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Star Wars - DRK-1X and its Mistress


First Post
[sblock]Well, you are travelling to the complete other side of the system :) I suppose you could have microjumped, but reprogramming again is fine. As far as putting the transmitter in, it takes some time to convince the ship's own computer to accept the new brain, but X manages to accomplish it anyhow. There may be complications in the future (similar to having a bratty child, or Windows ME), but for the most part, it technically will work.

Oh and I'm quite sure X is capable of handling itself in such a position, I'm just waiting to see how it pans out, considering what I had in mind for the future...

I've found WEG stats for the Kimo, and they are technically fan-based, but I haven't found them for SW d20, so I'll have to do them up myself. Incidentally, the WEG stats state that the Kimo only has 150kg of space. Just a tad shy of the 50 tons I mentioned before my memory failed.... So, in order to maintain some sense of realism and such (ha!) I've decided that instead of its own cargo bay, X found a cargo pod in the warehouse just waiting to be attached to an unsuspecting fighter... It carries 30 tons of equipment and parts. Here is a basic run-down of what it is carrying now:

100x Full Bacta Tanks
2x Full Large 500-liter Bacta Refill Tanks
12x WE-10 Blaster Rifles
7x WE-5 Blaster Pistols
30x Spare E-Packs
10x Hand-Held Comlinks
9x Complete Suits of Clone Trooper Standard Infantry Armor
22x Blast Vests
4x Utility Belts containing various small tools and equipment
11x Datapads
14x Mini-Tool Kits
5x Remote Medical Droids

I think that's about everything. Like I said, I'll do the stats for the Ari later on. That being said, I'm not sure if want to continue with the 'few dozen litres' bit or offer more, but that's your call.

There is a long pause before the controller replies. "Roger that, Foray. Stand by to be scanned and our fighters will escort you in."

True to the controller's word, the two small craft move to take flanking positions alongside of your ship.

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DRK-1X manoeuvre's the Ari's Sorrow in accordance with the escort fighters' flight plan. The probot remains weary of the space station's inhabitants' intentions and so continues to monitor all activity on or around the station via its vessel's long range sensors throughout the approach. As it floats before the navigational console, 1X slowly rotates it's scomplink probe in the computer port. In response, the remote processor transmits a command which reactivates the five med-droids. The probot instructs them to begin donning the blast vests and arming themselves with the blaster pistols they'd collected earlier. Meanwhile, the Ari's Sorrow reduces its velocity and reorients itself to match the station's rotational plane and speed. DRK-1X spots the guide-lights that appear on the station's outer ring and follow them to its designated docking port. Cutting its forward momentum the Ari's Sorrow begins banking starboard as its mag-lock docking gear extends and makes contact with the station with a dull thud which resonates through the vessel's interior.

While it waits for the station's personnel to extend, connect and pressurize its docking-bridge, DRK-1X directs two of the med-droids to siphon bacta from one of the storage tanks, enough to fill three 10-litre canisters. While it remains at the helm of the Ari's Sorrow, keeping the vessel's systems active, DRK-1X keeps watch for any signs of treachery from the station's inhabitants. Meanwhile, the armed and armored med-droids stand ready to proceed with the trade once the hatch opens.[Sblock=OOC]100 filled bacta tanks?!? Holy Moly! I figured the droids would only be able to get two or three of the things loaded.

I'd found the same West End stats for the Kimo that you did, but having heard you say that it was used as a mining ship I figured the 150 Kg figure must be some system specific short-hand I didn't understand, a game-designer's lack of familiarity with the subject matter or just an out and out mistake. Just looking at the images of the Kimo leads me to conclude it must hold much more than 1 person and 150 kg of cargo. I mean, it's not exactly small and sleek like a tie-fighter or an X-wing; it looks like a big honking Winnebago with wings. I figured your measure of 50 tons might be a bit much, but probably more accurate than the 150 kg mark. ;)

I don't mind the modification or addition of a cargo pod though. Having the cargo pod gives 1X the opportunity to safely leave the cargo and continue on with just the ship. I just wanted to run an idea past you; is it fairly certain that the pod could be cast adrift in some random spot of interstellar space and have little chance of ever being found by anyone? If I understand the SW setting properly, interstellar travel in the galaxy is always accomplished by traveling through hyperspace so the only times ships are in normal space is within the bounds of star systems. That is, space being so immensely vast and ships traveling through hyperspace being unable to scan normal space while in transit, then the chances of a ship exiting hyperspace and stumbling across the cargo pod while it's floating around in some random spot in the outer-rim borders on the virtually-impossible. Am I mistaken?

