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S1: Tomb of Horrors - OOC


I have a lot more respect for Paizo than I do for WotC, especially in regards to how they treat their customers but also in regards to design. They're gamers, not suits. Also, I don't consider PF to be third party, because PF isn't 3.5; it's a new edition in the 3.X line. BTW, martial classes got boosts. Rogues can sneak attack most undead, fighters can now fight, and paladins kick rear ends and are probably overpowered. It's different.

I do agree, sadly, that PF is starting to become bloated as 3.5 long ago did. It is the way of all editions. No need to turn this into an edition war thread :p

But the main reason to learn PF is simply that a lot of people play it. Unlike most 'homebrews' where you'll never see the same rules elsewhere, there are plenty of opportunities to play PF both online and F2F.

Anyway, I believe we have 3 interested players including WarShrike, which is enough.

Strahd, I believe that a dwarven cleric would be a good choice.

BTW, to reiterate the PC creation rules: no 3.5 material is allowed. Everything must come from the PF SRD. Standard races only (same list as the old 3.5 PH). There is no vigor line of healing spells, but there is a slew of cool new spell options. Persistent spell is a metamagic feat but has nothing to do with divine metamagic; it makes spells harder to resist. Probably overpowered too BTW :heh:

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First Post
I'll get started on fleshing a character out and we still need a rogue type? or is WS taking care of that? As far as races go...I'll be human I suppose. You did say base races ONLY correct? My first thoughts went to aasimar, but I remember you said standard races and in most PF I've played aasimar, along with the other bestiary races, were made standard. So if you could let me/us know and I'll be more than happy to get started.

MAL, well said. I have some horrible memories of 3.5 and I actually posted interest in a 4th Edition Kingmaker, its for the story and not the platform. Maybe 5th Edition will be better and bring my faith in WoTC back.


WS was talking about a multiclassed rogue.

The Bestiary races might not be well balanced; however, after looking at the aasimar I find it acceptable. I will allow those races on a case by case basis, so go ahead.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
[sblock=starting info]
WS, pathfinder is similar to 3.5. The main differences are:
- the way skill points work
- point buy values for ability scores are different
- the use of CMB and CMD which is supposed to simplify things like grappling
- various tweaks (mostly boosts) to the races and classes
- changes to some spells, skills & feats and addition of new ones
- traits are like extra half-strength feats that you only get at 1st level

See the online PFSRD here. The SRD includes errata so it takes precedence over the books.

So who's in? It looks like we'll have 3 or 4 players:
Strahd: Dwarvin fighter?
Ballistic: paladin
Myth: possible pulling out
WarShrike: Thief rogue

I'll base my Pathfinder conversion of S1 partly on the original, partly on 3.5 conversions and partly just add some ideas of my own. 9th level works better than 10th I think. Pathfinder characters tend to be a little tougher than in 3.5 ... as does S1 :devil:

Character creation will be as follows:
9th level
standard races
20 point buy
hp = max 1st level then average-rounded-up for each additional level (so d10 = 6, etc.)
50k gp
2 traits
sources: Any Paizo in the online SRD. Non-Paizo sources that are in the SRD may be allowed on a case by case basis.[/sblock]

I see no arcanist and healers. Am I right on this?

I am thinking a trans muter with Necromancy and enchantment as opposition schools.


0 level
Subject gains +1 on saving throws. CRB
Acid Splash
Orb deals 1d3 acid damage. CRB
A sudden downpour soaks a target creature or object. Blog
Detect Magic
Detects all spells and magic items within 60 ft. CRB
Detect Poison
Detects poison in one creature or small object. CRB
Read Magic
Read scrolls and spellbooks. CRB

Create a light wind that blows against target from direction of your choice. Blog
Dancing Lights
Creates torches or other lights. CRB
Dazzles one creature (–1 on attack rolls). CRB
Object shines like a torch. CRB
Protects creature or object touched from bright light. Blog
Ray of Frost
Ray deals 1d3 cold damage. CRB
Create a scoop of force to pick up or carry liquids. Blog
Ignites flammable objects. APG
Ghost Sound
Figment sounds. CRB
Haunted Fey Aspect
You surround yourself with disturbing illusions. UC

Deal 1d3 electrical damage with a ranged touch attack. Blog
Mage Hand
5-pound telekinesis. CRB
Makes minor repairs on an object. CRB
Whisper conversation at distance. CRB
Opens or closes small or light things. CRB
Reinforces a subjects defense against being moved or tripped. Blog
Arcane Mark
Inscribes a personal rune on an object or creature (visible or invisible). CRB
Performs minor tricks.

