Shadowrun.DnD5 'DNA/DOA'


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The team gathers back together and then heads down the eastern hallway where Fluffy saw the broken door. As the team is passing the two heavy doors in the hallway Sovereign says "I am detecting a dedicated Node here for each door. My guess is that this lab is on backup power right now and the doors each have a dedicated power source. Anyone got a MagLock? I could try and overcome the Firewall, but a MagLock would be easier. If we want to come back and open it that is..."

The team continued around the corner, avoiding the gore and blood on the floor. Bloody humanoid footprints surrounded the mess and the "freshers" looking ones appeared to head back the way you just came. The team could see the heavy reinforced door down at the end of the hallway and two additional doors on the left (towards the north) side of the hall. As the pasted these Sovereign again confirmed the dedicated Nodes and independent (battery) power holding the doors closed.

Davos quietly approached the damaged door and was able to peek through a large gap near the top of the door frame. The room beyond was fairly large with a heavily damaged desk 10 feet beyond the door. On the opposite side of the wall the adapt saw two open elevator doors. Sparks were coming from a number of ceiling light fixtures that were ripped from their housing and only a few flicking soft emergency lights remained to only partially illuminate the rest of the room. Luckily this did not affect the elf's night vision and he could make out additional doors within. Davos could now tell that most of the damage to the door had been inflicted from the other side. Something incredibly strong has punched the reinforced door hard enough, multiple times to bend it within its frame. The gaps were not wide enough for anyone to squeeze through however...

The adapt then heard heavy breathing and a clumsy attempt at stealth within the room. Something large was standing just beyond the angle of where Davos could see it without trying to stick his head through the small gap.

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Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
“Yeah, don’t know about you guys... but I’m with Sovereign on this one: let’s find him an active node first,” expresses the squatting troll once the situation becomes clear. “I was thinking of sending our spirit friend here to look fora hardwired jack-in point... Would that work?”

Mostly addressing Sovereign and Juno here, their technology and sec experts.

“Or...” Other possible: “I killed a Watcher spirit back theother way: those usually last 'bout an hour... Might be a live mage to interrogate there.” He lifts large brows...


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GM: Just to make sure we are all on the same page...
[sblock=Updated Map] Map.DNA.DOA2.jpg[/sblock]


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Juno nodded at Davos when he asked about maglocks.

"I can bypass maglocks. Anything stiffer than that though, and we'll need some troll lockpicks."

She fell silent as the adept scouted ahead, gun in hand and ready to fire if he flushed anything out. Maybe like that mage Ntensity was talking about. Bad business fighting mages, unless you could take them by surprise. Hopefully Ntensity had some countermagic up his sleeve.


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Sovereign had followed Devos to the door and mentioned "Its got power still but its pretty heavily damaged. Juno or I could over come the lock but we might have to force it open..."

GM: I am not sure if the team is split up but with comlinks you can assume that you are all in communications with each other automatically. The lock is a standard Maglock which requires a Tools (MagLock) DC 15 check or a Intelligence (Computer Use) DC 25 to overcome. Then it has been damage and looks somewhat stuck in the frame. its going to be a Strength (Athletics) check to force it open

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
“Enough with the f***ing door,” growled NTensity, and who knows where that would have lead if he wasn’t on the path of Zen at the moment, so to speak. “I’m not running with a bunch of ass-hats who go around opening random doors, am I?”

Please tell me he isn’t.


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GM: Just need someone to decide I think :D. There are numerous doors both down this hallway and the other way. Now as Sovereign mentioned, you don't know where either the data or the samples are in the base. So to him one way is as good as another, just as an fyi

Voidrunner's Codex

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