D&D 5E So who is playing 5E?


We're converting from PF/3X to 5E. Have run 3 major multi-day sessions since the Starter Set came out.

Now, we're going to continue our Shackled City campaign.

House rules... We're in the process of converting some classes and feats from 3.x, PF, and Arcana Evolved (especially the giant race/class).

Also, using a lot of 3X/PF monsters (mostly just adjusting AC and Base Attack to 5E levels).

Also, allowing some 3X/PF spells and/or Warlock invocations.

Also, we're using the expanded weapon critical ranges of PF/3X (on the PC side, for now, but named NPCs will likely be able to use the expanded crit ranges, too).

Also, using the PF 25-point buy, instead of the 5E 27-point buy (about the equivalent of a 37-point buy in 5E).

You might want to check HP for any converted monsters as well. The 3x/PF version might be a little low.

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I'll be running Lost Mine of Phandelver from the start of October. Looking forward to seeing the new edition in action.


Wandering. Not lost. (He/they)
I'm DMing HotDQ, which started last night and was a roaring success.

I'm DMing a convert on the fly version of Ruins of Undermountin, which we've delved into a couple of times and enjoyed.

And I'm starting a LMoP google hangouts table with my in-laws (3 couples, husbands and wives).

I haven't gamed this much since college.



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I'm running Lost Mine for my captive gaming group, my four kids!

We kept trying PF but the modifier-creep sapped the immersion for the younger kids.

5e's simpler approach is much easier and the kids have taken to it wonderfully.


In 1987, at age 11, I started playing D&D with my older sister and one of my friends from Cub Scouts. We played a lot -- two or three times a week after school -- until jr. high happened, and then after that only sporadically. Now, 27 years later, to my great joy, we are playing again. Now joined by my brother-in-law and my 8 year old niece. I'm running Lost Mine of Phandelver for them using Google Hangouts and Roll20, since now we are separated by half the world. My sister was highly skeptical of 5e, preferring the Old Ways, but after giving it a try we are all having great fun.

Meanwhile, here in Japan, I'm also running it for Encounters at the neighborhood FLGS, to a mix of Americans and Japanese, novices and veterans. In contrast to my old group, most of this group are 4e players, some of them only knowing that edition. Again, some skepticism, but giving it a try we are all having great fun.

Finally, one of the players in my Lost Mines group is also running Hoard of the Dragon Queen for Encounters, and I actually get to play in that. So, there's just a lot of variety: playing, running, home games, organized play, in-person, over video chat/virtual table, real rough outlines/gridless play, play using maps and minis, virtually Basic Rules only, all of the PHB available... It's kinda achieving everything I hoped for during the playtest.


I'm running a game online set in the Silver Marches in FR. I'm about to join a new group as a player that is starting up a game next week, too. Not sure of the specifics yet.


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Haven't played in almost 20 years. I then heard the buzz about 5e and thought that now might be a good time to give it another go. I started talking to friends of mine and they all got excited and now we're going to our FLGS this Tuesday for our first game.

Once we get a feel for it after our long absences (anywhere from 15-20 years) we're going to start a monthly campaign that I've already begun to write. By the time MM and DMG are out, we should be ready. I cannot wait.

I converted my twice-monthly 4e game over to 5e as soon as the PHB came out. I was getting tired of the very lengthy combats. Homebrew setting. Looking forward to MM for more examples of monsters on which to base converting some 4e monsters, and the DMG for any of the advice it will have on using older content.

Also running (in theory--we've yet to actually play) a FR campaign that I started during the playtest.

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