1st-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells from Paizo
Spell Name M/F Description Source
Adjuring Step
You can move slowly and safely and still cast spells, until you move quickly, make an attack, or cast a harmful spell. UC
Wards an area for 2 hours/level. CRB
Endure Elements
Exist comfortably in hot or cold regions. CRB
Hold Portal
Holds door shut. CRB
Locks a weapon in place on the target’s body. UC
Prot. from Chaos/Evil/Good/Law
+2 to AC and saves, plus additional protection against selected alignment. CRB
Invisible disc gives +4 to AC, blocks magic missiles. CRB
Shock Shield
A shield of force protects you until you dismiss it in an explosion of electricity. UC
Abundant Ammunition
Replaces nonmagical ammunition every round. UC
Air Bubble
Creates a small pocket of air around your head or an object. UC
Corrosive Touch
Touch attack deals 1d4 acid/level. UM
Makes 10-ft. square or one object slippery. CRB
Icicle Dagger
Masterwork ice dagger deals +1 cold damage. UM
Infernal Healing
Touch a creature with devils blood, giving it fast healing 1. ISWG
Ki Arrow
Arrow deals damage as your unarmed strike. UM
Mage Armor
Gives subject +4 armor bonus. CRB
Summons riding horse for 2 hours/level. CRB
Obscuring Mist
Fog surrounds you. CRB
Stumble Gap F Small hole trips creatures. APG
Summon Minor Monster
Summon 1d3 Tiny animals. UM
Summon Monster I
Summons extraplanar creature to fight for you. CRB
Unseen Servant
Invisible force obeys your commands. CRB
Anticipate Peril
Target gains a bonus on one initiative check. UM
Comprehend Languages
You understand all spoken and written languages. CRB
Detect Charm
As detect magic, except you immediately detect the strength and location of each charm, compulsion, and possession aura on all creatures in the area. ASoL
Detect Secret Doors
Reveals hidden doors within 60 ft. CRB
Detect Undead
Reveals undead within 60 ft. CRB
Gives +10 bonus to identify magic items. CRB
See Alignment
Pick an alignment; in your sight, creatures and items with that alignment emit a ghostly radiance. UC
True Strike
+20 on your next attack roll. CRB
Target takes a -20 penalty on its next attack roll or check. UM
Charm Person
Makes one person your friend. CRB
Delusional Pride
Target is penalized on attacks and checks but gains bonus against charms and compulsions. UM
Fascinates 2d4 HD of creatures. CRB
Lock Gaze
You compel the target to only look at you for the duration of the spell. UC
Memory Lapse
Subject forgets events back to last turn. APG
Moment of Greatness
Doubles a morale bonus. UC
Puts 4 HD of creatures into magical slumber. CRB
Unprepared Combatant
Target takes -4 on initiative and Reflex saves. UM
Burning Hands
1d4/level fire damage (max 5d4). CRB
Ear-Piercing Scream
Deal sonic damage and daze target. UM
Flare Burst
As flare, but affects all creatures in 10 ft. APG
Floating Disk
Creates 3-ft.-diameter horizontal disk that holds 100 lbs./level. CRB
Hydraulic Push
Wave of water bull rushes an enemy. APG
Magic Missile
1d4+1 damage; +1 missile per two levels above 1st (max 5). CRB
Shocking Grasp
Touch delivers 1d6/level electricity damage (max 5d6). CRB
Color Spray
Knocks unconscious, blinds, and/or stuns weak creatures. CRB
Dazzling Blade

Disguise Self
Changes your appearance. CRB
Illusion of Calm
You appear to be standing still, even when you take some actions. UC
Magic Aura
Alters object's magic aura. CRB
Negative Reaction
Targeted creature may not positively influence anyone. UC
Shadow Weapon
Create a quasi-real masterwork weapon. UM
Silent Image
Creates minor illusion of your design. CRB
As invisibility for 1 round/level (5 max). APG
Throws voice for 1 min./level. CRB
Cause Fear
One creature of 5 HD or less flees for 1d4 rounds. CRB
Chill Touch
One touch/level deals 1d6 damage and possibly 1 Str damage. CRB
Decompose Corpse
Turn a corpse into a clean skeleton. UM
Target answers questions or suffers pain. UM
Ray of Enfeeblement
Ray causes 1d6 Str penalty + 1 per 2 levels. CRB
Ray of Sickening
Ray makes the subject sickened. UM
Restore Corpse
Skeletal corpse grows flesh. UM
Sculpt Corpse
Makes corpse look like another creature. APG
Alter Winds
Increase/decrease strength of natural winds. APG
Animate Rope
Makes a rope move at your command. CRB
Ant Haul
Triples carrying capacity of a creature. APG
Gives an object the broken condition. APG
Burning Disarm
A metal object instantly becomes red hot possibly causing the wielder to drop it or take damage. CEoD
Crafter's Curse
Subject takes –5 on Craft skill checks. APG
Crafter's Fortune
Subject gains +5 on next Craft check. APG
Damp Powder
Ruins ammunition loaded in the targeted firearm. UC
Dancing Lantern
Animates a lantern that follows you. APG
Enlarge Person
Humanoid creature doubles in size. CRB
Mundane or magical writing vanishes. CRB
Expeditious Excavation
Moves 5-ft. cubes of earth. APG
Expeditious Retreat
Your base speed increases by 30 ft. CRB
Fabricate Bullets M Converts 1 pound of metal into ammunition. UC
Feather Fall
Objects or creatures fall slowly. CRB
Forced Quiet
Target cannot make loud noises. UM
Gravity Bow
Arrows do damage as though one size category bigger. APG
Subject gets bonus on Acrobatics checks. CRB
Removes the broken condition from the targeted object. UC
Liberating Command
Target makes an Escape Artist check as an immediate action and gains a bonus on it. UC
Lighten Object

