D&D 5E The Final Announcement from The Descent Live Stream: Eberron Hardcover

The final announcement at the end of The Descent stream is a hardcover book for the Eberron setting!

The final announcement at the end of The Descent stream is a hardcover book for the Eberron setting!
No details have been announced, but Nathan Stewart closed out the live stream event for The Descent by proclaiming the final book out this year would be a hardcover setting book for Eberron.

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Darryl Mott

Darryl Mott


Disappointing. I had hoped they would have done something else since they have done Eberron all the time. Congrats to those who love Eberron though. I hope one day they at least open Greyhawk to DMs Guild.

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I'd also like to know what about Eberron seems to throw some people into these sort of passive-aggressive (or straight aggressive) fits. It's a pretty cool setting.
I think a big part of it is that Eberron was released as a PDF last year for $20 and that the The Descent event spent a lot of time talking up the print-on-demand DM's Guild offerings including the Eberron PDF. So people are wondering...what did we spend money on last year then?

Another issue is that WotC hasn't listed any details whatsoever and, while Eberron creator Keith Baker was involved in the PDF Wayfinder's Guide to Eberron, there's been no mention if he'll be involved with this as Nathan Stewart presented this as the sole brainchild of himself and Kate Welch at the end of the stream.


The fact that it's not (insert poster's favorite setting here).
I guess that makes sense.

I don't know, I'm not such a miserable sack of crap that I feel the need to denigrate an optional supplement just because I'm not a fan, but to each their own I guess.

(not directing this at you, Staffan.)


I think a big part of it is that Eberron was released as a PDF last year for $20 and that the The Descent event spent a lot of time talking up the print-on-demand DM's Guild offerings including the Eberron PDF. So people are wondering...what did we spend money on last year then?

Another issue is that WotC hasn't listed any details whatsoever and, while Eberron creator Keith Baker was involved in the PDF Wayfinder's Guide to Eberron, there's been no mention if he'll be involved with this as Nathan Stewart presented this as the sole brainchild of himself and Kate Welch at the end of the stream.

Okay, if the bolded is actually part of the concern, wouldn't it be better to actually... wait... for information?

As for the top portion... You paid for the PDF, which this may or may not work better in tandem with.

Dire Bare

From the Twitch Chat, it sounds like it will be a different book than Wayfinder's Guide to Eberron.

They already announced months ago that IF they did an Eberron hardcover release, it would overlap with, but be a different book than "The Wayfinder's Guide to Eberron".

If they keep true to what was announced earlier (and if I am remembering correctly), the Wayfinder's Guide will be updated with the final version of the Artificer class, and maybe some other stuff to. The new hardcover will probably also include the Artificer, and maybe some other material from Wayfinder's Guide, but will be "different" and include material NOT in the Wayfinder's Guide.


Book-Friend, he/him
I think a big part of it is that Eberron was released as a PDF last year for $20 and that the The Descent event spent a lot of time talking up the print-on-demand DM's Guild offerings including the Eberron PDF. So people are wondering...what did we spend money on last year then?

Another issue is that WotC hasn't listed any details whatsoever and, while Eberron creator Keith Baker was involved in the PDF Wayfinder's Guide to Eberron, there's been no mention if he'll be involved with this as Nathan Stewart presented this as the sole brainchild of himself and Kate Welch at the end of the stream.

To be fair, the percentage of the AL-legal book they released last year that is likely to be reused is low, based on the plan for a hardcover Mearls laid out the day the Wayfarer's Guide was released: basically just the parts they released as free UA articles are likely to be reprinted, which is a few pages out of a large document. They are likely to put the Wayfarer's Guide up for print on demand, as the fluff will remain relevant and distinct


To be fair, the percentage of the AL-legal book they released last year that is likely to be reused is low, based on the plan for a hardcover Mearls laid out the day the Wayfarer's Guide was released: basically just the parts they released as free UA articles are likely to be reprinted, which is a few pages out of a large document. They are likely to put the Wayfarer's Guide up for print on demand, as the fluff will remain relevant and distinct

Adding on with my own understanding of things: If I recall correctly when Mearls was explaining the plan on Twitter, the example he provided was that it'd have more emphasis on the Five Kingdoms and a reduced emphasis on Sharn relative to Wayfarer's.


I’d like to see an adventure mixed into the book somewhat like the Ravnica offering. Sounds like it won’t have room but I’m a fan of the setting/adventure style they have been using.

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