You haven't really described the med-droids much; I've been assuming that they're medium sized and bipedal. Is that right? Are they similar to 2-1Bs or MDs? What kind of levels do they have? Does the remote processor have any violence inhibitors? If so can 1X countermand them somehow? 1X has had them arm themselves mostly for show; it wants to dissuade anyone on the station who might have some ideas about trying to take the "Foray".

I'm not sure what you're asking about the "few dozen litres" bit. I don't know if 1X can just buy and sell stuff here freely or whether it'll be difficult or challenging somehow; I'm playing it by ear for now. We can role-play the negotiations aboard the station in detail or summarize the exchange; whichever you prefer is fine. I don't know how much a shield emitter costs but I figured it couldn't be much more than a few thousand credits; I'm just guessing though. If they have compatible components and want to haggle is up to you.


First Post
As the fighters escort you in towards the station, you begin to see that it is probably not a military facility. There are numerous vessels of all shapes and sizes docked in, on or around the station. You can only pick out a few that have anything in common, most of them being the snub fighters that are patrolling the area. There is one larger vessel floating nearby with the same blue and gold markings as the fighters. It is also bristling with laser cannons.

Normally, according to the controller, you would be landing inside the hangar of the vessel, but due to the attached cargo pod, you've been directed to dock at a side port usually reserved for bigger ships. As the pressurized seal extends and envelopes the Sorrow, your 'guard droids' stand at the ready, awaiting the cargo hatch to open.

The controller then speaks again. "Foray, we need you to shut down your primary engines in order to connect the the refueling systems. Once that is accomplished, we'll have a station guard escort you to our bazaar where you can make your trades."

[sblock] At nearly 500 lbs each and with 30 tons of space available, that's quite a lot. Don't forget, you also have another 1000 liters in the refill tanks too. And yeah, she definately looks like a Winnebago. With a U-Haul trailer behind her. Kinda like Lone Star's ship in SpaceBalls... Oh wait.

What I meant by the 'few dozen liters' thing was that I didn't think you knew just how much bacta was stored and available for trade. I can see I was right....

As far as leaving the cargo pod in deep space, it would take a dedicated search to find something like that, assuming it remained stationary. With space the way it is, gravity waves and other such phenomena could cause it to drift, but not by much. Most travel is done by hyperspace and they follow 'lanes', easy access points into hyperspace. Any travel in system is usually just to head towards a planet or station. Unless someone was looking for cargo pods specifically, at long range, it would most likely register as a small mass, possibly an asteroid or debris. Hyperspace sensors are only accurate enough to detect large masses that would impede hyperspace travel. Reference 'A New Hope' when Solo and the gang jumped to what was left of Alderaan. The Falcon didn't detect the asteroids/debris until she jumped out into them. So, long answer short, yes it would be feasible to hide the thing in deep space and have a relatively decent chance of it not being found by a random passerby.

The med-droids are tracked. ( I guess we lost that post). They have six tool arms and two 'normal' arms. They are cylindrical. If I remember correctly, I thought I wrote that they modelled Treadwells, but with a much wider chassis (0.5m diameter) for support of the arms and such. So as far as the blast vests go, well... But their lifting hands can hold the blaster rifles fine. As you can see from their actions at the facility, they have no qualms about euthanizing creatures, however blaster violence is a different story. They are not programmed for violence in that manner, but if someone could convine them that it is a form of euthanasia... I haven't done up the stats for them yet, but if you plan on keeping them around, I'll do that.



"Roger that control. Foray shutting engines down. Be advised that refueling procedures won't be necessary; we have sufficient reserves at this time. I'd also request a data transmission containing docking fees, trade taxation or station customs and regulation information you have available ASAP. Please be advised that I'll be sending my droid aboard since it's more familiar with the needed components than I am. I hope that won't be a problem."