Grants a +10-foot bonus to the range increment for any ranged weapon fired. UC
Magic Weapon
Weapon gains +1 bonus. CRB
Mirror Strike
You may strike multiple opponents with a single attack. UC
Polypurpose Panacea
Gain a relaxing or entertaining effect. UM
Reduce Person
Humanoid creature halves in size. CRB
Reinforce Armaments
Temporarily mitigates the fragile quality in targeted weapon or armor. UC
Snapdragon Fireworks
Create 1 dragon firework/level. UM
Stone Fist
Your unarmed strikes are lethal. APG
Touch of Gracelessness
Subject loses 1d6 + 1 Dex/two levels and is prone to falling down. APG
Touch of the Sea
Swim speed becomes 30 ft. APG
Unerring Weapon
Grants a +2 bonus, +1 per four caster levels, on attack rolls to confirm a critical hit. UC
Vocal Alteration
Disguise target's voice. UM
Weaken Powder
Targeted firearm's ammunition halves the firearm's range and imposes a –2 penalty on damage rolls. UC
Youthful Appearance
Target appears younger. UM
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2nd-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells from Paizo
Spell Name M/F Description Source
Arcane Lock M Magically locks a portal or chest. CRB
Book Ward
As protection from energy, except lasts much longer and only protects against acid and fire damage. SoS
Bullet Shield
You gain a +4 def lection bonus to AC against firearm attacks. UC
Endure Elements, Communal
As endure elements, but you may divide the duration among creatures touched. UC
Miserable Pity
Opponents cannot attack a pathetic creature. UM
Obscure Object
Masks object against scrying. CRB
Protection from Arrows
Subject gains DR 10/magic against ranged attacks. CRB
Resist Energy
Ignores first 10 (or more) points of damage per attack from specified energy type. CRB
Warding Weapon F The weapon you use for the focus of this spell defends you, allowing you to cast spells without provoking attacks of opportunity. UC
Acid Arrow
Ranged touch attack; 2d4 damage for 1 round + 1 round/three levels. CRB
Arrow Eruption
Creates duplicates of killing arrow. APG
Create Pit F Creates an extradimensional pit. APG
Cushioning Bands
Force bands protect against crushing. UM
Dust of Twilight
Black particles extinguish light sources within area. APG
Fiery Shuriken M Calls forth several fiery projectiles ready to be flung at opponents. UC
Fog Cloud
Fog obscures vision. CRB
Blinds creatures, outlines invisible creatures. CRB
Mount, Communal
As mount, but you may divide the duration among creatures touched. UC
Protection from Chaos, Communal
As protection from chaos, but you may divide the duration among creatures touched. UC
Protection from Evil, Communal
As protection from evil, but you may divide the duration among creatures touched. UC
Protection from Good, Communal
As protection from good, but you may divide the duration among creatures touched. UC
Protection from Law, Communal
As protection from law, but you may divide the duration among creatures touched. UC
Reloading Hands
Loads a single shot into your weapon every round. UC
Retrieve Item
Call an item instantly to you hand from nearby by speaking a special word and snapping your fingers. The spell fails if the item is in the possession of another creature. CTR
Returning Weapon
Grants a weapon the returning special weapon quality. UC
Wave boosts creature’s speed. APG
Stone Call
2d6 damage to all creatures in area. APG
Summon Monster II
Summons extraplanar creature to fight for you. CRB
Summon Swarm
Summons swarm of bats, rats, or spiders. CRB
Fills 20-ft.-radius spread with sticky spiderwebs that can grapple foes and impair movement. CRB
Web Shelter
Create a comfortable shelter made of webbing. UM
Blood Transcription
Wizard Only. Learn a spell from the target's blood. UM
Create Treasure Map M Creates treasure map out of a creature’s corpse. APG
Detect Thoughts
Allows “listening” to surface thoughts. CRB
Elemental Speech
Enables you to speak to elementals and some creatures. APG
Locate Object
Senses direction toward object (specific or type). CRB
See Invisibility
Reveals invisible creatures or objects. CRB
Share Language
Subject understands chosen language. APG
Share Memory
Share one memory with the target. UM
Spell Guage

Bestow Weapon Proficiency
Grants a creature proficiency in a single weapon for short period of time. UC
Compassionate Ally
Target is compelled to help injured ally. UM
Daze Monster
Living creature of 6 HD or less loses its next action. CRB
Delay Pain
Ignore pain for 1 hour/level. UM
Hideous Laughter
Subject loses actions for 1 round/level. CRB
Oppressive Boredom
Target loses its next action. UM
Target gains penalties on ability checks, skill checks, and concentration checks until it spends an entire round doing nothing. UC
Ricochet Shot
Imbues a projectile weapon to give its ammunition the ability to ricochet. UC
Seducer's Eyes

