Monstrous Menagerie II: Hordes & Heroes is live! 300+ more monsters for your D&D 2024, or Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition games, plus new horde rules and rules for heroic monsters who level up alongside you--whether they be allies, companions, or foes! Back it now on Kickstarter!
Doing stand ups without exposing yourself is extremely difficult and requires substantial training.
I think the trouble with something like this is that there’s no point where this becomes a tactic that is weighed versus making two attacks on a turn to turn basis. It will either be worse than making two attacks and never be used, or it will be better than making two attacks and it will be used every turn.Hello everyone. This goal was just to make this tactic more worthwhile for players seeking more combat options for their fighters. I am worried about this becoming a too often used tactic. Currently, in my experience, this is underutilized.
I am trying to make this option more worthwhile and more commonly used.
I think it sounds fine, but I suggest giving them an ability to get up without provoking OA. Maybe if they spend all there movement getting up, or succeed in acrobatics check
I think the trouble with something like this is that there’s no point where this becomes a tactic that is weighed versus making two attacks on a turn to turn basis. It will either be worse than making two attacks and never be used, or it will be better than making two attacks and it will be used every turn.