True to its word, DRK-1X powers down the Ari's Sorrow's engine, though it is careful to keep it and its support systems ready to reactivate at a moment's notice. The paranoid droid also ensures that the nav-computer, with its jump program, remains fully active. Meanwhile, the med-droids load one of their number with the bacta canisters and a spare comlink. When ready, DRK-1X opens the vessel's hatch and orders the med-droid, which it designates MD-1, to roll out onto the bridge to meet the escort.

[Sblock=OOC]DRK-1X, being paranoid, doesn't want to leave the ship with its cargo unattended and vulnerable. It doesn't yet know if it can trust the station's administration or not; the empire might have left some people here. They might object if they realize the Ari's Sorrow is manned completely by droids. If something seems wrong, 1X is ready to disengage the magnetic locks from the station, pull free from the docking seal and engage the hyperdrive engines. It'll also keep the vessel's scanners focused on the other ships in the vicinity. Do any of them appear to be imperial? Are any of the three shuttles 1X observed leaving Dantooine present?

DRK-1X is sending MD-1 to the bazaar in its stead while it monitors the droid's sensory telemetry and directs its activities through the remote processor. 1X intends to use the comlink as a remote vocabulator so that it can speak in MD-1's stead and conduct negotiations directly (that's assuming that it can't speak basic itself). Ideally, others around it won't realize that they aren't dealing with MD-1 itself but actually a remote operator. DRK-1X will direct MD-1 around the place, keeping an eye out for goods it's interested in while looking for the type of merchants who might be interested in the kind of stuff it has to sell: bacta tanks, bacta, restricted arms and armor, etc. Unloading some of this stuff in exchange for credits wouldn't be bad though 1X is also interested in possibly trading for stuff it can use. That would include a better ship, useful droids, droid components it could use to upgrade itself (such as a masterwork blaster pistol or a better translator module) and rhyll spice in addition to the replacement components needed for the aft shield emitter. Hopefully 1X's 'illicit barter' ability will prove useful in gaining access to the right people with the kind of merchandise it wants. 1X also wants to take the opportunity to try and learn something of the recent events on Dantooine if possible by listening to what people are talking about. I figure a spaceport in the same system being destroyed might cause a certain amount of rucus and conjecture around the station. Learning what's become of captured prisoners taken from the settlement would be ideal.

Actually I did know that I had thousands of litres of bacta rather than just "a few dozen". 1X just doesn't see the point in advertising that fact to people on an unfamiliar station. Replacement components for the shield emitter should only cost a few thousand credits worth of bacta so that's as much as it's willing to admit to having at this time. On the other hand, I think you might want to recheck your math. For one thing, you seem to be thinking in pounds; a bacta tank weighs 500 kilograms, and that's not counting the 600 kilograms of bacta to fill it. Also, a metric ton is 1,000 kilos; not 2000 lbs. So 100 full bacta tanks would weigh in at 110 tons just by themselves. The two extra refill tanks add an extra ton each. I'm not sure how much the droids weigh, but they and the remaining equipment probably add up to close to an extra ton altogether. Do you want to rethink the quantities you listed and get back to me?

It's not a coincidence that I mentioned that the ship looks like a Winnebago. After all, considering its shape, 1X is itself a 'space-ball'.
:p [/Sblock]


First Post
"Roger, Foray. Retracting fuel probes. We're transmitting docking data now."

As the controller says, an incoming transmission containing information regarding the station and its fees is sent to you. Apparently, you are being seen to by a group of junk dealers. You wouldn't think dealing in others' throw aways would be such a lucrative business, but it seems they do just fine. A relatively cheap one hundred credits per day is normally charged for a ship your size, but today it appears that the station is feeling generous. They are waiving the standard docking fees.

Basically, common sense rules apply here. Don't cause trouble and there won't be any trouble. It is apparent that they maintain a fairly large security force in case someone is foolish enough to test that mandate. The main source of activity seems to be the bazaar that was mentioned earlier. Hundreds of merchants and dealers do business in this part of the station, paying a fee for the space. Included in the documentation is standard fees for that as well.

MD-1 prepares its cargo and readies to head aboard. As the hatch opens, there are two station personnel waiting. They are dressed in uniforms matching the blue and gold color of the fighters outside. They both carry a blaster pistol on their hips as well.

"Right this way, please."