Tactical Acumen
You gain an additional +1 on attack rolls or to AC due to battlefield positioning. UC
Touch of Idiocy
Subject takes 1d6 penalty to Int, Wis, and Cha. CRB
Unnatural Lust
Target is compelled to kiss or caress another creature. UM
Admonishing Ray
You fire one nonlethal force ray plus one additional ray for every four levels (maximum three rays). Each ray deals 4d6 points of nonlethal damage. TEoG
Burning Gaze
Inflict 1d6 fire damage to creature by looking at it. APG
Continual Flame M Makes a permanent, heatless light. CRB
20-ft. radius of supernatural shadow. CRB
Defensive Shock
Electricity damages your attackers. UM
Elemental Touch
Gain energy damage touch attack. APG
Fire Breath
Exhale a cone of flame at will. APG
Flaming Sphere
Rolling ball of fire deals 3d6 fire damage. CRB
Frigid Touch
Target takes cold damage and is staggered. UM
Frost Fall
The area is covered in a chilling frost. UC
Gust of Wind
Blows away or knocks down smaller creatures. CRB
Pilfering Hand
You may seize an object or manipulate it from afar. UC
Protective Penumbra
Shadow protects the target from light. UM
Scorching Ray
Ranged touch attack deals 4d6 fire damage, + 1 ray/four levels (max 3). CRB
Sonic energy damages objects or crystalline creatures. CRB
Spontaneous Immolation
Target takes 3d6 points of fire damage and catches on fire. UC
Attacks miss subject 20% of the time. CRB
Disguise Other
As disguise self, but affects you or another. UM
Ghostly Disguise
You look like a ghost of yourself. UM
Haunting Mists
Creatures are shaken and take Wis damage. UM
Hypnotic Pattern
Fascinates 2d4 + level HD of creatures. CRB
Subject is invisible for 1 min./level or until it attacks. CRB
Mad Hallucination
Target takes penalties to mental actions. UM
Magic Mouth M Object speaks once when triggered. CRB
Minor Image
As silent image, plus some sound. CRB
Mirror Image
Creates decoy duplicates of you. CRB
Misleads divinations for 1 creature or object. CRB
Phantom Trap M Makes item seem trapped. CRB
Symbol of Mirroring M Triggered rune creates mirror images. UM

Accelerate Poison
Hastens targeted poison’s onset. APG
You gain a bonus on Diplomacy checks and performance combat checks. UC
Alter Self
Assume form of a Small or Medium humanoid. CRB
Animal Aspect
You gain some of the beneficial qualities of an animal. UC
Ant Haul, Communal
As ant haul, but you may divide the duration among creatures touched. UC
Badger's Ferocity
Weapons are keen while you concentrate. UM
Bear's Endurance
Subject gains +4 to Con for 1 min./level. CRB
Boiling Blood
Targets take fire damage; orcs get +2 Strength. UM
Bull's Strength
Subject gains +4 to Str for 1 min./level. CRB
Cat's Grace
Subject gains +4 to Dex for 1 min./level. CRB
Certain Grip
You gain a +4 competence bonus on Acrobatics and Climb checks and to CMD. UC
Grant all recipients ability to speak, read and write a new secret language. SD
See 60 ft. in total darkness. CRB
Destabilize Powder
Ammunition in the targeted firearm is prone to misfire. UC
Disfiguring Touch
Target becomes disfigured. UM
Eagle's Splendor
Subject gains +4 to Cha for 1 min./level. CRB
Fox's Cunning
Subject gains +4 to Int for 1 min./level. CRB
You take no falling damage, move 60 ft./round while falling. APG

Hidden Knowledge
You purposely forget some information which is transcribed upon you in the form of a tattoo. SD
Kinetic Reverberation
Channels the force of an enemy’s attack back into its weapon. UC
Opens locked or magically sealed door. CRB
Subject moves up and down at your direction. CRB
Magic Siege Engine
Siege gains +1 on targeting and damage rolls. UC
Make Whole
Repairs an object. CRB
Masterwork Transformation M Make a normal item into a masterwork one. UM
Owl's Wisdom
Subject gains +4 to Wis for 1 min./level. CRB
Turns fire into blinding light or thick smoke. CRB
Recoil Fire
Ammunition in the targeted firearm generates excessive recoil. UC
Reinforce Armaments, Communal
As reinforce armaments, but you may divide the duration among objects touched. UC
Rope Trick
As many as eight creatures hide in extradimensional space. CRB
Sculpt Simulacrum
Alter a simulacrum's appearance. UM
Silk To Steel
Use a scarf as a shield or whip. UM
Spider Climb
Grants ability to walk on walls and ceilings. CRB
Stabilize Powder
Ammunition in the targeted firearm is less likely to misfire. UC
Staggering Fall
Cause additional damage to a falling creature. RG
Telekinetic Assembly F Assembles a siege engine using 1 fewer worker for every two caster levels. UC
Thunder Fire
Ammunition in the targeted firearm deafens opponents. UC
Twisted Space
Targeted creature’s attacks target a random square instead of the intended target. UC
Whispering Wind
Sends a short message 1 mile/level. CRB

3rd-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells from Paizo
Spell Name M/F Description Source
Cloak of Winds
Creates a screen of wind around you. APG
Dispel Magic
Cancels one magical spell or effect. CRB
Explosive Runes
Deals 6d6 damage when read. CRB
Magic Circle against Chaos/Evil/Good/Law
As protection spells, but 10-ft. radius and 10 min./level. CRB
Nondetection M Hides subject from divination, scrying. CRB
Protection from Arrows, Communal
As protection from arrows, but you may divide the duration among creatures touched. UC
Protection from Energy
Absorbs 12 points/level of damage from one kind of energy. CRB
Resist Energy, Communal
As resist energy, but you may divide the duration among creatures touched. UC

