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Solo Adventure (See inside for rambling details)

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Velmont said:
I would not consider myself as a fan of Eberron. I find it an interesting world, but I'm still a lot clueless about it (and that's a reason why I like it). For example, it is teh first time I hear from Sarlona (and it took time to figure it wasn't on the same continent than Khorvaire), nor I am not familiar with the Dark Flame or the Whispering Flames.

Up to now, I start to be familiar with the house Cannith, Warforged and artificers (because of my artificer in LEB) and also with the Cult of Dragon Below , Daelkyr and Abberant dragon mark (Because of teh game Warrior of the Coast, where I've been playing a Sorcerer with an abberant dragonmark and who has been possessed by a Daelkyr... :heh: ). And even then, I know little dark about those subject.

But at the same time, if the master is familiar about Eberron, there is many interesting story that can come out of it.
While I have most of the Eberron books, I've never actually played in the setting. I have the most familiarity in playing in the Forgotten Realms Setting(and own most of the books), but I also have access to the following; Dragonlance, Oritental Adventures and a few others that I can't think of at the moment :heh:
Velmont said:
I was thinking of which concept I wanted to play, as there is many I havn't played yet. It's been a while I want to play a Warlock. I've never got teh chace to play a Psionic Class either. In Eberron, the druids organization make the class more interesting, and also the new races make some good changes. Changelling and Shifter are appealling.
Any class you want to play if fine by me. I happen to like both the Warlock and the Psionic classes
Velmont said:
But the concept of the character will fit more with the spirit of the game. And I've been thinking about it. I don't want to play teh mercenary type of hero. I think LEW and LEB give you little choice and you must play that kind of hero. You are waiting in the Inn to find employement. I've found always more challenging and interesting to be in survival mode, when all seems against you and you must only do that, survive. That mean when you are falsely accused, you go after the true criminal to wash your reputation. When you are ostracized, you must keep low profile or get the population on your back (that's must be why the Warlock class sounds interesting to me). Survival doesn't mean to be always in combat, but it's sure you can have some good one, and some combat where teh only wise move to do is fleeing...

Lord Raven, what do you think about that? A campaign on the survival mode, the players against the world style, or something like that.

Anyone else have suggestion in that way.

It can be either in Eberron or in any other world.

Also, I will most likely take people who will give ideas as it seems it is me who choose the players.

Lord, for the dragon game, I'll start a thread soon and we will start to discuss on the details, what you want to see, what is your plan for your dragon, ect...
A survival mode campaign sounds like fun


Do you have an idea of what sort of character creation guidelines you would be looking at your fellow players to use, Velmont?


First Post
Lord_Raven88 said:
While I have most of the Eberron books, I've never actually played in the setting. I have the most familiarity in playing in the Forgotten Realms Setting(and own most of the books), but I also have access to the following; Dragonlance, Oritental Adventures and a few others that I can't think of at the moment :heh:

I'm not familiar with Eberron either. How much familiar are you with Dragonlance? I love that world. And I could see many way to do a survival game in it.

Kaodi said:
Do you have an idea of what sort of character creation guidelines you would be looking at your fellow players to use, Velmont?

We are far from it yet. First, teh setting, then the background of the main character and finally the stats.


First Post
Velmont said:
I'm not familiar with Eberron either. How much familiar are you with Dragonlance? I love that world. And I could see many way to do a survival game in it.
Well I happen to LOVE Dragonlance and have read the main novels a bigillion times.

I happen to have the Campaign Setting as well as the Bestiary, so I'd be good to go. You know I would love to do this setting, as I've always wanted to DM or play in this setting.

BTW I'd be happy to have my Black Dragon be in Dragonlance ;)


First Post
I was just thinking about if you went a warlock, he could be hunted down by the Orders of High Sorcery.

Perhaps the orders have reformed and have decided to hunt down any non-wizards (warlocks sorcerers etc), perhaps that's what you all have in common.

Anyway just a thought.

Land Outcast

Warlock, Sorcerer, Rogue Wizard (those who didn't go through The Test)...

what else is there?

oh, a kender (you don't need an excuse to have a kender tag along... they make up their own)


As it seems the setting is Dragonlance, when would the game be set?


First Post
Land Outcast said:
Warlock, Sorcerer, Rogue Wizard (those who didn't go through The Test)...

what else is there?

oh, a kender (you don't need an excuse to have a kender tag along... they make up their own)


As it seems the setting is Dragonlance, when would the game be set?
I can't say I'm a big fan of the age of mortals, it seemed pretty lame to me. But if it was set after the time of mortals I can easily have you hunted by the Towers of High Sorcery.

Saying that any time period is fine by me, I guess we need to nail down what type of campaign you guys want (because there are lots of ways to do the survival themed game), then we can work out what time period is the best.


On another note being a spellcasting kender :eek: would be a good reason to be hunted down by the Towers of HS.
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Land Outcast

Well, that's basically on Velmont's hands... (I don't have an idea... yet)

Btw, a spellcasting party would be... er... short lived (can you say "Exhausted after every fight"? how does the mage curse work mechanically?)
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I do not think I have ever played in Dragonlance, though perhaps I did briefly once on the ol' TSR Chat. While I haven't read the original trilogy a, uh, " bgillion " times, I have read it twice, and I think I own pretty much every Weis & Hickman Dragonlance novel ( not anthology ) there is, as well as Amber & Ashes (if Amber & Iron is out in paperback, I will get it eventually, but I'm falling beyond in novel collecting because I am out of money).

While being hunted by the Towers of High Sorcery would be rather intriguing... How exactly would you ever manage to stop being hunted by them? Velmont mentioned the idea of being able to clear your name as a campaign goal, but if you are an arcane magic user that cannot take the Tests, you're pretty much screwed and will be hunted forever, according to what you guys are saying.

Not sure what I would want to play in a Dragonlance survival game...

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