D&D Movie/TV The D&D Movie Reviews Are Coming In

While Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves doesn't come out until March 31st, reviewers have seen early screenings--and so far at least—it's all almost all overwhelmingly positive. Of course, while those who follow genre movie news will know that's not an unusual pattern among early screenings, with things starting to settle down a bit later, Rotten Tomatoes currently has the movie at...


While Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves doesn't come out until March 31st, reviewers have seen early screenings--and so far at least—it's all almost all overwhelmingly positive.

Of course, while those who follow genre movie news will know that's not an unusual pattern among early screenings, with things starting to settle down a bit later, Rotten Tomatoes currently has the movie at 100%. We can expect that to drop.

[UPDATE -- the Rotten Tomatoes score is now starting to drop and was at 92% at the time of this edit.]
[UPDATE -- now 84%.]

Hollywood Reporter said "An adaptation that will appeal to the nostalgic side of existing fans and entertain those whose eyes glaze over at the mention of Dungeon Masters, bards or druids." Variety's verdict was "It’s at once cheesy and charming, synthetic and spectacular, cozily derivative and rambunctiously inventive, a processed piece of junk-culture joy that, by the end, may bring a tear to your eye." Den of Geek says "At last, here is a crowdpleaser that actually pleases, and not least of all because the stakes are as small as an evening with some mates going on "a quest" by way of a 20-sided die." And Total Film speaks of "A Pine-fuelled mix of humour, handsome settings and high-stakes action turns the beloved board game into a big-screen treat."

Other outlets agree. According to Polygon "Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves is everything a D&D fan could want" and The Wrap says "This Hilarious Epic Fantasy Is a Total Blast". Deadline also gives it a positive review, saying "With renewed interest in the fantasy genre, it’s good to see something outside of Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones getting it right and having a good time. Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves is also one of the better game adaptations to hit theaters due to all of the elements coming together — a strong cast, a decent story, dynamic direction and pleasing special effects."

Rolling Stone is a little more tempered, however, observing that "‘Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves’ Proves Chris Pine Can Save Anything" but warns that "no matter how much the creators confess their love of the game, all of those shout-outs to creatures, character types, campaign details and so on feel like annoying distractions."

RogerEbert.com feels that "The film often feels like it’s faking what the creators love about the game instead of trying to translate it from one medium to another."

But so far, so good! We'll have to wait to see if the trend holds up once the movie is out, but for those hoping we'll finally have a decent D&D movie--it looks like there is hope to be had!

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I see a whole lot of comments on social media about people complaining that the attempt at being light-hearted means it's just copying Marvel, as if campy fantasy movies never existed before, like Willow, or Big Trouble in Little China, or Conan the Destroyer, or Ice Pirates, or...

There's long been a subsect of fandom that is rather po-faced. Humor is not allowed, children-centric media, worthless. You can see that in old issues of Dragon and fanzines (usually combined with a bar of authenticity set so high that no adaptation could clear it - see Gary Gygax's takes on most 80s fantasy movies, like Conan the Barbarian).

Just see Bridgerton as a Social Encounter for D&D while Honor Among Thieves is more the Combat/Exploration side of things :p

Heh, it's truly important to balance your encounters and your viewing habits!

Honestly, Bridgerton is the kind of modernized faux history that many D&D worlds consist of. (Its time frame isn't even that unusual nowadays.) It's just all social encounters instead of monsters.

I've caught a little bit of it out of the corner of my eye. It seems fun enough.

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I see a whole lot of comments on social media about people complaining that the attempt at being light-hearted means it's just copying Marvel, as if campy fantasy movies never existed before, like Willow, or Big Trouble in Little China, or Conan the Destroyer, or Ice Pirates, or...
Any and all joy in a spec-fic movie is copying Marvel and thus bad. Not like the artistic masterpiece that is the desaturated sadness of DC.

It's not Marvel's fault they were one of the first to break the seal on the six years of dourness Hollywood went through after 9/11.

Any and all joy in a spec-fic movie is copying Marvel and thus bad. Not like the artistic masterpiece that is the desaturated sadness of DC.

It's not Marvel's fault they were one of the first to break the seal on the six years of dourness Hollywood went through after 9/11.

That really only applied to the Synderverse, the Arrowverse had more humour and was brighter.

I’m usually someone who hates forced “Marvel humour” shoehorned into franchises it doesn’t belong. (Eg Star Wars - the opening battle of The Last Jedi is probably the most egregious example) but I feel it’s appropriate here. D&D is not a serious heavy work with Tolkien level gravitas. It’s a bizarre cobbled together stew of barbarians, weird monsters, robots and whatever else being played with levity and a sense of fun. It’s ok for it to be self aware.

And boy did the fans of the movie sneer and Flash and Supergirl when they came out. They were real happy about the mess Arrow became. No one appreciates Legends or Black Lightning, sadly

I never watched Black Lightening, enjoyed some parts of Supergirl and adored most of Legends of Torromow even its first season. Watched the first season of Arrow & liked it. Didn't watch Batgirl, that red wig was just to awful, I know it didn't have Snyderverse budget, but couldn't they afford a wig that looked like human hair instead of fur stolen from someone's My Little Pony collection?

Alot of the other Arrowverse shows usually didn't survive long. Might Watch Flash (not a big Flash fan, I move slowly), Gotham Knights, and Superman & Louis the Arrowverse survivors.

I am glad that the Gunnverse is going to focus on the Laterns, that's the one part of DC I really loved, besides the Legends of Tomorrow tv show.

I was always was more a marvel guy, mostly the Mutant stuff and Alpha Flight, then alot of the other stuff. Did enjoy the Fantastic Four movies with Jessica Alba and came love most of the the phase 1 through 3 MCU movies. Phase 4 I like Ms. Marvel and Werewolf By Night, haven't watched much else. I keep meaning to watch WondaVision & Shung Chi.

But the one DC comics thing I love was the Latern Corps stuff.

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