"So who's going to be Hotter Marki or Alana"

Well, so much for enjoying that show anymore.

Marki never got picked, but Alana did (saved the guy's rear twice in a row).

Then there was the former pre-med who didn't know what an esophagus was.

Anyway, all I could think about was:

What will Alana look like in 10 years? (She corrected Foxworthy on her age, she's 9, not 10; thus she has 9 more years before she could move into the Playboy Mansion and be 89 Year Old Hef's Latest Girlfriend).

I don't feel so good now.

Anyway of the various Mental Images that run through my head as to which Hottie would have looked liked Alana at age 9 included: Amerie, Eva Mendez & Eva Longoria. See for yourself below.

(Alana's the first one, if you need help).

The funny part was they had ABSOLUTLY no interest in these girls now. The interest will be in 10 years. When they are in their 30's. I guess they are planning ahead to trophy wife #2.


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kenobi65 said:
Yeah, she does. A great face, but needs a bit more in the curve department.

I joke that my dream menage a trois would be with Rachael Ray and Keira Knightley, and it would include having Rachael cooking some hearty meals to get some meat on poor Keira's bones.
I'd buy that, especially with that EVOO - on second thought, throw out Keira and just give me Rachel. I'll make something good in 30 minutes, IYKWIMAITYD.

Here's a thought:

These kids were pre-chosen because of their good grades.

They then had to go through some sort of Talent Evaluation (Mini-American Idol).

I really hope all these kids just go back to school after this is all done.

My fear is some parent is going to take some casting directors "You kids seems to work very well on camera for this." to mean "This kid is the Best Actor since Brando. This kid should be a movie star."

I really hope none of these kids (or their parents) try to parlay this into Child Star Status.

I think ay of these kids could turn their "Fifth Grader" Status into a few commercials, maybe even a Guest spot on some CW mid-season replacment series.

But I think if any of these kids try to go the Child Star Route, Hollywood's going to eat them alive (as it does with 95%+ of child actors).

PS at the mall yesterday I saw a 13 year old girl (I know because here mom was talking to her). Low-Rider Pants. As in "Built in Pencil Holder" It might have only been a Quarter Moon, but it was there for all to see. It had "Juicy" written across the seat.

And 3" Heels.

And a Halter Top.

She was complaining to her mom how she needed a new cell phone. One that took pictures, video, and mathced the one Susie has. And is Pink.

Exactly when did parenting become a Request based system as opposed to the Absolute Dictatorship I grew up with?


First Post
this thread is going in weird strange ways

I always felt a little guilty seeing the "cute teen" on movies or TV and thinking, "What is she going to look like in 4 or 5 years?"

I must - thankfully - say I never considered it for that show, though. The weirdest is the people the acknowledge that the animated Kim Possible is hot. :eek:


First Post
Meh, I don't think that looking at an animated character and thinking they are hot is a bad thing.....necessarily.


First Post
Aurora said:
Meh, I don't think that looking at an animated character and thinking they are hot is a bad thing.....necessarily.
Depends on the character, IMHO.
Jessica Rabbit, okay. Roger Rabbit, not okay.
Lion-O or Cheetara, okay. Snarf, not okay.



ssampier said:
The weirdest is the people the acknowledge that the animated Kim Possible is hot. :eek:
Is that because she's supposed to be 15? It's the age thing, right?

'cause Erin E-surance? Smokin' hottie. :D

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