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Star Wars: The Rebellion ch. 1


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A Long Time Ago, In A Galaxy Far, Far Away

Star Wars

The Rebellion

It has been almost 19 years since the Delcaration of The New Order, and the GALACTIC EMPIRE under the cruel rule of Emperor Palpatine is finishing the long construction of the DEATH STAR. This weapon could very spell the end for the REBEL ALLIANCE.

Under the leadership of Chandrillian senator MON MOTHMA and Alderaanian senator LEIA ORGANA, the Rebellion is evacuating their current base on DANTOOINE after rumors that the Imperials have found their secret base.

A GROUP OF REBELS have been called to the base, and are to be sent on an urgent mission. A former Seperatist has informed the Rebellion of a stockpile of military grade weaponry left over from the Clone Wars. With these weapons, the Rebels will have better chance to return the galaxy to the peace of the REPUBLIC...

The YT-2400 slowly emerges into view as the plains covered planet of Dantooine looms below. The ship, currently piloted by Danathiel Savisten, is the property of the Rebellion and only loaned to the group. Their current orders are to land at the base, and meet with a senior rebel officer.
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Go Time

Standing near the back of the meeting room, at ease but still with a military bearing, is a human male in a combat flight suit with a blaster strapped to his side. He holds his helmet under his arm and has a buzz cut framing a face crisscrossed with scars, some of which are recently aquired it would seem. For those who can recognize it, he bears the insignias of a Corporal in the regular Rebel Infantry, with marksman, meritorious service, and three wounded in the line of duty ribbons. He looks around the room, noting the ports and hatchways, then sits in a chair with a good view of them all with his back to one bulkhead.

"Name's Corporal Kinneson, but those who fight and die near me call me Caine. Nice to meet y'all. Looks like we have some time to kill, why don't we have a bit of palaver and get our MOSs sorted out. Me, well if it needs shooting or blowing up, I'm your go to guy. I'm a fair hand at stiching folks up afterwards as well. I got some dice and cards here as well, if'n anyone feels like trying their luck while we chew the fat. Its a good way to take the edge off these quiet before the storm times."


I am the mysterious professor.
Pacing the floor while twirling a blaster pistol is a Nautolan. He seems impatient and ready to go. He also seems to check his time piece every few seconds.

The Nautolan is 2 meters tall wearing a green combat jumpsuit that matches his skin.

"Can we get this boat moving already. I hate sitting still." Walks up to each person onboard and gives a big toothy grin and a firm handshake. "Glad to me you. My name is Garn and this is my first mission. If you can't tell I'm really ready to go."
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Currently lazily sitting in a chair and piloting the ship towards the base, is a human man in a loose, dark clothing and a short black hair. "Danathiel Savisten, but you can call me Dan.", he introduces himself while lazily raising his hand to a greeting, without bothering to turn his head. "I can fly this thing, shoot things, and mess with computer things. Other information is on need-to-know basis, and you don't need to know.", he continues while grinning and turning to look at the rest of the group.


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A protocol droid with dull olive-colored plates and a head that looks something like a clamshell turned on its side approaches the group and says in a prissy sounding voice, "Hello. My name is M-3PX, advanced military protocol droid. I am fluent in over 3 million forms of communication and mayhem and proficient in the use of every common model of blaster, slugthrower, and many varieties of heavy weaponry. I can repair, modify, or create a variety of blasters for your shooting enjoyment. I have been assigned to work with you on our upcoming mission. Do you have speculations on which species we will be required to shoot?"

On close inspection, this protocol droid has a pair of blasters strapped to his waste on a rather ridiculous gunbelt.

Ranger Rick

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Johnny De Goode Soldier 3

Johnny, walked into the pilot's area and sat in the co pilot seat. Johnny was wearing a filght suit and had a blasterstrapped to the front of his thigh. "Hi Dan, mind if I sit here? Thanks. Being a fellow pilot, I hate to sit in the back. The front seat is what it is all about. That and I believe these fly better with a copilot. My name is Johnny, graduate of the Imperial Academy, my last summer in school I developed some sort of flu that sapped my strength so I was kicked out of the Imperial Navy. I have the last laugh, I have been flying the T-65. That is a sweet craft. Have you flown in one yet?"
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Aww great.....

Caine starts to deal some cards to himself and an imaginary dealer, muttering under his breath, "A couple fly boys more interested in a craft that steers itself than some real action and a bag of bolts. Nary a sheep for shearing in sight." Out loud he calls out, "Back in the thick of it we call 'droids Bobs, brave little toaster, and it is a term of.... endearment. I am going to call you Bob. Way I sees it, Bob, we are gonna be shooting at other humanoids who are between point A and Point B. Unless they got Bobs too."


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Idle Chatter

"Hey, Garn... you fin faces play cards under water? Might as well join me here and calm down. Save the adrenalin for when's you need it."

He then calls to the cockpit, "Imperial Academy huh? Never went to no academy myself, just the school of hard knocks followed by advanced studies at the institute of getting your teeth kicked in by Imperial scumbags. Speaking of Imperials, you must have been pretty gung ho for the Empire at some point. What made you change your mind?"

Ranger Rick

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Johnny deGoode

"I caught some weird ass flu that has attacked my muscles. I have lost str. Because of that they kicked me out. I was never gung ho for people, only in the flying part."


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"So what you are saying is you don't care who you are flying for, as long as you are flying. And it doesn't concern you one bit about the politics of the conflict at hand? That concerns me, deeply. We are about to go into harm's way, where we will have to rely on each other with our very lives. Bob here, he is programmed to put it on the line for the cause, so he has no choice. Garn here is chomping at the bit, so no worries there. But as far as I can tell neither of you fly boys care one iota for the Rebellion. What's to keep y'all from turning tale when the blasters start blasting. A man with a cause, he'll fight and die for what he believes, but a man with a hobby like flying.... his heart's not in it if you get my drift."

Voidrunner's Codex

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