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Six Nights to Year's End (Merged)


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Glau's voice rises over the din of battle, "They head deeper into the cavern; surely the prison itself lies that way. Follow them!" He continues to cover the rear of the group, holding his gun at the ready to shoot any targets that may appear.

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Having never been here before, Tsal stays near the middle of the group and follows the crowd, taking a shot when a target appears.


Kaeso simply nods at Glau's words then continues after the goblins. He continues using his tower shield as cover so he can deflect gunfire headed his way.

Deuce Traveler

The party rushes into the northern room and past the doorway, Kaeso and Skrymer in the lead. The room has a ceiling that is 30 feet high and is larger than the previous ones, 60 feet wide by 50 feet to the north-south. The northern part of the room ends at a east-west running stream of water that is 20 feet across. On the other side of the water is a 10 foot tall wall with a mechanical platform that is being raised and pulled away from you by a goblin operator.

Between you and the water stands two ranks of enemies. The first rank is 20 feet ahead of you and consists of one bloodied bugbear and four uninjured bugbears. 10 feet behind them are seven goblins with rifles.

There are two goblin teams consisting of three goblins each standing on the top of the wall across from the stream. Each handles a small cannon on a swivel platform. As the party appears they let loose with a round of scattershot fire at the lead men.

OOC: Skrymer and Kaeso make their reflex saves, but still take damage. Kaeso takes 4 points of damage and Skrymer takes 6 points of damage).


HP: 102/112, AC: 28, touch 16, flat 27

Facing a wall of bugbears with a line of rifle-goblins behind them, Kaeso strides calmly to the first of the enemy ranks. He swings his flail at the bloodied bugbear and hopes his shield will protect him from some of the goblins' volleys.

[sblock=actions]Move 20feet to bloodied bugbear, attack.
Combat Expertise activated for -5 atk / +5 AC (dodge bonus)
Melee attack: MW Flail (+7, 1d8+4, 19-20/x2, bludgeoning)[/sblock]
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Deuce Traveler

Verosh moves first, wading into the center of the battle but misses one of the bugbears in the front ranks. Glau stays back and takes a shot at one of the goblin riflemen, but also misses. Skrymer is more successful as he moves along to the right side of Verosh, wounding a bugbear.

Tsal aims at one of the goblins who is reloading the small cannons and fires twice, the first round injuring the cannon operator, and the second killing him (OOC: Am I reading this right? Your cannon does additional fire damage within 30 feet of the round's impact?)

Davian's own shot goes wide, and the fumble causes him to be off on his aim with his next shot (-2 to hit on Davian's next round). Kaeso wades into the melee, striking down the injured and nearly collapsed bugbear on his way to the line of enemies and to Verosh's left.

Two bugbears attack Verosh, although the miss badly, one badly enough that he trips and falls prone beside the litoran. Two more attack Skrymer, with results nearly as bad as the first two. The riflemen see Skrymer as the greatest threat, however, and attack the werebear with deadly precision (-28 points of damage to Skrymer). Two more take potshots at Kaeso, and although one round bounces off his shield, the other knicks an exposed thigh (-5 hps to Kaeso).


First Post
Glau steps towards the center of the line, cups his hands to his mouth, and emits a low, vibrating note.

OOC: Cast Balagorn's Iron Horn, oriented to catch as many of the goblins as possible within the cone (any bugbears he hits are a bonus). This will end Glau's Inspire Courage, but the effect should persist for 5 rounds.

[sblock="Balagarn’s Iron Horn"]Balagarn’s Iron Horn(MoF p79)
<Trans[sonic], VS, 1StdAct, Close-range, no save>
– A Cone of intense vibrations trip those in the area. Make a trip check for each target as if the attacker had a Strength of 20.[/sblock]


HP: 97/112, AC: 28, touch 16, flat 22

Now that he has closed with the bugbears, Kaeso utilizes his intensive training with the Flail to sweep at the legs of his opponents. He pays more attention to blocking with his shield than to his attacks, ever conscious of standard procedure for fighting in a line formation.

[sblock=actions]Full attack: make an improved trip attack on any still-standing bugbear within reach, then trip another with the second attack if the first succeeds. If the first fails, try tripping the same one again. Combat expertise is still on: +5 ac / -5 attack.
(ugh, special rules) Tripping with a weapon: make a melee touch attack with the flail, no attack of opportunity provoked. Then Kaeso makes a strength check (with +4 bonus, improved trip) opposed by the bugbear's str or dex check. If the trip succeeds, he gets a free melee attack against the opponent (improved trip).
Touch attack: +7 / +2
Strength check: d20+6 / d20+6
Melee attack: +7 (d8+4), +2 (d8+4)

If a prone bugbear provoke an attack of opportunity from Kaeso when standing, that attack will be a trip as well. He can make 2 AoOs per round. (combat reflexes)[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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