• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

The Crux of the Matter

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Rystil Arden

First Post
Bront said:
Vanitri will look at the flute, "I think this is mine. This is a freefolk symbol, I believe of the man I was named after."

"And this blade," He says, taking the short sword, "This looks familiar too."

He pulls it from it's scabard and twirls it expertly before sheathing it again. It almost seems to glow dimly. "Yes, I remember you."

"Mind if I grab a ring? And this I should hold on to for Laynie." He grabs the statue of Elayna.

OOC: Firefox works better :(.
(OOC: Rinaldo already took the short sword)

*When Tenebrynn puts on her ring, a visible deflection fields surrounds her, making a faint humming sound (no not the humming sound from the Wild Surge room, you don't need to worry). It seems like it will protect her from attacks. Unfortunately it is harder to see with the field in the way.*

*When Tenebrynn puts on the necklace, she feels somewhat relieved from her two terrible drains, and protected as well. In fact, she feels like a Pixie. Wait, she is a Pixie! Yes, she is definitely a Pixie, just in Elf form!*

(OOC: She is convinced that she is a Pixie. Nothing will convince her otherwise. This probably won't have much actual effect though)

*The Bracelets make her feel spry and agile.*

*The Circlet doesn't seem to do anything at all, but it sends a magical imprint--not an intelligent item, just a sense that some items have, an echo of their magic. Apparently this item will only work if your name is Elayna Valsice. It doesn't have to be official by birth--technically it will work for anyone who changes their name to that and means it, since it can only measure your state of mind. Also technically that is Laynie's name.*

*The shoes don't do anything immediately. They may be triggerable or something.*

(OOC: Nobody else actually wore the items right, yet, just took them?)


First Post
[SBLOCK=OOC]Is the shield a small or large shield? Is it made of mithral?

For the sword, if Vanitri claim it, Rinaldo will not protest, but as Rinaldo have no magical weapon, it could be usefull for him to have one, even more now that he has a good strength to take advantage of it.

Ok, so what we have is:

- amulets (Rinaldo)
- necklace (Tenebrynn)
- ring (Tenebrynn)
- ring (Vanitri)
- ring (Rinaldo)
- Brassiere
- a length of obsidian topped with a skull with rubies for eyes
- crystalline orb of some sort
- a staff of ebony and gold
- a small slender rod-like object with a coiling pattern around it topped by a sapphire
- a pair of stylish ladies' shoes (Tenebrynn)
- a sort of combination dress/robe for the lady wizard with a sense of style
- a silvery shield
- a shortsword that gleams as if with morning light (Vanitri or Rinaldo)
- a lovely sash, great to accessorise
- a corset
- a pair of elegant bracelets (Tenebrynn)
- a thin platinum circlet (Tenebrynn)
- a slender fluted wand
- a small scroll case that seems to hold vast quantities of scrolls
- an enchanted flute with unknown mystical properties; the flute bears two symbols, one of which Laynie recognises as the sigil of the Magequeen and her royal family (Vanitri)
- an enchanted gem, a dusty rose quartz of sorts
- a plush kitty doll[/SBLOCK]

Rystil Arden

First Post
(OOC: Light silvery shield. Perhaps it is mithral. Do you have Appraise or metalsmithing skills? Otherwise, comparing it to other mithral items in the party, it looks fairly similar)

Rystil Arden

First Post
*The Amulet looks like it has a slot in it for a ring and another spot where a glyph might appear, as if the Amulet had two uses both of which were empty right now. It seems to do nothing.*

*Wearing the ring feels wonderful. It is as if he is dining on the most delicious meal he can imagine, without actually eating, the food and drink changing to fit his whimsy. He also feels full, and alert, as if he doesn't need much rest.*


First Post
Rystil Arden said:
(OOC: Light silvery shield. Perhaps it is mithral. Do you have Appraise or metalsmithing skills? Otherwise, comparing it to other mithral items in the party, it looks fairly similar)

OOC: Do I have Appraise... you must be kiding no? Rinaldo is a merchant :p Appraise +10 and my chain shirt is in mithral, so I got something to compare with. If it is light, he will use it instead of his buckler.

Edit: Oh, and Hogarth have +8 Armorsmith


First Post
Rinaldo remove his ring and gives it to Tenebrynn. "Take that, probably it will cut your need of sleep, which mean if you got stuck for too much time with that curse, it will help you to keep concentrate. For now, it will probably be useless to everyone."

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