Ablative Barrier F Surrounds the target with layers of force. UC
Aqueous Orb
Creates rolling sphere of water. APG
Ash Storm
Hamper vision and movement. UM
Mad Monkeys
Summon a swarm of mischievous monkeys. UM
Pellet Blast M Creates an explosion of conjured metal pellets. UC
Phantom Driver
Conjures a phantom to drive vehicles. UC
Phantom Steed
Magic horse appears for 1 hour/level. CRB
Rain of Frogs
Summon a swarm of poisonous frogs. UM
Returning weapon. Communal
As returning weapon, but you may divide the duration among weapons touched. UC
Sepia Snake Sigil M Creates text symbol that immobilizes reader. CRB
Sleet Storm
Hampers vision and movement. CRB
Spiked Pit
As create pit, but filled with spikes. APG
Stinking Cloud
Nauseating vapors, 1 round/level. CRB
Summon Monster III
Summons extraplanar creature to fight for you. CRB

Arcane Sight
Magical auras become visible to you. CRB
Blood Biography
Learn about a creature with its blood. APG
Hear or see at a distance for 1 min./level. CRB
Harrowing F You use a Harrow deck to tell a fortune for yourself or someone else. ISWG
Locate Weakness
You roll damage twice when you roll damage for a critical hit and take the best damage. UC
Seek Thoughts
Detects thinking creatures’ thoughts. APG
Share Language, Communal
As share language, but you may divide the duration among creatures touched. UC
Spherescry F Remotely view through spheres that have consumed some portion of the caster's body. Spherescry cannot be discovered by normal methods of magical detection. CTR
Speak and understand any language. CRB
Unravel Destiny
A target suffers penalties to checks depending on how many hero points it has, and takes damage if it uses them. APG

Battering Blast
You hurl a fist-sized ball of force resembling a sphere of spikes to ram a designated creature or object. DoG
You create an area of darkness impenetrable even to darkvision, but you can see normally within it. CS
Campfire Wall
Creates a shelter around a campfire. APG
Chain of Perdition
Creates a floating chain of force. UC
Channel the Gift
Channel magical power into target to fuel their spellcasting. The next 3rd level or lower spell target casts does not expend a spell slot; instead you use your spell slot to power their spell. GaM
60-ft. radius of bright light. CRB
Diamond Spray
A cone of tiny, sparkling slivers as hard and sharp as filed diamonds springs from your outstretched fingers at tremendous speed. AP:LoF
Distracting Cacophony
Noise makes it difficult to cast. UM
Draconic Reservoir
Subject can absorb energy damage and enhance melee attacks with it. APG
Elemental Aura
Creates an aura of energy around you. APG
1d6 damage per level, 20-ft. radius. CRB
Force Punch
Target takes force damage and is pushed away. UM
As ray of exhaustion plus 1d4 nonlethal damage and characters wearing heavy clothing or armor of any sort take a –4 penalty on their saves. StLC
Hydraulic Torrent
Creates torrent of water that bull rushes any creature in its path. APG
Lightning Bolt
Electricity deals 1d6/level damage. CRB
Pain Strike
Inflicts 1d6 nonlethal damage 1 round/level. APG
Sheet Lightning

Tiny Hut
Creates shelter for 10 creatures. CRB
Twilight Knife
Floating knife attacks with you. APG
Wind Wall
Deflects arrows, smaller creatures, and gases. CRB

Dazzling Blade, Mass
Attacks miss subject 50% of the time. CRB
Illusory Poison
Coat a weapon with phantasmal poison. GnoG
Illusory Script M Only select creatures can read text. CRB
Invisibility Sphere
Makes everyone within 10 ft. invisible. CRB
Loathsome Veil
Nauseate and/or sicken weak creatures. UM
Major Image
As silent image, plus sound, smell and thermal effects. CRB
Vision of Hell
Illusory hellscape makes creatures shaken. UM

Anthropomorphic Animal
Animal becomes bipedal. UM
Ape Walk
Target gains climb 30 and +8 racial bonus on Climb skill checks. StLC
Beast Shape I
You take the form and some of the powers of a Small or Medium animal. CRB
You randomly vanish and reappear for 1 round per level. CRB
Target gains a burrow speed of 15. UM
Countless Eyes
Extra eyes give all-around vision. UM
Darkvision, Communal
As darkvision, but you may divide the duration among creatures touched. UC
Target eidolon temporarily loses 1 evolution +1/five levels. APG
Enter Image
Transfers your consciousness to an object bearing your likeness. APG
Eruptive Pustules
Acid boils burst when you are attacked. UM
Excruciating Deformation
Target takes Dex and Con damage. UM
Flame Arrow
Arrows deal +1d6 fire damage. CRB
Flash Fire
Ammunition in the targeted firearm creates a tremendous flash capable of blinding the weapon’s bearer and those around him. UC
Subject flies at speed of 60 ft. CRB
Gaseous Form
Subject becomes insubstantial and can fly slowly. CRB
One creature/level moves faster, +1 on attack rolls, AC, and Reflex saves. CRB
Hostile Levitation
Levitates the targeted creature up off the ground. UC
Keen Edge
Doubles normal weapon's threat range. CRB
Magic Weapon, Greater
Weapon gains +1 bonus/four levels (max +5). CRB
Monstrous Physique I
Take the form and some of the powers of a Small or Medium monstrous humanoid. UM
Pup Shape
Transforms a single animal or magical beast into a younger and cuter version of itself for a short period of time. UC
Resinous Skin
You gain DR 5/piercing and +4 to CMD against disarm attempts. UC
Secret Page
Changes one page to hide its real content. CRB
Shifting Sand
Creates difficult terrain and erases tracks, can carry along some creatures and objects. APG
Shrink Item
Object shrinks to one-sixteenth size. CRB
One subject/level takes only one action/round, –1 to AC, Reflex saves, and attack rolls. CRB
Spider Climb, Communal
As spider climb, but you may divide the duration among creatures touched. UC
Strangling Hair
Your hair animates and grapples. UM
Touch Injection
You can deliver an infusion, elixir, poison, or potion as a touch attack. UC
Undead Anatomy I
Take the form and some of the powers of a Small or Medium undead. UM
Versatile Weapon
Weapon bypasses some DR. APG
Water Breathing
Subjects can breathe underwater. CRB

