Shadowrun.DnD5 'DNA/DOA'

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As the troll dodged back away from the creature in front of him, Juno’s gun barked twice, loudly in the room. Her first shot blew a large hole through the center mass the mutant in front of her. As that creature was falling she quickly spun and caught the monster that NTensity was just near a solid shot that almost knocked it off its feet! Davos’s blades sliced through the creature he was facing, cutting it to pieces of meat and gore as it feel to the floor dead! Sovereign took a shot at the wounded monster but missed but luckily Diggs had better aim and his large pistol blasted the last creature off of its feet. The echo of gun fire slowly gave way to an unnatural silence as the team look about the carnage before them.

While the creature looked vaguely metahuman it was obvious they had undergone radical changes, and recently. All of them were wear wearing tarred and torn clothing, two apparently what once might have been lab coats and scrubs and the other two maybe business suits (it was hard to tell the quality as they were so torn up and covered in dried blood and gore). One of the creatures was also wearing the remains of a shoulder holsters for a pistol but it was badly damaged and the weapon and any additional ammo-clips were missing…

GM: Sorry I was waiting to [MENTION=6855204]tglassy[/MENTION] but…
Round 2 continued…
Mutants -20
NTensity -18
Juno -16
Davos - 8
Diggs - 3
Sovereign -3

[sblock=Rolls & Results]NTensity took the Disingate action and moved back away from the mutant attacking him.
Juno shot and killed one in front of her with first shot. Second shot against the one on NTensity as that was the one that moved away and is not in melee with anyone this round (so no disadvantage attack against it). That deals 21 points of damage too it bring it down to 1 HP
Davos’s attack kill the mutant on him.
The Sovereign shots Attack (vs. AC 13); Damage if it hits: 1D20+3 = [2]+3 = 5; 2D6+1 = [1, 3]+1 = 5, misses.
Then Diggs Attack (vs. AC 13); Damage if it hits: 1D20+3 = [13]+3 = 16; 2D8+3 = [4, 2]+3 = 9, and that kills it![/sblock]



First Post
Juno risked a glance down at the creatures, still covering the corridor they'd come in through as she does. The sick crawling feeling in her gut doesn't show on her face, but there's disgust audible in her voice.

"Of course they were people."

She then looked around at the others, checking to see if anyone was visibly hurt.

"All right. If you guys can cover me while I get out of this suit, I'll take point going in. No telling how many more people are...affected by this, so we'll go room by room, not leave any doors or unexplored places at our backs. We don't know if this thing is contagious, so no hiding injuries. Immediate first aid might give a fighting chance."

(OOC - All Juno's firearms have sound suppression, for what it's worth. :))


Diggs looks up, having had to fiddle with a joint at his cyber knee.

“What?” He said, at their stares. He looks to Fluffy. “What?”

OOC: Sorry. I’ve got a little too much going on.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"That was... fun," quips the troll, holding his huge fist for Diggs the dwarf to bump -- a heartfelt thank you for the timely rescue.

Close one too. Before doing anything else, the shaman quickly reaches into the astral and wraps Sparks' protective wings around himself, tiny blue sparks cascading over an invisible bubble-shape before fading into invisibility...

Still there though. And he can breathe a bit easier.

"Of course they were people."
A shug, "Guess it wasn't a f***ing breakthrough that made'em clamshell a coupla days ago after all..." NTensity agrees.

He squats down to look at the dead ones from as far away as he possibly f****ing can, reaching a hand out.... But *no way* he's poking into those bloody, oozy things without gloves on!

"You guys search'em?"

Actions: Cast Armor on himself, please.
Can he use his Move to help Fluffy drop down to the lobby floor? If so, he will.
Are we still in rounds?


First Post
Juno, still in her hazmat suit, sighs unhappily and gingerly goes through the pockets of the slain ex-humans, looking for ID and possibly passkeys, if they're very lucky.

(OOC - Current plan is to stay in the gas mask. Someone else should probably do the Perception checks. :))


First Post
Actions: Cast Armor on himself, please.
Can he use his Move to help Fluffy drop down to the lobby floor? If so, he will.
Are we still in rounds?

GM: Assumed... just remember the Magic Point cost. Yes he can move the drone down as an Action though. No roll required and we are out of Rounds.

After NTensity casts a quick spell he reached up to lower the big drone to the ground. When done Sovereign clears his throat, saying "I'm not as athletic as the rest of you. A hand would be appreciated..."

Leaving her gas mask on Juno quickly removed her hazmat suit.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"Good puppy," NTensity pats it on the... turret. "Now gover there and guard that corner will you?" (The one to the east, obviously).

He himself rises to peer into the b-room's broken door where that *other* disaster happened, shotgun at low-ready.

"Anything, Juno?" he asks without looking fully back.

Actions: Investigate the bathroom, including trying to piece together what might've happened please.
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