The two humans lead MD-1 through a series of halls until they reach a set of blast doors that open out onto an auditorium of sorts. The cacophony of haggling seems almost deafening. There are representatives of just about every sentient race in here vying for the best prices on various things, half of which seem to be illegal. There are artifacts from wars long past, Republic/ Imperial equipment, pieces and parts of vehicles and ships, and if the audio sensors on this droid are to be believed, even a lightsaber or three. Of course there are more common items as well, crates of ore, all kinds of things. It could take some time to find exactly what you're looking for.

The guards start MD-1 off on the right track however, they point it to a older Wookiee with graying fur and a bent frame.

"That one's old Grizz. He'll get you what you need, but his prices are kind of high, but well worth it. He only deals in coins though, so you'll need to unpack your bacta. Lots of folks willing to buy that, just have to look around. Good luck."

With that, the two leave MD-1 alone in the large crowded room.


Heh. Yeah, I suppose being stuck in American measuring standards for the last couple of weeks, I spaced (pun intended) that Star Wars is done in Imperial weights and measures. That being said, I think we can safely keep everything else the same, but tone down the filled bacta tanks to about 20. That would be about 22000kg, then add in the mass of the droids and equipment and extra refill tanks and that should cover the 30 Tonnes. Still quite a bit to bargain with.

None of the other ships appear to belong to any military group, except for the station's own militia. You don't find any sign of the three shuttles that left Dantooine's atmosphere.



Loaded with three canisters of valuable bacta on its rear cargo rack, MD-1 swivels its head back and forth to survey the room before it trundles off into the crowd, rolling along on its two squat tank treads. The medical droid keeps its blaster pistol held discreetly at its side in a non-threatening manner as it relays what it sees and hears via its remote processor and comlink to DRK-1X aboard the "Foray".

Back aboard the vessel, 1X floats unmoving above the pilot's chair, its scomplink probe married to the Ari's Sorrow's computer port and its antenna fully extended. As the probe spins in the port the probot monitors the ship's condition, MD-1's sensory telemetry and the local comlink chatter. As the med-droid sees an item or a merchant of possible interest, 1X directs it to investigate more closely. Over MD-1's comlink, the probot initiates conversations with some of the fringers, inquiring about specific merchandise, prices and offering trades. As the remote droid continues moving about the room 1X puts together a list of available merchandise. Sometimes the probot instructs MD-1 to pause so that it can eavesdrop on a conversation while correlating anything it learns with the intercepted comlink transmissions it's monitoring. DRK-1X is growing desperate to hear word about the recent imperial raid on Dantooine and possibly the fate of any captured prisoners, all in hopes of learning where its mistress has been taken.

In the cargo pod, MD-2 through 5 are busily organizing cargo, both to make room in the pod but also to prepare it for transport aboard the station by the droids themselves if MD-1 successfully brokers deals for some of it with the fringers there.[Sblock=OOC]I think it was kind of lost in the shuffle during the server crash and all, but I don't think we ever resolved the matter of the mysterious shadow moving about Lab 1. Did 1X ever find mention of a stealth-enhanced research specimen in the mainframe's database? If it didn't find anything (with some info regarding how to detect and sedate it) or if the creature (assuming it is a creature) didn't loose consciousness and/or appear after the ventilation was shut off, 1X would have taken some further measures. 1X would have used the ventilation system to either pump some anesthetic gas into the lab if possible or have reversed the system to suck as much air out of the room as possible. If that didn't produce any noticeable results, 1X would have abandoned its effort and left the facility as previously described. Once in orbit however, 1X would have vented the ship and the pod's atmosphere into space to kill any hiding stowaways who'd snuck aboard during the loading. After an hour or so it would have repressurized the cabin and the pod via the ship's reserves. Sorry for the retro-gaming, but this had kind of slipped my mind.

