Spelljammin' (5e PBP OOC) (Full)

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My apologies, it seems I don't have the patience for a pbp. Please have fun :D
To be fair, we have been delayed to start (partly because players haven't rushed to get their characters in and partly because I'm not done my current PBP. It will move faster once we get going. Still, it IS slow as hell (and usually slows down after an initial burst), so if you're concerned that you will find it too slow - you probably will.


Speaking of which, we should get started soonish. Can I get @VLAD the Destroyer and @Steve Gorak to try to get your characters together soon? (I know I said I'd start when Candlekeep wraps up, and it hasn't yet, but we can overlap a little). I'd like to go before any more players get bored of waiting.

Oh, and @gnarlygninja You need to finish William (and I need a picture).

Speaking of which, we should get started soonish. Can I get @VLAD the Destroyer and @Steve Gorak to try to get your characters together soon? (I know I said I'd start when Candlekeep wraps up, and it hasn't yet, but we can overlap a little). I'd like to go before any more players get bored of waiting.

Oh, and @gnarlygninja You need to finish William (and I need a picture).

Working on it now. Hopefully have it done today.

Steve Gorak

Speaking of which, we should get started soonish. Can I get @VLAD the Destroyer and @Steve Gorak to try to get your characters together soon? (I know I said I'd start when Candlekeep wraps up, and it hasn't yet, but we can overlap a little). I'd like to go before any more players get bored of waiting.

Oh, and @gnarlygninja You need to finish William (and I need a picture).
Also working on it. My big hesitation is to go echo knight 5 or EK3/ ranger 2. I’ll likely go full 5 on EK.
Aside from that, I want to reskin the echo: I want it to be fey portals, this way, my character learned from fey how to bend reality. No mechanical difference, just different flavor.
Half drow half wood elf (drow stats), EK5, likely tough, skilled or magic initiate for level 1 bonus feat and sharpshooter level 4 feat. Focused or archery. Chain shirt for armor (to be stealthy).
Proficient in carpenter’s tools, currently running gigs on ships.
Haven’t decided for a male or female character (it’ll likely be a coin toss).
Advice & opinions are welcome.



Also working on it. My big hesitation is to go echo knight 5 or EK3/ ranger 2. I’ll likely go full 5 on EK.
Aside from that, I want to reskin the echo: I want it to be fey portals, this way, my character learned from fey how to bend reality. No mechanical difference, just different flavor.
Half drow half wood elf (drow stats), EK5, likely tough, skilled or magic initiate for level 1 bonus feat and sharpshooter level 4 feat. Focused or archery. Chain shirt for armor (to be stealthy).
Proficient in carpenter’s tools, currently running gigs on ships.
Haven’t decided for a male or female character (it’ll likely be a coin toss).
Advice & opinions are welcome.


That all sounds great to me. So you mean, the "echoes" would be summoned fey come to help you out? I'm okay with that.

Steve Gorak

No, actually, the echoes would be shimmering portals that would allow my character to teleport, or to do some attacks. Exactly as per the echo knight description, but the ability would be fey in origin, rather than an understanding of space-time.
I’m also hesitating to have the character be a fairy vs an elf. Still deciding that one.


Added my character to the RG. I need a character picture. I am also making small tweaks to the sheet. I also took Find Familiar as one of my Rituals. Was wondering if I could use the Flying Monkey from ToA as my familiar? It just fits the Sailor vibe.

Voidrunner's Codex

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