Special Conversion Thread: Lycanthropes and their ilk


Extradimensional Explorer
Swim 40 ft it is.

Forgot to answer on darkvision before. 60 ft.

Let's just go with the standard "up to one size smaller" on Imp Grab and let them use normal grappling rules otherwise.

Apparently loups have big families. How about 3-6 loups and assorted kids in an "extended family"?

You know, logically, I like your previous version 2 best with how the mating is done determining the type of child. Could you go with that?

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Swim 40 ft it is.


Forgot to answer on darkvision before. 60 ft.

I was fancying 90 foot darkvision, but I am open to persuasion.

Let's just go with the standard "up to one size smaller" on Imp Grab and let them use normal grappling rules otherwise.

As you like. It's Large in dire wolf form, so can grab most PCs.

That's the main objective after all :cool:

Apparently loups have big families. How about 3-6 loups and assorted kids in an "extended family"?

Kids are often excluded from Org lines if they're non-combatants. So are we talking 3-6 loups plus a few dire wolves, wolfweres and/or werewolves?

You know, logically, I like your previous version 2 best with how the mating is done determining the type of child. Could you go with that?

I'm fine with using that.

So shall I add "If a loup du noir mates with a human or another loup du noir, any offspring that results are loup du noir. Loup du noirs in dire wolf form can also breed with wolves, the resulting pups are wolfweres." to the Loup du Noir Working Draft?


Extradimensional Explorer
Darkvision range isn't so important to me, but I don't see the rationale for having it be too long. That's the main reason I'd pick 60 ft.

Yes, that's a good "mating" line to add to the flavor text.

Organization: Solitary, pair, or family (3-6 loups du noir, 1-4 dire wolves, 0-2 wolfweres, plus 0-2 werewolves)

If we want to add a pack, should we shift the werewolves (and wolfweres) to the pack?


Darkvision range isn't so important to me, but I don't see the rationale for having it be too long. That's the main reason I'd pick 60 ft.

Do I need a reason for liking something? ;)

Yes, that's a good "mating" line to add to the flavor text.

I'll update it with that then.

Organization: Solitary, pair, or family (3-6 loups du noir, 1-4 dire wolves, 0-2 wolfweres, plus 0-2 werewolves)

If we want to add a pack, should we shift the werewolves (and wolfweres) to the pack?

But the wolfweres are family. They're half-sisters and half-brothers, while the werewolves are merely victims.

You know, there's nothing in the original entry about them running with wolves or werewolves, and it specifically says they have no command over the werewolves they create.

So maybe we should not have werewolves in the "pack", i.e. use something like:

Organization: Solitary, pair, family (3-6), or pack (3-6 plus 5-8 dire wolves and/or 1-3 wolfweres)


Extradimensional Explorer
Make it "and" wolfweres in that last org, and I'm happy with that org. We could add 1-2 wolfweres in the family if you like, but I'm willing to assume they move out once they reach "combatant age."

Well, considering the original monster doesn't seem to have darkvision, doesn't it make sense to keep the range shortish at 60 ft?


Make it "and" wolfweres in that last org, and I'm happy with that org. We could add 1-2 wolfweres in the family if you like, but I'm willing to assume they move out once they reach "combatant age."

Come to think of it, wolfweres have a pathological hatred of werewolves and attack them on sight, so they wouldn't run in the same pack. Just as well I cut them out.

Presumably wolfweres're fine with Loup du Noirs, though.

I don't mind adding some wolfweres to the family, but I'd make it 0-2, not 1-2. Might as well allow for wolfwere-less packs as well.

How's this revision?

Organization: Solitary, pair, family (3-6 plus 0-2 wolfweres), or pack (3-6 plus 5-8 dire wolves and 0-3 wolfweres)

Well, considering the original monster doesn't seem to have darkvision, doesn't it make sense to keep the range shortish at 60 ft?

Oh, very well.

It's easy enough for me to use 90 ft. in the Cleon Not-Terribly-Special version. :cool:


Extradimensional Explorer
Did you trademark that one too? ;)

That org looks fine.

With that, is the template itself done? I'd be fine with "always CE" alignment as well as removing the ? in the "creating" section. I guess we need some description but can then move to the sample critter. Sound good?


Did you trademark that one too? ;)

Did you see a ™? :cool:

Hmm, I'd better get on the copyright office to protect my priceless intellectual property....

...Now no one can thieve a Cleon Not-Terribly-Special™ monster. ;)

That org looks fine.

With that, is the template itself done? I'd be fine with "always CE" alignment as well as removing the ? in the "creating" section. I guess we need some description but can then move to the sample critter. Sound good?

I'll just update the Loup du Noir Working Draft and check...

Are we letting it use darkvision in humanoid form as well as wolf form?

My instinct is to make it wolf-only.

Shall we stick to +3 for the Level Adjustment? It seems OK to me, considering its +4 CR adjustment.


Extradimensional Explorer
Leaving darkvision for the dire wolf form only is ok, as are the proposed LA and CR.

I think I'd rather do the sample before the description, if that's ok, and, while it should be a human, I think I'd like some more interesting class than 1st level warrior. How about a 5th level fighter or some such?


Leaving darkvision for the dire wolf form only is ok, as are the proposed LA and CR.

Well a standard Lycanthrope has its additional senses in humanoid form, but this ain't a standard lycanthrope.

So, I could see it going either way. If we make the darkvision something it gains from the Magic Wollfskin, why aren't we doing the same with the low-light vision and scent?

What does the selkie/silkie do?...

...oh, neither of them have any special sense. Bummer.

I think I'd rather do the sample before the description, if that's ok, and, while it should be a human, I think I'd like some more interesting class than 1st level warrior. How about a 5th level fighter or some such?

An evil ranger would seem to be a good match.

Also, I fancy adding an aquatic humanoid as a "Loup de Mer". Preferably one that'll have a different swim speed in seawolf form than humanoid form. That rules out Aquatic Elves and Tritons. (Incidentally, the 3E version of the Triton bears little resemblance to the AD&D one. Wonder why they mucked up that conversion?)

Sahuagin seems too obvious, and Merfolk a bit boring.

So, how about a Locathah?

Voidrunner's Codex

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