DRK-1X wants to stay in good graces with the station's administration so it'll make certain to pay them any fees or taxes that applies to it, the MDs or the vessel in full by offering them the equivalent amount in bacta. According to the main rulebook, bacta is considered a trade commodity and can be traded for its full worth so it should be fairly easy to broker deals with it. 1X doesn't want to flood the local market or let on to how much bacta it actually has on hand but it'll have MD-1 offer to trade as much of it as people seem interested in acquiring for coinage, credits or useful equipment it wants. If the trading seems to be going well 1X will have up to three of the other MDs work to unload and deliver cargo to the appropriate buyers (assuming station administration doesn't have a problem with multiple droids disembarking and rolling around freely). Aside from bacta, 1X is also willing to trade some of the weapons, armor, equipment, lightsaber focusing crystals, etc; whatever people aboard the station seem interested in buying. While the med droids move about the place, 1X will carefully monitor their telemetry for any familiar faces such as Four, Halix, Tremayne or any other imperial agents. It'll also keep an eye on those who seem interested in the lightsabers for sale; if they're jedi on the lam they might be worth speaking to, to exchange information with or to offer to sell them some of the lightsaber focusing crystals.

MD-1 will eventually approach old Grizz and begin negotiating for the replacement parts it needs once it's got some coinage to offer. Like I mentioned though, 1X is also much interested in finding other equipment. 1X is on the lookout for functional 2º, 4º and possibly 5º droids (a repair droid, combat droid or labor droid on hand could prove invaluable in the times ahead) or compatible parts for itself; specifically anything that would increase it's own abilities like better weaponry or a better translation unit. 1X is also interested in acquiring some training remotes and perhaps a restraining bolt if available. Buying a small supply of rhyll spice for Dofina could prove useful in the long run. Though trading for a better ship would be nice, it may not be feasible to do so in just a few hours.

Although 1X is hesitant to spend too much time dawdling at the station, it does represent one of the best opportunities available for 1X to learn where the imperial raiders went after they left Dantooine. Here and now is where the matter is probably being discussed freely and the place could have pilot's who were in orbit who themselves saw the shuttles leaving. It's worth some time and effort to gather available information here before these traders start to disperse and leave the system. Aside to just eavesdropping on others though, 1X might try trading cargo for information if there seems to be a knowledgeable informant or a competent holonet slicer around who can tell it what it needs to know. That being said, unless 1X learns worthwhile news, it probably won't want to stay here much beyond a handful of hours, just long enough to finalize its deals and then jump into hyperspace.


First Post
MD-1 goes along its assigned mission, attempting to broker deals for the cargo that X has managed to come across. Soon, MD-2, MD-3 and MD-4 are circulating the station in order to help facilitate MD-1's activities. They have come across the following:

- Grizz has a shield generator that will suit your purposes. An old Armek Plasma Shell Deflector Shield generator. He's asking 2500 credits worth of vintage coins for it.

- It takes some time, but you find a Twi'Lek dealer that is willing to part with some antique coins from some outer rim planet. He doesn't say where, in order to 'protect his stock', but he will take 30 liters of bacta in trade for the whole coffer. Incidentally, he is also interested in the lightsaber crystals as well, but is unable to purchase them at this time.

- One Aqualish Junk Dealer is offering a number of different ships, mostly old fighters, but he also has a couple of transports. One is a Corellian YT-1940 light freighter. It's old and unarmed, but it still runs and is 'still good for her age, yes?'. He's asking 20000 for her. He also points you to some other dealers that can help you arm and armor her.

- There is an 'upstanding human representative' of the old Czerka corporation selling blasters and other weapons. She offers you a 'real relic', an old scout blaster that dates back almost 100 years, but is still in working condition, according to her, it was traded in by some famous bounty hunter before retiring and still has his modifications to it, including a beam realignment system that readjusts the barrel after firing to make sure that it always remains zeroed in. It is not a pretty weapon, but it definately looks functional. She asks 1000 credits for it.

- There is no one selling individual training remotes, but a human dealer will sell you a crate of 50 of them for 10000 credits.

- As far as other droids go, there are a few dealers of different types, depending on the specific droid you are looking for. There is one individual willing to part with a 'protocol' droid, but as the dealer says, 'its protocol is not sit-down diplomacy type protocol, this one is a little more hands on.' He asks 100000 credits for it and no less will do.

- Another droid dealer is willing to sell you one or more CLL-8 binary load lifters, he is asking 2000 credits each. He will sell you ten maximum here, but he has access to more if you're willing to wait a few weeks. The same dealer also has access to a few rewired Baktoid B1 Battle Droids. They are unarmed and their combat protocol has been switched to bodyguard protocols, but otherwise they are factory models. He asks 3000 credits each and has four of them. If you buy the droids, he will supply restraining bolts for each one free of charge. Unfortunately, you are unable to find any working repair droids for sale.

