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So where are you now?


Well, my 3.5 edition E6 variant campaign is on hold while I very slowly move into my mother's house with her..

I'm running a bit of Dungeonworld online (with one face-to-face game), and playing an occasional session of 4e online, even though it is my least favorite version of DnD.

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Argyle King

Where am I now?

Currently, the primary games I play are not D&D.
GURPS 4th Edition is my personal favorite. It has held that position for 2-3 years now. I often compare 5th Edition to it because the idea of a modular game is something I'm now familiar with, and, due to the GURPS Dungeon Fantasy line, I have what I believe is some experience with a modular approach to a D&D style game. http://www.sjgames.com/gurps/books/dungeonfantasy/

Star Wars Edge of The Empire has also become a big focus for my primary group. I myself think very highly of it. While it's not exactly a fantasy game in the same vein as D&D, it's made a big enough impact on my primary group to compete with (and often win out over) D&D. For me personally, I find that between it (Star Wars EoTE) and GURPS, I have a really good balance between two games which have different styles. I've actually toyed with the idea (and have some great success) blurring the lines between the two; in particular, I use the idea of the destiny pool in a GURPS DF game I'm running. Overall, I think SWs has been a great palette cleanser to refocus the group on things like story and narrative. For a while, it seemed that our D&D sessions were somehow turning into an exercise in mechanics and optimizing. I'm not suggest that is the fault of D&D; I'm merely stating that was what happened. Anyway, the point is that SWs has become one of the primary games that my primary group plays. Though, to be honest, we haven't invested in the system beyond the first book and the beginner kit, so it remains to be seen how far we go with it. http://www.fantasyflightgames.com/edge_minisite.asp?eidm=232

Now, if we shift the discussion to solely D&D, I would have the following to say...

4th Edition is currently the primary D&D game among my main group. On a personal level, I have some issues with it, but, with time, I've learned how to change the game enough to come to terms with those issues. Also, while I do have those issues, the areas where I feel 4E improved D&D were done well enough that I have a hard time going back to 3rd or Pathfinder.

When it comes to 5th Edition, I have recently started participating in playtest events and Encounters sessions hosted at the local gaming store. Thus far, I have a relationship with the new rules which are eerily similar to my early experiences with 4th Edition. What I mean by that is I like some of the mentality behind the game, but I am not convinced the mechanics currently reflect that mentality in the way I'd like it to. There seems to be a disconnect between the two aspects of the game right now. There is a direction I hope it goes in, and there is also a direction I suspect it will be taken in to appease people other than myself. Overall, I like some of the ideas, but I'm unsure that I like the execution. In particular, I currently have some doubts that the core of the system is strong enough to support a modular approach; even if it is, I suspect the particular modules I would want will not be released for quite a while. As I said above, I currently do have a game available to me which can give me a D&D-like experience which is modular, and it does so without many of the D&D aspects which bother me. In the end, while I like some of the ideas I've seen from the playtest, there are some aspects of the system which haven't exactly compared well to my other options. It's a game I'll play, but I'm still not convinced it's a game I'll buy.

Surprisingly, I have recently been invited to a D&D 3.5 game. It's been a really long time since I've done more than just look at my 3.5 books for the purpose of converting them to a different game system. I accepted the invitation for many reasons. Firstly, I want to have a fresher mind toward the various editions of D&D; I want that because I want to be able to approach the 5E sessions I'm playing in with a fresh memory of my D&D past (both 3rd and 4th.) Secondly, the group I've been invited into has no connection to the groups I primarily game with, so it's an opportunity for me to look at how people game with a fresh set of eyes; recently, I've become increasingly interested in some of the social aspects of gaming. It gives me a chance to have a broader view of how people play the game and approach it; that (I believe) allows me to approach some of the gaming discussions I involve myself in with a more educated perspective. Thirdly, I'd just like a chance to explore the game again. There are so many options in books that I've never gotten a chance to experiment with, that it'll be nice to try some of them. If nothing else, being introduced to another group gives me a chance to create a larger player base for some of the games I enjoy.

I still have the 1st Edition reprints that I purchased. I've never actually played 1st, but perhaps I'll take them off the shelf some day and try to get something going with my kids. They've started to dabble in tabletop gaming. Though, that being said, one of the hardest things to explain to them has been the idea of classes. I've run a few classless systems for them, and they've gotten the hang of that. It seems likely that the reprints will be little more than a decoration on one of my bookshelves.


I played my last D&D a little over six months ago, a Pathfinder Rise of the Runelords game that TPK'ed on the end of the second book.

