D&D General Rules Lawyers, Powergamers, and Munchkins: Thoughts on the Origins of Diverse Species


Well, you do need about 35K XP to go from 6th to 7th level (about; I just checked Paladin really quick, I know it varies) and there are probably 6 PCs, so lots of gold is a necessary element. Good thing training is so expensive! Plus there are keeps to save up for.

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Well, you do need about 35K XP to go from 6th to 7th level (about; I just checked Paladin really quick, I know it varies) and there are probably 6 PCs, so lots of gold is a necessary element. Good thing training is so expensive! Plus there are keeps to save up for.

I don't have a problem either it. Training was only 1E iirc.

Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
1. The 5e encumbrance rules kind of make part of it not even worth checking.

2. I wonder if I should play up some of the local economies having hyper-inflation when they come out spending...

Yeah, if you're playing under 5e rules ... I mean ....

Look, I've always said that you can spend money on whatever you want. That said, there really isn't much defined in the 5e rules that you need to spend money on. So unless they already have some powerful motivations for their characters?

Maybe this would be a good teaching moment? Hey kids, let me tell you a little story about the Weimar Republic ....

Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
My personal way of looking at it is that a player only becomes a rules lawyer when they specifically only bring up the rules to make arguments that benefit them or the group, but do not speak up when the rules would actively hinder their efforts or the group's efforts. If someone speaks up whenever they think there is a gap between rules as implemented and rules as enumerated in good faith I consider them a rules stickler, which may or may not be an issue depending on the table.
I do that sometimes as a player when the party would have been better off had I kept my mouth shut. Verisimilitude doesn't care whether or not a PC is benefited by its existence.


Yeah, if you're playing under 5e rules ... I mean ....

Look, I've always said that you can spend money on whatever you want. That said, there really isn't much defined in the 5e rules that you need to spend money on. So unless they already have some powerful motivations for their characters?

Maybe this would be a good teaching moment? Hey kids, let me tell you a little story about the Weimar Republic ....

Well, after they find out they'll want someone to research new batteries or the like for the things they find in Barrier Peaks...


Think I git bored once. There's around 30-40000 g worth of loit in B2 KotBL. I rember killing a ghoul in ToEE and getting an 8000gp necklace. The doors were worth 500k iirc but good luck getting them out.


Follower of the Way
I've been reading old adventures.
View attachment 295576

You can do Monty haul with official modules.
Indeed you can. One of the reasons why I have always struggled to square the claim that Monty Haul was born purely (or even predominantly) from DMs who were too permissive or actively bending/breaking the rules.

Gonzo has been part of D&D, even official D&D, as long as there has been D&D.


Indeed you can. One of the reasons why I have always struggled to square the claim that Monty Haul was born purely (or even predominantly) from DMs who were too permissive or actively bending/breaking the rules.

Gonzo has been part of D&D, even official D&D, as long as there has been D&D.

I think Monty Haul may be even worse than official stuff espicially with magic items. Generally you get a lot of low power through to medium power weapons. You might get sonething like a flametongue level 5 and use it next ten levels.

Think Monty Haul would be more like +3 or better everything (armor, shield, sword), holy avenger handed out etc at reasonably low level.

Voidrunner's Codex

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