- A 'museum' representative will take the clone armor and weapons off of your hands, but will only give you 100000 for the whole lot, due to 'costs of shipping'. He also says that if you do make the deal, no one can hear of it because it is a special project.

- There are a few representatives of frontline hospitals that are looking for bacta and/or bacta tanks. They can't pay much because of war costs, but in all you gather you could probably sell 10 of your stock and get 750000 credits for it.

- You do find a spice dealer, but he only has samples on hand, not a full stock. If you're willing to buy, he will give you coordinates to a location on the Rim that will be able to 'take care of your needs'. He mentions the name Ree-Yees more than once.

As far as information goes, you hear the following:

- One of the pilots here saw the Imperial cruiser hypering out after taking aboard two shuttles.

- There is rumor that Imperial agents are somewhere on the station, but they don't make puddles because this place is a good source of information. Some of them are obvious and can be pointed out. The others are more well hidden.

- Some of the merchants have seen a couple of men around the station wearing clothes that would be similar to what a Jedi would wear, but they are never seen together. No further information is available about them.

[sblock]As you can see, I'm going to shorthand some of few hours it takes to make most of these deals. That way you can make decisions on the important stuff and go from there. I hope that's everything you are looking for. If there is something more specific, please let me know so I can see if your droids found it or not. Happy shopping!

As far as the shadowy creature in the facility, the only thing close was the Defel that was in storage. There was no mention of another such being anywhere in the logs. There was no sign of it when you left. Venting out the labs and even the ship produced no results to that affect. For all intents and purposes, it seems to have vanished.


shadowbloodmoon said:
Grizz has a shield generator that will suit your purposes. He's asking 2500 credits worth of vintage coins for it.
1X will do its best to evaluate the functionality and compatibility of the generator [Knowledge (technology) +4] before it instructs MD-1 to accept the terms. It'll have the twi'lek dealer deliver the coins to the wookie to make certain he's satisfied with them before having MD-2 come to collect the generator components and return them to the ship.
shadowbloodmoon said:
You find a Twi'Lek dealer that is willing to part with some antique coins from some outer rim planet. He will take 30 liters of bacta in trade for the whole coffer. He is also interested in the lightsaber crystals as well, but is unable to purchase them at this time.
MD-1 will propose the obvious solution of trading some lightsaber crystals for the the coffer of coins instead of bacta. MD-1 could offer him, say six blue crystals? If he's not interested though MD-1 will agree to the bacta trade. Could you give me a rough estimate on how much the various crystals are worth individually?
shadowbloodmoon said:
One is a Corellian YT-1940 light freighter.
Although tempting, MD-1 will pass; 1X doesn't really have the time to survey and refit a new ship at the moment.
shadowbloodmoon said:
She offers you a 'real relic', an old scout blaster that dates back almost 100 years
Assuming it's the equivalent of a +1 masterwork blaster, is fully functional and that its beam realignment system can be retrofitted to 1X's onboard blaster then she's got a deal.[Knowledge (technology) +4]
shadowbloodmoon said:
There is no one selling individual training remotes, but a human dealer will sell you a crate of 50 of them for 10000 credits.
MD-1 will make counter offers to buy five remotes (along with a controller) for ever increasing amounts; up to 200% of their retail value, but will pass on buying an entire crate of them.
shadowbloodmoon said:
There is one individual willing to part with a 'protocol' droid... He asks 100000 credits for it and no less will do.
100,000 credits?!? What kind of droid has he got that's worth 100,000 credits?!? It would have to be an original IG assassin droid, a Trang Robotics Duelist Elite or something equally impressive. MD-1 is certainly intrigued but insists on seeing the unit and perhaps a brief demonstration.
shadowbloodmoon said:
Another droid dealer is willing to sell you one or more CLL-8 binary load lifters, he is asking 2000 credits each.
MD-1 passes on the offer.
shadowbloodmoon said:
The same dealer also has access to a few rewired Baktoid B1 Battle Droids.
A bit pricey, especially considering that they're lacking their stock blasters. Do they have individual processors installed? Could 1X possibly restore their original protocols and operate them remotely with the remote processor its already got? If so, 1X might consider buying them and retaining enough blaster rifles and extra power packs to equip them properly.
shadowbloodmoon said:
Unfortunately, you are unable to find any working repair droids for sale.
How about power droids?
shadowbloodmoon said:
A 'museum' representative will take the clone armor and weapons off of your hands, but will only give you 100000 for the whole lot, due to 'costs of shipping'.
Is he referring to the 9 suits of clone armor and their 9 accompanying blaster rifles or ALL of the rifles, pistols, power packs, blast vests, etc... I'll assume it's the former since that's what he seemed to have been implying and accept the 100,000 offer on a credit-chip; which 1X will verify carefully [Knowledge (technology) +4, Computer Use +14, taking 20] before having a few MDs discreetly deliver the goods to the historian. MD-1 will assure him that it understands the need for discretion when trading artifacts of such historical significance.
shadowbloodmoon said:
There are a few representatives of frontline hospitals that are looking for bacta and/or bacta tanks. You could probably sell 10 of your stock and get 750000 credits for it.
Depending on how much cash MD-1 will need for its other deals, it might end up selling them some of its surplus bacta, though there isn't any hurry in unloading so many of the tanks at this time since there's nothing of equivalent worth that 1X needs to buy at the moment.
shadowbloodmoon said:
One of the pilots here saw the Imperial cruiser hypering out after taking aboard two shuttles.
MD-1 will locate the pilot in question to question him discreetly about what he saw. If he seems to be a reliable source, MD-1 will discreetly offer to purchase a copy of his vessel's sensor logs from the time period in question. It'll offer him a few liters of bacta or some credits; whatever seems appropriate.
shadowbloodmoon said:
There is rumor that Imperial agents are somewhere on the station.
The agents must have some means of contacting their people or some transmission logs; perhaps a holonet receiver or database. Would it be feasible for 1X to try finding and slicing into their computers through the station's computers? What would the DC of such an attempt be? How hard would it be to remain undetected?
shadowbloodmoon said:
Some of the merchants have seen a couple of men around the station wearing clothes that would be similar to what a Jedi would wear.
MD-1 will try to find and contact them, though it won't push the matter if it seems to be arousing unwanted attention or wasting time.
shadowbloodmoon said:
If there is something more specific, please let me know so I can see if your droids found it or not. Happy shopping!
1X is interested in acquiring some explosives; some grenades and thermal detonators if possible. A restraining bolt would also be good. I think that's about it though.

