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Star Wars - DRK-1X and its Mistress


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Dofina's eyeskin raises, as she considers what X tells her. "That makes sense. We could simply grow him a new skin and replace the one he is wearing." For a moment, Dofina seems to having trouble talking about Derek as a machine rather than as a person. "We'll need a place to set up all the equipment though. I might need you to go and retrieve a few things for me too. Once that's all in place, I could probably get it done in less than a week. That gives me plenty of time to figure out the rest of my plan." Dofina is obviously excited at this option.

[sblock=OOC]Yes, it is entirely possible, within the space of a week, to grow him new skin. You would need a place to power the bacta tank and such, but it can be done. Changing his facial structure will require not only the skin graft, but also some engineering, so it should be possible. With what you have available, it would take about the same amount of time. As for the nanos..eh... not so easily possible. They were meant for a completely living body, which Four definitely was. Don't get me wrong, it's a great idea, even I didn't have that one in mind, but at this point, just not possible. [/sblock]

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"Proposition: Perhaps we can simply use one of this vessel's hanger-bays as a work area; we'll be able to power one of the tanks by connecting it to the landing bay's power grid once we've made landfall in the Corellian system. By doing so we'd better avoid exposing either you or Derek to unwanted scrutiny while we remain planet-bound in the galaxy's core. You'd be able to conduct your work with Derek here in relative safety while I head out to conduct any necessary transactions. You'd also be free to access the Corellia's newsfeeds and the holonet to learn of recent galactic events so as to better be able to formulate your future plans."

The black spherical probot pauses a moment to let Dofina consider its proposition before changing topics. "We should also discuss what we're aiming to accomplish while we're in the Corellian system. Inquiry: Aside from selling or trading our cargo, do you wish to try and acquire a newer and better vessel to replace this one? If so what type of vessel would you wish to buy? Supposition: With the time we have, we could even commission a new vessel to be custom-outfitted to fit our needs while arranging for the sale of this one. Proposition: You may also wish to consider allowing me to attempt to acquire false identities for yourself and Derek, as well as purchasing useful equipment such as a pair of Corellidyne CQ-3.9x Holographic Image Disguisers."

Again DRK-1X pauses momentarily to highlight a subtle change in topic. "Proposition: While pondering your future plans, you may wish to consider a possible return to Dantooine. There yet remains 70 intact tanks and over 21,000 liters of bacta in the abandoned research facility as well as the backup R&D data archive you wish to see destroyed."[sblock=OOC]It's a shame about the nanobots; it seemed like a good idea. They'd be doubly useful for Derek since they seemed to be able to mask Four's bio-readings to make her appear human; which would likewise be good for a HRD. I'd just like to find something useful to do with the damn things; nanobots would seem to be something that should be really useful somehow.[/sblock]
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Oh, I'm sure you'll find something to do with them. Remember, you're helping Dofina set up her second empire...

Dofina ponders X's thoughts for a moment, combining them with her own. "Derek would probably need multiple identities. Each one keyed to whatever he looked like at the time. You're right though, I don't want to stay on Corellia too long. We should easily have enough to pay for docking fees and such, as well as anything we might need." She taps her finger on the bulkhead for a moment, trying to correlate her thoughts. "I shouldn't need to keep more than one or two tanks here on the ship. but one or two extra may help to further along the process."

Another pause, this time Dofina standing and pacing the small area. "Dantooine. On the one hand, I need to get that data erased permanently. On the other, the Empire could very well return and make sure the job was finished. The last thing we need is for them to show up while we're doing our stuff. I'm not even sure what I want to do with all those tanks. They are worth a lot of money though." She stops talking, but continues pacing.


The hovering spherical probe droid slowly rotates back and forth in place to follow the pacing nemoidian women. "Proposition: There's little reason for you to endanger yourself with a return trip to Dantooine. I could easily locate and destroy the remote archiving computer as well as scout out, secure and recover all salvageable material from the research facility on my own. I could journey there once you're safely in hiding somewhere else. Inquiry: So what do you wish for me to buy and sell during our stay on Corellia? Are we to retain or dispose of this vessel?"


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Dofina looks around, pausing in her pacing. "Hmm... you're right. After we complete the goals here and move our base of operations elsewhere, we'll need to get that taken care of. Perhaps we can make use of those battle droids, should it become necessary."

She sighs a bit, but more through her nostrils. "We'll keep this ship for now. It shouldn't be too much of a beacon to the Empire. I'm going to need food, obviously. It is an unfortunate need for us organics. I'm also going to need some more medical equipment, perhaps a lab setup, things like that. Stuff to grow samples in before I go the whole way. Things like that."


"Report: If we are to retain possession of this vessel we will need to acquire an ID transponder for it while on Corellia. Inquiry: Would you also consider the purchase and installation of a weapon systems for it? And what do you think of my idea of acquiring false IDs along with a pair of image disguisers for yourself and Derek? Suggestion: If Derek is also to serve as your proxy he would likely benefit from the addition of a translator module and perhaps other mechanical enhancements." By its very nature the diminutive probe droid believes that there are few problems that can't be solved by the acquisition of additional or better equipment.


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Dofina nods. "True true. We'll need to at least appear legitimate. Especially if we're going to go anywhere else in this Empire. I wouldn't want to go very long without some sort of protection on this ship, but I don't want to draw too much attention. If you can find a way to do that and still get weapons on it, that would be perfect."

"I'm not too worried about going out in public at this point, but Derek will definitely need all the help he can get. You have my permission to purchase whatever you think he will need to accomplish what I've set out for him."


DRK-1X pitches forward 15º and then rightens itself; the probe droid's equivalent of a nod. "Acknowledgement: I understand Mistress." Unless there is something else Dofina wishes to discuss 1X will spend the next few minutes conferring with the nemoidian woman to determine an exact list of laboratory equipment and foodstuffs she'll require once they land.


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DRK-1X and Mistress Dofina converse and create a rounded out list of items that Dofina will need in order to complete her work. Both agree that the assistance of the medical droids will certainly help in this manner.

The trio will spend the rest of the flight planning out what to do once they've arrived in the Corellia system and how to go about each of their assigned tasks.

Unless there is anything that DRK-1X or Derek wants to accomplish before Corellia, we can go to that point now.


OOC: Aside from DRK-1X shutting down to reprogram itself for the specific tasks ahead of it, no. Feel free to narrate the end of the trip as you see fit.

BTW, you mentioned back in post 205 that "There is still more Xp along the way, but there are some loose ends that need to be tied up first." I was just wondering if my characters were up to date on their experience totals or not.

Voidrunner's Codex

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