Star Wars: Andor

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I just watched the first episode. A slow start, but a nice setup. It's got the dirty, lived-in look that makes Star Wars feel so real. The characters come across as realistic too, right up to the officer who in today's world would be triggering those "what managers do v. what leaders do" lists that keep showing up on LinkedIn.


A good first three episodes. That corpo officer has definite Inspector Javert vibes - I can easily see him either trying to join the Imperial military or going on his own little crusade after his superior inevitably fires him.


I think it was a smart move to release the first three episodes together. Without ep. 3, people would complain that it's too slow and nothing is happening. But they know that pretty much everyone who cares enough to watch on the first day will watch all three of them, so they get to build their world first and still give the fans an excellent and very tense episode that will keep them coming back for more.


the Incomparably Shrewd and Clever
It's off to a good start, IMO. Looks like we will get his childhood backstory in flashbacks spread out through the series, rather than a linear telling.

Voidrunner's Codex

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