As of now, I'm playing Star Wars D6 and on the off weeks we've started up a Toon parody of the Star Wars game.

I also have been playing (a lot) of the Pathfinder card game, and I've actually been finding it more enjoyable than playing RPGs, or at least D&D.



I'm still running my monthly 4e Parsantium campaign, started in 2009, which I am planning to end next August in time for D&D Next (or maybe 13th Age).

I'm playing in a fortnightly Rise of the Runelords Pathfinder game and a fortnightly Glorantha/Pathfinder game, as well as a monthly Trail of Cthulhu game. Until recently I was also running and playing in various online D&D Next games but these have fizzled out. I'm also playing in a 4e game that happens pretty infrequently and have run a bit of 13th Age.

It's interesting to compare the various D&D editions/variants - as long as I'm gaming, I'm happy;)



Weather Report

I was running a 3rd Ed Planescape campaign from 2005, switched the campaign to 4th Ed in 2008, and became disillusioned in 2010 with 4th Ed, so the campaign has been on hiatus, I started perusing all editions of D&D to come up with my own sort of 2.5, I have also joined a fortnightly Pathfinder game (the one Rich is in, above, hey, Rich!), which is a blast, and also the first time I have been a player since 1993!

5th Ed is looking very much up my alley, and the ease of converting previous edition material is a big seller for me.

I also very much dig a slightly house-ruled SWSE.


I'm currently in two groups, in two different cities (I never really planned to get into actually playing rpgs until I was persuaded to just try a one-off character when I was visiting friends a couple of hours train ride away. So I've been travelling up there every six weeks or so for the last eight years or so).

The first group came together to play 3.0e - we use a couple of bits and pieces from 3.5, but not much. That had a long campaign (about five years, with a 10ish hour session every 5-6 weeks). Since that campaign finished, three of the five remaining players had ideas to GM, so we've been alternating. Two of them ran 3.0 games, while I ran a 4e game. That was supposed to be a one-off to try out the system, but the group liked the game I ran (although most of them are firmly in the "4e is not my d&d" category) so it continued.

I since started GMing a game in my own city, with a load of players who hadn't played any tabletop rpgs before (although several of them were veteran LARPers and CRPG players). That game was 4e as well, and the group were happy with the system.

I've run quite a number of 5e playtests in the last year or so - maybe 15 or so. Never actually played it yet, but then I've never played 4e and I've been running it for some years now :)

Both of the 4e games are going to convert to 5e at the next reasonable opportunity. The 3.0 group in Manchester were never very happy with 4e as a system and hugely preferred 5e (they're talking about using it for new campaigns, which was never considered with 4e). The other group were happy to change after a few playtests and though they like 4e, the ability to choose how complex you want your character in 5e suits the group a lot more.

I've been doing some test conversions from 4e to 5e with a couple of people in the group (We're probably not actually going to switch until next year some time, but working out how hard it is will be useful, because I'm going to help about nine people convert their character in the next few months). So far it's been pretty good, and the players have been really happy with the new versions, at least on paper. Haven't actually played them yet, obviously.


My adult group is continuing our 4e game. We are nearing the end of the heroic tier. I am thinking about going through paragon and trying epic for the first time. I am getting ready to start a simplified 13th Age with my sons.

Going forward I may try to do 13th Age with the adult group when we wrap up our 4e campaign, but if D&D Next is out by then we may try that instead. My group isn't too crazy D&D Next yet but we will see what the final product is like.

Personal I will play any game but since I am the only one that wants to DM then I usually choose what we play. Right now all I want to DM is 4e or 13th Age.


I'm in the middle of running my 4E campaign, expecting it to probably run it for another 6 months to a year before it wraps up. After that, I expect that will be it for 4E for me for a while, as I've been running it continuously since it was first released and I've grown a bit bored by the system's picadillos. Having run Next both as a playtest game for a few sessions and at some cons, I'm reminded of the joys of theater of the mind gaming. However, in actuality once my 4E game wraps up (even though Next might actually be released by then), I'm hoping to finally run the Paranoia game that I've wanted to for several years, and am currently figuring out how to do so using Fate Core (which will be assisted greatly once the Fate System Toolkit gets released next month.)


I'm seeing a good many people headed towards the FATE system and I can say from personal experience that I like it. I played in a Gaslight: Victorian Fantasy RPG game where we used the FATE system and it was a blast. I seem to remember loads of people talking about how bad they thought the system was.

Voidrunner's Codex

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