4th-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells from Paizo
Spell Name M/F Description Source
Curse of Magic Negation M Target gains the negated spellblight. UM
Dimensional Anchor
Bars extradimensional movement. CRB
Fire Trap M Opened object deals 1d4 damage + 1/level. CRB
Globe of Invulnerability, Lesser
Stops 1st- through 3rd-level spell effects. CRB
Nondetection, Communal M As nondetection, but you may divide the duration among creatures touched. UC
Protection from Energy, Communal
As protection from energy, but you may divide the duration among creatures touched. UC
Remove Curse
Frees object or person from curse. CRB
Stoneskin M Grants DR 10/adamantine. CRB
True Form
Removes polymorph effects. APG

Acid Pit F Creates a pit with a layer of acid on the bottom. APG
Black Tentacles
Tentacles grapple all creatures within a 20-ft. spread. CRB
Dimension Door
Teleports you a short distance. CRB
Fleshworm Infestation
Worms deal hp and Dex damage. UM
Ghost Wolf F Conjure a Large, quasi-real, wolf-like creature made of black smoke that radiates fear and functions as phantom steed, and which can make attacks. OoG
Infernal Healing, Greater
Touch a creature with devils blood, giving it fast healing 4. ISWG
Minor Creation
Creates one cloth or wood object. CRB
Phantom Chariot
Conjures a quasi-real heavy chariot pulled by four horses. UC
Phantom Steed, Communal
As phantom steed, but you may divide the duration among creatures touched. UC
Secure Shelter
Creates sturdy cottage. CRB
Solid Fog
Blocks vision and slows movement. CRB
Summon Accuser
Summons a single accuser devil from Hell to do your bidding. RG
Summon Monster IV
Summons extraplanar creature to fight for you. CRB
Touch of Slime
Touch infests a target with green slime. UM
Arcane Eye
Invisible floating eye moves 30 ft./round. CRB
Detect Scrying
Alerts you to magical eavesdropping. CRB
Locate Creature
Indicates direction to familiar creature. CRB
Named Bullet
Imbues ammunition with accuracy against a specific creature type. UC
Scrying F Spies on subject from a distance. CRB
Share Senses
See/hear/smell what your familiar is. APG
Symbol of Revelation M Triggered symbol reveals illusions. UM
Tongues, Communal
As tongues, but you may divide the duration among creatures touched. UC

Pain encourages an outsider to obey you. UM
Ball Lightning
Flying balls of lightning deal 3d6 electricity damage each. APG
Detonate M Inflicts 1d8/level energy damage to all creatures within 15 ft. APG
Dragon's Breath
Gives you a dragon's breath weapon. APG
Fire Shield
Creatures attacking you take fire damage; you're protected from heat or cold. CRB
Hurricane Blast
Creates a severe blast of wind. AP:LoF
Ice Storm
Hail deals 5d6 damage in cylinder 40 ft. across. CRB
Resilient Sphere
Force globe protects but traps one subject. CRB
River of Wind
A stream of wind causes nonlethal damage and can knock down or push creatures. APG
Deafens all within cone and deals 5d6 sonic damage. CRB
Telekinetic Charge
Launches an ally through the air. UC
Vitriolic Mist
As fire shield, except acid damage. UM
Volcanic Storm
Hot rocks deal 5d6 damage. UM
Wall of Fire
Deals 2d4 fire damage out to 10 ft. and 1d4 out to 20 ft. Passing through wall deals 2d6 damage + 1/level. CRB
Wall of Ice
Ice plane creates wall or hemisphere creates dome. CRB
Hallucinatory Terrain
Makes one type of terrain appear like another (field as forest, or the like). CRB
Illusory Wall
Wall, floor, or ceiling looks real, but anything can pass through. CRB
Invisibility, Greater
As invisibility, but subject can attack and stay invisible. CRB
Phantasmal Killer
Fearsome illusion kills subject or deals 3d6 damage. CRB
Rainbow Pattern
Lights fascinate 24 HD of creatures. CRB
Shadow Conjuration
Mimics conjuration below 4th level, but only 20% real. CRB
Shadow Step
Teleport from one shadow to another. UM
Shocking Image
As mirror image, but the duplicates emit electrical damage when destroyed. UC
Simulacrum, Lesser M Creates a double of a weak creature. UM
Wandering Star Motes
Outlines subject and produces light as a sunrod. APG