It would also like to unload some of the bric-a-brac it's accumulated such as the extra tool kits, utility belts, all the blast vests, its old electroshock probe, the lightsaber crystals, etc.

BTW, what will be the travel time to the mysterious coordinates from the station? How much room is there in the fighter's compartment? How many medium-sized passengers can it carry comfortably?


First Post
The Armek Plasma Shell Shield Generator is an older model, mostly used on fighters from backwater militias and pirate gangs. It seems to be in working condition though and will definitely fit in the Ari.

The Twi'Lek greedily accepts your deal with the coins and blue saber crystals. He takes all six of them in exchange for the coins. When you do so, a man that has been seen hanging around Grizz lets you know that it was probably wise on your part because the crystals are only for producing the color of the blade and the Twi'Lek is a fool. He tells you that though they are Force-attuned, they have already been attuned to a specific person and are utterly useless to another Jedi. They would probably only get you a few hundred credits on the open market and from someone who knew what they were looking for. This same person is very curious as to where you acquired them and would like to speak to you personally.

As far as the blaster goes, the alignment system makes it a mastercrafted +1 weapon. Checking it over, X finds that it seems to be in excellent condition for its age, something the woman reminds you is a 'heritage of Czerka technology' as she takes your 1000 credits.

After some time of refusing to sell you just some of the training remotes, the man eventually caves, selling you five of them for 2000 credits.

The man attempting to sell you the protocol droid scoffs. He insists that his merchandise is worth many times the amount he is asking. When he commands it to come out, MD-1 relays to you an image of a human, but with some not-very-obvious differences. You notice that 'his' eyes blink at exactly the same time interval and that unless commanded to do so, the droid does not move or relax its body. When you ask for a demonstration, the man simply smiles and tells you that here would not be a good place to do such a thing, but if you were to name someone you were having trouble with... He also says that this would up the price depending on your 'friend'.

