stored. Make that their common sleeping area and they can trade out every 12 hours for free time or to help the sailors.


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When not greedily counting the coins in the chest, or snoozing while on guard duty, Lookspring spends his time wandering about the ship. Curious as to what the Captain managed to get in trade, he attempts to sneak into the cargo hold. I wonder what they brought back, mayhaps something valuable I can nick. Hopefully before those halflings get to it.


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The trip is uneventful for the first week. As Lookspring is snooping about the captains cargo he notices 3 sailors similarly curious about his and Phoenix cargo. Both Phoenix and Lookspring at times overhear sailors whisper "what do you think they got there? It sure looked heavy and why do you think only villagers were allowed to carry it? I hear it is some evil creatures they are taking to Orussus to kill an enemy of theirs. Nah tis all gold. They be rich an thats why tis heavy. You see the way those villagers backs were bent carrying it. Tis magic, powerful an sumthin bads gonna happin. The sailors that accompanied Phoenix and Lookspring into the well are never part of the gossip but when they hear it they always reply tis none of your business leave them two alone and keep your nose where it belongs if youve got any sense at all.

One day late in Looksprings shift he hears a creak, startled he jumps up and sees the door slightly ajar.

Phoenix happens to be returning from a bit of wandering the deck when she hears an odd noise coming from the room.


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Quickening her pace, she manifests her already charged mindblade just in case. Watching for trouble, she heads to the room and peers in the door to see what made the noise. Probably just Lookspring messing around or something, but best to be sure. , she thinks to herself.


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Rubbing his eyes and peering blearily around the room, it takes him a moment to collect his senses. That's odd, I thought I closed that door earlier. Wait a minute... The hairs at the back of his neck prickle as he quickly begins taking stock. He starts looking around the room to see if he's alone, one hand slowly reaching towards his handaxe...


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[sblock=Lookspring]You think you see something in the small opening. Could be nothing or it could be something trying to get you :] [/sblock]

[sblock=Phoenix]As you approach the room you see 3 men outside your door. One to either side of the door and one directly in front of the door holding it slightly open seeming to peak in the room.[/sblock]

actions anyone?

Voidrunner's Codex

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