Age Resistance, Lesser
Ignore penalties from middle age. UM
Animal Aspect, Greater
As animal aspect, but you gain two animal qualities. UC
Beast Shape II
You take the form and some of the powers of a Tiny or Large animal. CRB
Calcific Touch
Touch attack slows target, 1d4 Dex damage. APG
Darkvision, Greater
See 120 ft. in total darkness. UM
Elemental Body I
Turns you into a Small elemental. CRB
Enlarge Person, Mass
1 humanoid creature/level doubles in size. CRB
Causes fire to burst up, dealing 2d6 fire damage. APG
Magic Siege Engine, Greater
Siege engine gains +1 on targeting and damage rolls for every four caster levels. UC
Mnemonic Enhancer F Wizard Only. Prepare extra spells or retain one just cast. CRB
Monstrous Physique II
Take the form and some of the powers of a Tiny or Large monstrous humanoid. UM
Obsidian Flow
Converts the surface of the ground into molten glass. UC
Reduce Person, Mass
As reduce person, but affects 1 humanoid creature/level. CRB
Ride the Waves
Target can breathe water and swim. UM
Stone Shape
Sculpts stone into any shape. CRB
Symbol of Slowing M Triggered rune slows creatures. UM
Vermin Shape I
Take the form and some of the powers of a Small or Medium vermin. UM

5th-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells from Paizo
Spell Name M/F Description Source

Break Enchantment
Frees subjects from enchantments, transmutations, and curses. CRB
Covetous Aura
Anytime a harmless spell of 3rd level or lower is cast within the area of effect, you may choose to gain the benefit of that spell as if it had also targeted you. ISWG
Forces a creature to return to its native plane. CRB
Life Bubble
Protects creature from sustained environmental effects. APG
Mage's Private Sanctum
Prevents anyone from viewing or scrying an area for 24 hours. CRB
Soothe Construct
Reduce the berserk chance of a construct. UM
Stoneskin, Communal M As stoneskin, but you may divide the duration among creatures touched. UC
Unbreakable Construct M Increase construct hardness or DR. UM
Wreath of Blades F Four mithral daggers speed around you, attacking nearby creatures and protecting your spellcasting from attacks of opportunity. UC

Acidic Spray M 1d6/level acid damage plus 1 round of acid. UM
Kills 3 HD or less; 4–6 HD save or die, 6+ HD take Con damage. CRB
Corrosive Consumption
Acidic patch damages an opponent. UM
Creates a geyser of boiling water. APG
Hostile Juxtaposition
You create a dimensional link with a targeted creature, and switch spots with it. UC
Hungry Pit
As create pit, but dealing 4d6 damage to those in it as it closes. APG
Mage's Faithful Hound
Phantom dog can guard a location and attack intruders. CRB
Major Creation
As minor creation, plus stone and metal. CRB
Planar Binding, Lesser
Traps extraplanar creature of 6 HD or less until it performs a task. CRB
Secret Chest F Hides expensive chest on Ethereal Plane; you retrieve it at will. CRB
Summon Infernal Host
Summon host devils. RG
Summon Monster V
Summons extraplanar creature to fight for you. CRB
Instantly transports you as far as 100 miles per level. CRB
Wall of Stone
Creates a stone wall that can be shaped. CRB
Contact Other Plane
Lets you ask question of extraplanar entity. CRB
Prying Eyes
1d4 + 1/level floating eyes scout for you. CRB
Symbol of Scrying M Triggered rune activates scrying sensor. UM
Telepathic Bond
Link lets allies communicate. CRB

Cone of Cold
1d6/level cold damage. CRB
Fire Snake
Creates a serpentine path of fire 5 ft. long/level that deals 1d6 fire damage/level. APG
Icy Prison
Thick ice holds and damages the target. UM
Interposing Hand
Hand provides cover against 1 opponent. CRB
Lightning Arc
Targets in a line take 1d6 electricity/level. UM
Pain Strike, Mass
As pain strike, but affects multiple creatures. APG
Delivers short message anywhere, instantly. CRB
Sonic Thrust
Sound moves targets away from you. UM
Wall of Force
Wall is immune to damage. CRB
Wall of Sound
Sonic wall deflects and damages creatures. UM

Sends message to anyone sleeping. CRB
False Vision M Fools scrying with an illusion. CRB
Mirage Arcana
As hallucinatory terrain, plus structures. CRB
Sends vision dealing 1d10 damage, fatigue. CRB
Persistent Image
As major image, but with no concentration required. CRB
Phantasmal Web
Catches subjects in illusory web. APG
Changes appearance of 1 person per 2 levels. CRB
Shadow Evocation
Mimics evocation below 5th level, but only 20% real. CRB
Symbol of Striking M As symbol of death, but fills a 5-foot square. UC

Animal Growth
One animal doubles in size. CRB
Baleful Polymorph
Turns subject into harmless animal. CRB
Beast Shape III
You take the form of a Diminutive or Huge animal, or Small or Medium magical beast. CRB
Sonic sense gives you blindsight 40 ft. UM
Elemental Body II
Turns you into a Medium elemental. CRB
Energy Siege Shot
A Large siege engine deals energy damage that you designate with other effects depending on the type of energy you choose. UC
Fabricate M Transforms raw materials into finished items. CRB
Fickle Winds
Wind walls selectively block attacks. UM
Lighten Object, Mass

