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"....so we tossed the jerk out...."

Kristivas said:
Sadly, it just doesn't work that way.. *sobs* Just 19 more years of sitting on my porch with a shotgun in an old rocking chair for me.....

Nah, the shotgun thing doesn't cut it anymore. People are used to it. There's no fear.

Try it with a crossbow. It's dangerous, and they'll think you're nuts for even owning the thing. :)

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First Post
Mouseferatu said:
Nah, the shotgun thing doesn't cut it anymore. People are used to it. There's no fear.

Try it with a crossbow. It's dangerous, and they'll think you're nuts for even owning the thing. :)

...good idea! Plus, it'll make for great proppage for games!


First Post
Draxx said:
I can sympathize with your situation. As a fellow christian I try to be tolerant of others, but I do not tolerate slamming my religous beliefs. Especially by someone who is a guest in my home. As a new parent to a beautful 1 year old girl, you were far more tolerant than I would have been of someone eying my daughter especially an underage girl!! In my home!!! I would have told this creep in no uncertain terms to get some counciling and get out of my house double quick or be tossed out on his ear!

All in all you did the right thing, as I realize you most likely were trying to avoid creating a conflict within the group or straining friendships with the player who liked the guy and asked you to let him join your group. The christian thing to do! However I am glad you finally tossed him out!

Best regards,


Thanks!!! :D Yes, despite my wise-arse attitude here, laced with curmudgeonly talk, I'm actually a softie. I'm more of the Wallace Shawn/T-Rex from Toy Story, going "I don't like confrontation!" ;)

Yes, the thing with my daughter DID raise my eyebrows, but, as I said before, her two unofficials uncles were also looking out for her, and one's martial arts expert and the other has a gun collection and is applying to a police academy! ;)

The religion thing hit first, but, lest I get that old "You Christians are intolerant!", I decided to turn the other cheek, as well as a blind eye, and a deaf ear, and let it slide. The other "crimes" hit later, and were justification enough.

I actually had to sit my daughter down and really just shoot from the hip and say "Listen, you must understand...you're outgoing, intelligent, an extremely attractive girl, and you are an avid gamer. There's a segment of the gaming population that would consider you the ultimate dream girl. And some in that segment don't have the best manners or social graces. Just be careful, and be aware!" :)


Not your screen monkey (he/him) 🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️
Draxx said:
I can sympathize with your situation. As a fellow christian I try to be tolerant of others, but I do not tolerate slamming my religous beliefs. Especially by someone who is a guest in my home.

And, of course, there are those of us on the flip side of that. Don't bring your religion into my home unless you're willing to let me question your faith, vigorously. Same with politics. We've had several gaming sessions temporarily derailed as we discussed current politics. We still had a good time discussing things, but we weren't exactly gaming. Election years tend to be like that.

It's all a question of having the common courtesy to get along with your hosts and fellow gamers. Misunderstandings and the occasional faux pas will happen as you learn each other's boundaries, but fortunately most people won't dive over the boundary lines fully and regularly (especially not by scarfing all of the muffins when directly asked to distribute them).


Not your screen monkey (he/him) 🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️
Kapture said:
I think everybody in my game likes different drinks, and so they all bring what they like.

Everybody shares the food booty, though.


People are often especially "that way" with drinks. I can't stand Pepsi, for example, so I wouldn't even think of drinking someone else's Pepsi contribution. And then there's the diet soda drinkers vs non-diet. People particular about the scotch they drink and so on...

Fortunately, everyone I game with for the weekly game night likes beer so we can share easily. :D


First Post
billd91 said:
And, of course, there are those of us on the flip side of that. Don't bring your religion into my home unless you're willing to let me question your faith, vigorously. Same with politics. We've had several gaming sessions temporarily derailed as we discussed current politics. We still had a good time discussing things, but we weren't exactly gaming. Election years tend to be like that.

It's all a question of having the common courtesy to get along with your hosts and fellow gamers. Misunderstandings and the occasional faux pas will happen as you learn each other's boundaries, but fortunately most people won't dive over the boundary lines fully and regularly (especially not by scarfing all of the muffins when directly asked to distribute them).

Absolutely. And speaking for myself, at least, my faith's not worth having if it can be shaken up by a simple off-topic conversation before or after a gaming session! :)

But as a rule, I tend to keep matters of politics and religion away from the gaming table (and a few other topics like interpersonal relationships and issues of intimacy). In fact, my horror story about that guy who asked my religion was important, since, if you notice, I didn't start the conversation on the matter. As a rule, my approach to politics and religion in conversation is that I won't initiate it, but if someone asks me, I'll give them my viewpoint/stance. If they don't ask, I don't make it a point of bringing it up. :D

Politics can be nasty. One of my old groups had a gun totin', Rush-worshipping hardline Fundy, and an extreme left-wing, feminist/activist type. And here's poor me, Mister Raging Moderate, stuck in the middle. ;)

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