The Battle Droids have simple individual processors installed, but they can be overridden by any command from a dedicated remote. The dealer will give you the restraining bolts for them if you buy all four.

There are no power droids available.

The museum rep buys just the Clone equipment. All nine suits and weapons. Also, the four utility belts as well. He is uninterested in the other weapons and such. The credit chip he gives you checks out okay and has exactly 100000 Imperial credits on it.

It takes some time to track down the pilot, as he seems to visit every available cantina on the station. When MD-1 does eventually find him, he absolutely refuses to sell anything having to do with his ship. Against company policy he says. He does insist that he knows what he saw and tells you that both shuttles were Imperial designs.

Attempting to slice the computers would be relatively easy for X to accomplish (DC 20). However, being discrete will be difficult because the system is constantly monitored by the station's crew.

As far as explosives go, the best you can find are mining detpacks by the crateful, but the dealer insists you have to be a member of the mining guild before you can acquire them.

If you sold the rest of the excess equipment, it would probably net you about 3000 more credits.

When you put the coordinates into your navi-computer, it calculates approximately six days of travel time to arrive there.

[sblock]I apologize if this seems short. My wife just recently received some troubling news and such and we're dealing with that, but I needed to think about other things for a while so I thought I'd try to do my forums today. Thank you for understanding. [/sblock]


[Sblock=OOC]I hope your wife's news isn't too bad and works out well for you both. Don't worry about posting; take the time you need to see to your family. I'll be here when you get back. Besides, I'll never complain that a screen-full of text "seems short" response. You seem to have covered all pertinent points from what I can see.[/Sblock]
Shadowbloodmoon said:
This same person is very curious as to where you acquired them and would like to speak to you personally.
MD-1 is willing to speak with the man privately, so long as he doesn't seem to be leading the droid too far away from the bazaar. "Statement: I am unable to personally sense any psychic atunements on the crystals and was unaware of any such limits they possessed. I wonder what purpose it would serve for an individual to attune more crystals then they'd personally be able to make use of; if what you say is true then the process would seem to spoil them for use by others. Report: I believe they were once owned by a now deceased Sith. Inquiry: May I inquire as to whether you are yourself psychic Sir?"
Shadowbloodmoon said:
When he commands it to come out, MD-1 relays to you an image of a human, but with some not-very-obvious differences. You notice that 'his' eyes blink at exactly the same time interval and that unless commanded to do so, the droid does not move or relax its body.
He's got a HRD for sale? Holy crap! 1X doesn't know how or if it'll be able to make use of the droid, but since its Mistress is being held by the mostly human empire it might come in useful in a rescue attempt. This is an opportunity to good to pass up. MD-1 will ask some details about the unit: it's operational history, whether it's been recently mind-wiped, it's programming (i.e. it's class and level), whether it has a restraining bolt, how it can be deactivated and reprogrammed (i.e. where's its access port), and whether ownership and transfer of control can be verified after sale. If it all seems to be in order then MD-1 will offer him one of the auxiliary bacta tanks or the proceeds of its sale to one of the hospital reps.
Shadowbloodmoon said:
The Battle Droids have simple individual processors installed, but they can be overridden by any command from a dedicated remote.
These things fold up into nice compact little bundles right? Having a cadre of droid gunners stored aboard the Ari's Sorrow might be useful to have in a pinch. Is there enough room aboard the ship for them, perhaps in a storage compartment out of the way? After reviewing the fighter's size, how many passengers can comfortably fit in the cabin?
Shadowbloodmoon said:
He does insist that he knows what he saw and tells you that both shuttles were Imperial designs.
MD-1 says that it believes and trusts that the man saw what he says he saw. It is solely interested in studying the imperial capital ship's configuration, markings and hyperspace trajectory from the pilot's ship sensor logs; nothing more. It cares nothing for the man's ship or his company's business. If it puts the man at ease then he can copy the relevant data from his logs himself and exclude whatever he fears to reveal. MD-1 will offer the man more credits as incentive.
Shadowbloodmoon said:
Attempting to slice the computers would be relatively easy for X to accomplish (DC 20). However, being discrete will be difficult because the system is constantly monitored by the station's crew.
Would avoiding detection be an opposed roll against station security or simply a higher skill DC. If the latter how much higher would it be? Are there any shady slicers for hire aboard the station who'd have a better chance than 1X?

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