Shadowrun.DnD5 'DNA/DOA'

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Juno doesn't find any ID or anything that might be useful on any of the bodies. Their clothing is torn to shreds as if the mutant creatures themselves where trying to pull them off but forgot how to undress.

GM: You or anyone else can make an Investigation check to look over the bodies

NTnisity peered into the bathroom and saw a massive pool of dried blood surrounding ripped clothing, cracked bones and small bits and pieces of what he assumes might have once been a person. It appears something torn the body apart and... consumed most of it. The troll can't really tell if it was a man or a woman. There are bloody foot prints all around the room that lead out but fade quickly. The prints appear to be metahuman shaped.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Perfect place to summon a spirit, he'd say.

"Now you guys cover *me*," he echoes Juno to the others, "while I get'us some local help." He drops down into a cross-leg before the blood-stained tiles. Once settled, he pulls out and lights an old-fashion joint of all things -- nudging up the corner of the mask to stick it in where it belongs.

A huge puff... and then he closes his babby blues.

[Sblock=Actions]NTensity will light a joint of Zen (some might note that he's got at least another of those in that pocket) and then try to summon a Mag3 Spirit of man.

That with which Man should not: 1D20+6+2 = [1]+6+2 = 9
Ah you're kidding me, right...? Angry spirit time!

Possible ideas for its shape :)
Formless thing that lurks under the tiles
Hovering spirit made of yellow police tape
Chalk outline
In the likeness of the dead victim
Blind inca medicine-man with seringes for fingers

EDIT: Zen temp HP: 2D6 = [4, 5] = 9
[/sblock].... his eyes snap back open just as quick and he starts pushing back with his feet, trying to scramble away from the blood stain as quick as he can! "Oh no no no no no"
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First Post
(Juno Investigate check to search the fallen: [roll0])

Juno's about ready to move out, her mask still on but her suit rolled up as tight as it'll go and tucked into one of her pouchest, when she catches a whiff of something in the air. Something...herbal?

"Ntensity...what the drek..." she stashes her irritation over him toking up when she hears the fear in his voice though. With a whisper of motion she's got her gun in her hands again.

"What's the situation?"


First Post
GM: So under Summoning it does mention that a natural 1 means the spirit might be angry and attack the summoner but then nothing more. So I want to edit with "If the summoner rolls a natural 1 on its summoning test the summoner must make a Charisma saving throw DC 10 + the spirits Magnitude. If the summoner makes the save the spirit simply refuses to serve the summoner and returns to its native plane. If the caster fails the Spirit will manifest as its action and the attack the summoner with the best of its abilities. It ignores all other targets, including those that attack it. It is dismissed when it is reduced to 0 Hit Points or Banished."
So NTestity loses 1 MP and needs Charisma save DC 13 or something crawls up from under the dead body


First Post
NTensity first attempt to call forth a spirit resulted in something dark to rise up around or under the body of the remains in the bathroom. It flared an angry red for a second and then disappeared back to its own realm. The second time the troll concentrated and barked a few short words nothing happened. Finally pouring his will into the attempt a spirit appeared before him in astral space. Eyes formed within its shapeless body and looking straight at the troll it muttered (in words only the shaman heard) "This one has answered your call master. What services do you wish this one to perform?"

GM: You can decide what the spirit looks like. Spirits of Man often look like machinery or a collection of garbage or a pale metahuman maybe wearing street cloths or doctor's scrubs, etc.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
The second time the troll concentrated and barked a few short words nothing happened.

Finally pouring his will into the attempt a spirit appeared before him in astral space. Eyes formed within its shapeless body and looking straight at the troll it muttered (in words only the shaman heard) "This one has answered your call master. What services do you wish this one to perform?"
Formal, quips the troll to himself, letting another breath of Zen bring him back down towards peace now that he’s succeeded.

“Oh great spirit of Aztechnology’s bathroom, what secrets hav’you heard, what canya tell us about this place? It’s a women’s bathroom,” he explains to the others in a lower voice.

OOC: Let’s have it manifest so the others can it hear to? Mostly looking for info on the recent event OR big events OR less than stellar security practices (“you know, Miguel got into trouble again for leaving his pass codes on a post-it under his desk” ;) That sort of thing.)


First Post
OOC: Let’s have it manifest so the others can it hear to? Mostly looking for info on the recent event OR big events OR less than stellar security practices (“you know, Miguel got into trouble again for leaving his pass codes on a post-it under his desk” ;) That sort of thing.)

GM: You can have it manifest, what would you like it to look like? You can have the Spirit do an Aura Reading of the area or you could do it yourself. This is an Insight check (+2 because of your Mentor Spirit bonus). A base DC of 10 get you the basic "bad feeling and taste in your mouth" feels that you had when you first astral projected into the area. Otherwise...
[sblock=DC 15]The area feels like it has been corrupted somehow. Not just do to the murders but something sinister or toxin mana in the air...[/sblock]
[sblock=DC 20]The area has been polluted somehow with a toxin magical reside that leaves you feeling a bit sick. Something that should not have been, is...[/sblock]
[sblock=DC 25]The area has been polluted with Blood Magic. You have heard rumors of this before. It is a type of magic that uses Metahuman blood to fuel dark magic. This blood is not collected voluntarily... it is forced out of the victim most painfully![/sblock]
Note the High DC is really hard to discover just from reading the aura here BUT you have. It will get easier later ;)
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Diggs looks at Fluffy. "You go explore. I'm gonna get some shuteye."

Diggs sits in a corner and promptly falls asleep. And by falls asleep, I mean he takes complete control of Fluffy and goes exploring.

Voidrunner's Codex

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