Special Conversion Thread: Lycanthropes and their ilk


Extradimensional Explorer
Hmmm, maybe we should try to add more class abilities to the wolf form. Or maybe the wolf is just for sneaking up on folks and an initial trip attack.

PS. Feel free to add the warrior.

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Hmmm, maybe we should try to add more class abilities to the wolf form. Or maybe the wolf is just for sneaking up on folks and an initial trip attack.

Alternate Form already lets it keeps the supernatural abilities and SLAs of its humanoid form when "wolfed" as well as extraordinary class abilities.

We could be very naughty and let it iterative attack with its bite, I suppose.

Maybe have its bite damage scale with HD using the Monk Unarmed Table would help?

Or we could just accept it's more of a penalty than a boon for high level martial types.

PS. Feel free to add the warrior.

Will do.

Updating the Loup du Noir Working Draft.


We still need skills for the basic Loup and the Mer Loup.

The first has 8 SPs in Warrior and 12 in Dire Wolf.

Handle Animal 4 & Intimidate 4 for the former, plus 3 each in Listen, Move Silently, Spot and Survival for the latter?

The second has 15 ranks in Locathah skills (Craft (any), Listen, Spot, Swim) and 18 in Dire Wolf.

5 each in Craft (trapmaking), Listen & Spot for the first; 2 in Hide plus 4 apiece in Listen, Move Silently, Spot and Survival for the latter?


Extradimensional Explorer
While I'm not absolutely entrenched against the very naughty option, I suspect we should just accept that the wolf form isn't so helpful for high-level fighters, etc. These are probably best as low- to mid-level villains anyway.

I'm fine with your suggested skills.


While I'm not absolutely entrenched against the very naughty option, I suspect we should just accept that the wolf form isn't so helpful for high-level fighters, etc. These are probably best as low- to mid-level villains anyway.

Yes, I think we're better off keeping it as is.

We'd have to stray quite far from standard 3E martial monsters to make a high-level martial loup whose dire wolf form keeps up with their humanoid combat performance.

I'm fine with your suggested skills.

I'll try to remember to stay awake enough to update the Working Draft tonight. :yawn:


Did you manage to stay awake? :p

:yawn: Cleon was too sleeepy from staying up til 3 am watchin Shaw Brothrs films. :p

Updating the Loup du Noir Working Draft.

More seriously, are these done once the skills are added?

Hmm, the "Loup de Mer" ended up with Listen and Spot +15. That seems higher than necessary:

Loup du Mer Locathah: Craft (trapmaking) +6, Hide +7, Listen +15, Move Silently +7, Spot +15, Survival +6, Swim +8
Loup du Mer Seawolf: Craft (trapmaking) +6, Hide +5, Listen +15, Move Silently +9, Spot +15, Survival +6 (+10 tracking by scent), Swim +15

I think I'll cut them both to +12 and give it an extra 4 in Hide, 2 in Move Silently:

Loup du Mer Locathah: Craft (trapmaking) +6, Hide +11, Listen +12, Move Silently +9, Spot +12, Survival +6, Swim +8
Loup du Mer Seawolf: Craft (trapmaking) +6, Hide +9, Listen +12, Move Silently +11, Spot +12, Survival +6 (+10 tracking by scent), Swim +15
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Extradimensional Explorer
No, I'm happy enough with the loup du mer's skills.

I think the red text can turn normal colored (or disappear if it's just a ?). I think we were also going to drop the description on the samples (there are still some placeholders hanging around).

As for the template description....

This warrior has an almost feral appearance with long, shaggy hair, restless behavior, and cruel eyes. His fur cloak has the head and claws of a giant wolf.

OK, that's pretty bad, but it gets some ideas out there.


No, I'm happy enough with the loup du mer's skills.

I'd rather improve its Hide and Sneak as proposed in my previous post.

"Why, what stealthy paws you have..."
"...All the better for ambushing you with!"

I think the red text can turn normal colored (or disappear if it's just a ?). I think we were also going to drop the description on the samples (there are still some placeholders hanging around).

I'll sort that out with the next Update.

As for the template description....

This warrior has an almost feral appearance with long, shaggy hair, restless behavior, and cruel eyes. His fur cloak has the head and claws of a giant wolf.

OK, that's pretty bad, but it gets some ideas out there.

Going by the original description they look like normal people in human form, so I'd cut out most of that description. There's nothing about them having "cruel eyes" and so forth.

How about:

The stranger before you could be a hunter or bandit going by their weapons and raiment. They're wearing a cloak make from the skin of a giant wolf, with the forepaws and head still attached.

Voidrunner's Codex

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