stonegod's Expedition to Castle Ravenloft: Ch. I [IC]


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
s@squ@tch said:
OOC: Just so that I have my bearings straight, we are basically heading north, in the general direction between the woods and the castle?
East, parallel w/ the north edge of town. The compass rose its a bit obscured, but north is to the left.

The grave is on the *east* side of the graveyard.
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Gripping his own blade tightly, Ladreth holds up a hand toward the lady warrior, halting her before she moves further forward. In explanation, he points at Jarrith and his lightstick, urging him closer.


After Ashlyn mentions the undead up ahead, Jarrith sees the halfork urging him to come forward with the light. However, before he does so... Jarrith spends a few seconds preparing himself. He puts one of his rapiers away, then quickly pulls out both of his wands one at a time to cast Cat's Grace and Shield of Faith on himself. For once, he's going to go into a fight prepared.

Jarrith then puts the wands away, and draws his rapier again as he shuffles forward to bring his light further down the tunnel.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Ashlyn waits for the rest of the group to catch up, then, sword in hand, steps forward. Her senses pick up something she cannot see even in the light. Suddenly, the earthen wall collapses and out bursts a sickly animated corpse!

Ghoul Grave: Round 1 (Partial)

Like a wall of filth, the creature's stench slams into Ashlyn and Ladreth. The lady paladin gags a moment but pushes down the bile. Unfornately, the half-orc is not so lucky and is immediately sick! [Save vs stench; Ashlyn succeeds, Ladreth fails; Ladreth sickened]

The creature (Marot and Ashlyn recognize it as a ghast) immediately sets into Ashlyn. Its claws rake uselessly against her heavy armor, but it manages to find a weakspot in the neck and sinks is filthy maw in. As blood flows from the wound, the Lady temporarily stiffens. Then the feeling passes. [Save vs. paralysis succeeds]

Ghoul Grave: Round 1 (Partial)

G: 20
A: 19 [42/49, protection from evil 30 rounds]
L: 15 [sickened 100 rounds, protection from evil 30 rounds]
J: 14 [cat's grace 30 rounds, shield of faith 10 rounds]
J: 8
M: 5
T: 5

Map Key: A: Ashlyn, G: Hungry Corpse, J: Jarrith, J: Janis, L: Ladreth, M: Marot, T: Tessa.
Conditions: Dark Red Border: Dying, Lime Border: Sickened.

[Round 1 actions]


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Marot the Deadly

"Die you foul beast!" Marot shouts as he unleashes a burst of eldritch energy at the creature. His anger brings forth an aura of righteousness that Ladreth, Tessa, and Jarrith all can feel.

OOC: Aura of Menace in place, 5' radius, Spirit blast, +7 (+1 from point blank shot) ranged touch attack, 3d6+3 (+4 total w/point blank?) on the ghast. Let me know if Marot cannot get a shot off at the ghast because of the shape of the tunnel, and I will change his action for this round.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
s@squ@tch said:
OOC: Aura of Menace in place, 5' radius, Spirit blast, +7 (+1 from point blank shot) ranged touch attack, 3d6+3 (+4 total w/point blank?) on the ghast. Let me know if Marot cannot get a shot off at the ghast because of the shape of the tunnel, and I will change his action for this round.
He has a shot, though cover applies. the +1 applies.

James Heard

Not having a target but not wanting to take any chances, Janis looses an arc of lightning into the recessed space next herself and Tessa.

If nothing else, that never stops making me feel better.


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Ashlyn draws apon her faith and her blade shines as it smites the ghast before her. As she strikes, her voice rings clear, "'Ware, a Ghast."

[Full attack, smite on first attack | attack +13/+4; damage 1d8+1d6+9/1d8+3]


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Tessa could hear the warnings and sounds of combat from up ahead, but she couldn't see anything resembling a clear target. The stench was even worse now, and she had to fight a wave of revulsion. She visibly jumped a bit when Janis unleashed her storm bolt into the shadowy alcove- was there something hidden there that she had not seen? No...

With a shake of her head, she focused her concentration on the coming fight. While only one ghast might have been seen so far, those creatures were rarely alone in truth. There would be more. She raised the consecrated shield on her left arm, ready to focus the power of the Host if any more undead appeared.

OOC: Ready action for a Turn Undead attempt if more beasties show up. Check is 1d20+3, turn damage 2d6+6.

Voidrunner's Codex

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