Monstrous Physique III
Take the form and some of the powers of a Diminutive or Huge monstrous humanoid. UM
Overland Flight
You fly at a speed of 40 ft. and can hustle over long distances. CRB
Creates passage through wood or stone wall. CRB
Planar Adaptation
Resist harmful effects of other plane. APG
Plant Shape I
Turns you into a Small or Medium plant. CRB
Gives one willing subject a new form. CRB
Rapid Repair
Construct gains fast healing 5. UM
Moves object, attacks creature, or hurls object or creature. CRB
Transmute Mud to Rock
Transforms two 10-ft. cubes per level. CRB
Transmute Rock to Mud
Transforms two 10-ft. cubes per level. CRB
Treasure Stitching M Objects on cloth become embroidered. APG
Undead Anatomy II
Take the form and some of the powers of a Tiny or Large undead. UM
Vermin Shape II
As vermin shape, but Tiny or Large. UM
Permanency M Makes certain spells permanent. CRB
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Strahd may go with a cleric, and the paladin could provide some healing.

Scott, the arcanist niche looks wide open if you're interested :)

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
basic Information
abil   cost    score    adjt
Str   00    10    ---
Dex    03    13    ---
Con    02    12    ---
Int    05    14    +4 (human +2, lv 4 +1, lv 8 +1)
Wis    05    14    ---
Cha    05    14    ---

Chaotic Good Human male wixard (transmuter) 9 

Hp: 6+1+4*8+8=47

A/C:     Touch:     Flat footed:     [dex: +1]

[B][U]Saves: base abil misc total[/U][/B]
[B]Fort[/B]    +xx  +   +  + 
[B]Ref[/B]     +xx  +   +  + 
[B]Will[/B]     +xx +   +  +



skill points:
2*9 (class) + 4*9 (abil) + 1*9 (race) + 1*9 (fav class) = 18+36+18= 72

Acrobatics (dex)           + 1   --    +6    +7    +14   (boots)
Climb (Str)                +20   +3    +3    +6    +32   (gloves) 
  (Bowyer/fletcher) (Int)  +20   +3    +5    +2    +30 
  (FEAT, CSTR LVL = 20) 
Handle Animal (Cha)        +10   +3    +4    ---   +17 
Heal (Wis)                 +20   +3    +6    +4    +33   (FEAT) 
  (dungeoneering) (Int)    +20   +3    +5    ---   +28 
  (geography) (Int)        +20   +3    +5    ---   +28 
  (nature) (Int)           +20   +3    +5    ---   +28 
  (arcane) (int)           ---   --    +5    +20   +25   (headband) 
  (Planes) (int)           ---   --    +5    +20   +25   (headband) 
Perception (Wis)           +20   +3    +6    ---   +29 
Profession (hunter) (Wis)  +15   +3    +6    ---   +24 
Ride (Dex)                 +14   +3    +5    ---   +22
Spellcraft (Int)           +15   +3    +5    ---   +23 
Stealth (Dex)              +20   +3    +7    ---   +30   (ring +10**) 
Survival (Wis)             +20   +3    +6    +4    +33 
  (FEAT) (+10 for tracking) 
Swim (Str)                 +15   +3    +4    +5    +27   (gloves) 

Items: (50,000 gp)

[B][U]Items:                    cost     weight[/U][/B]
dagger,adamentine +1               5 002.0 gp  
Non magic adamentine daggers 1    3 001 gp
Boat, Folding                      7 200.0 gp     
decanter of endless water          4 500.0 gp     
Sustaining Spoon                   5 400.0 gp     

Handy haversack                    2 000.0 gp     Slot: back
belt of physical perfection: +6  144 000.0 gp     Slot: Waist
boots stride/spring                  500.0 gp     Slot: feet
Cloak of Resistance +3             9 000.0 gp     Slot: shoulders
gloves of swimming and climbing    6 250.0 gp     Slot: hands
headband of Mental +6             144 000.0 gp     Slot: headband
   Superiority-skills: know planes & arcane
necklace adaptation                9 000.0 gp     Slot: neck **
Amulet of natural armor +5        50 000.0 gp     Slot: neck
Ring of force shield Cost          4 250.0 gp   Slot: hand 2

potion haste           0             750.0 gp     
bulls strength                        450.0 gp
cats grace                             450.0 gp
bear's endurance                       450.0 gp
owl's wisdom                           450.0 gp
eagle's splendor                   450.0 gp
fox's cunning                      450.0 gp


bonded object: wand
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First Post
I'm starting on fleshing out my pally and do you want a background? This seems to be a straight dungeon crawl and dosen't rally call for a fleshed out background, in my opinion.

Also I have some family business to attend to this weekend and will be out of town. I will try to post my character by then but can not make the promise


This may be a dungeon crawl but it's still D&D (well, PF). You don't have to write a book - we aren't playing 2nd edition - but I certainly want some PC background and descriptive characterization.

Why does he do what he does? Does he have a life beyond adventuring? Does he have petty indulgences like drinking or a certain type of music? Note that Traits don't just give mechanical benefits - they are tied to your background and may give you ideas.

Much of it could be developed during the course of play - since, after all, that might not be long if he dies horribly right away :devil: - but you should have a sense of what he's like.

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