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D&D 5E The Full Pregenerated Character Repository


First Post
Originally posted by BoldItalic:

Basic: No
Player's Handbook: Yes
EE Player's Companion: No
AL Legal: Yes (March 2015 Rules)

Rindlaf Elmpath.png

Rindlaf Elmpath
1st-Level Human Ranger
Medium Male Humanoid

Armour Class 16 (Scale Mail)
Hit Points 11 (1d10+1)
Speed 30 feet
Sense Normal
Passive Perception 14
Initiative +3
Str 14 (+2) Dex 16 (+3) Con 13 (+1)
Int 11 (+0) Wis 15 (+2) Cha 9 (-1)
Proficiency Bonus +2
Alignment Chaotic-Neutral
Languages Common, Elvish, Dwarvish, Orc
Background Outlander (Exile)

Favoured Enemy (Orcs and Drow)
Natural Explorer (Grassland)

Tools: Shawm
Saving Throws: Str, Dex

Animal Handling +4, Athletics +4, Perception +4, Stealth +5, Survival +4

Two Shortswords +5 To Hit, 1d6+3/1d6 piercing finesse, light
Longbow +5 To Hit, 1d8+3 piercing heavy, two-handed, ammunition, range(150/600)

EQUIPMENT (145 lb)
Scale Mail, Shortsword(2), Longbow, Arrows(20), Backpack, Bedroll, Mess Kit, Tinderbox, Torches(10), Day's Rations(10), Waterskin, Hempen Rope - 50ft, Staff, Hunting Trap, Trophy (from an animal you killed), Traveller's Clothes, Green Sash, Ivory Knife, Piece of Yellow Chalk, 10gp, A purple handkerchief embroidered with the name of a powerful archmage

Traits: Rindlaf feels far more comfortable around animals than people, and he is driven by a wanderlust that has led him away from home.
Ideal - Change. Life is like the seasons, in constant change, and we must change with it.
Bond: Rindlaf's clan, tribe or family is the most important thing in his life, even when they are far from him.
Flaw: Rindlaf believes there is no room for caution in a life lived to the fullest.

Rindlaf lives with his uncle (a ranger) and aunt (a druid) in a remote wilderness. Recently, they have become aware of an unlikely alliance between a renegade drow and a tribe of orcs, intent on plundering outlying farmlands. Rindlaf has been sent to town to warn the authorities and ask for soldiers to be sent but he has little idea of where to go or who to speak to, and his lack of social skills is holding him back somewhat.

Religion: Rindlaf worships at the temple of Silvanus, the Neutral god of wild nature, in Sunderfell. Followers there are required to wear a green sash on holy days, and to carry an ivory knife, and a piece of yellow chalk at all times.
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First Post
Originally posted by BoldItalic:

Basic: No
Player's Handbook: Yes
EE Player's Companion: No
AL Legal: Yes, (March 2015 Rules)

Polrianna Copefont.png

Polrianna Copefont
1st-Level Human Cleric (Domain of War)
Medium Female Humanoid

Armour Class 18 (Chain Mail and Shield)
Hit Points 10 (1d8+2)
Speed 30 feet
Sense Normal
Passive Perception 12
Initiative +1
Str 14 (+2) Dex 13 (+1) Con 14 (+2)
Int 12 (+1) Wis 15 (+2) Cha 12 (+1)
Proficiency Bonus +2
Alignment Neutral
Languages Common, Gnomish
Background Soldier

Military Rank (Sergeant in the Helmpath Stalwarts)
Spell Preparation - 3 Cleric spells
Ritual Casting
War Priest (twice/day)

Tools: Vehicles(Land), Gaming Set (Dragonchess)
Saving Throws: Wis, Cha

Athletics +4, Insight +4, Intimidation +3, Medicine +4

Warhammer +4 To Hit, 1d8+2 bludgeoning versatile (d10)
Javelin +4 To Hit, 1d6+2 piercing thrown, range(30/120)

Magic Ability: Wis
Focus: Holy Symbol
MAM: +4
SaveDC: 12
Cantrips: Light, Resistance, Spare the Dying
Spells Per Day: 2
Domain Spells: Divine Favour, Shield of Faith
Spells Prepared: Create or Destroy Water, Detect Magic, Purify Food and Drink

Chain Mail, Shield, Warhammer, Javelin(4), Holy Symbol, Backpack, Blanket, Candles(10), Tinderbox, Alms Box, Blocks of Incense(2), Censer, Vestments, Day's Rations(2), Waterskin, Rank Insignia, Combat Trophy, Gaming Set (Dragonchess), Common Clothes, Blue Scarf, 10gp, A vest with one hundred tiny pockets

Traits: Polrianna is always polite and respectful, and she is full of inspiring and cautionary tales from her military experience, relevant to almost every combat situation.
Ideal - Nation. My city, my nation, and its people are all that matter.
Bond: Polrianna's honour is her life.
Flaw: Polrianna's hatred of her enemies is blind and unreasoning.

Polrianna, known simply as Anna, came from a military family and joined up with the Helmpath Stalwarts where she was popular with the troops and was soon promoted to sergeant. This came to an end when she caught religion as they say, and she left her unit to train as a battle cleric. She is now attached to the temple in her home village where, in truth, she spends most of her time socialising with old friends. She misses the thrill of combat, though, and is beginning to wonder if she made the right career choice after all. There just aren't enough enemies around, are there?

Religion: Polrianna serves at the temple of Tempus, the Neutral god of war, in Amphail. Followers there are required to wear a blue scarf on holy days, and to pray to the west at 8 o'clock every morning.
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First Post
Originally posted by BoldItalic:

Basic: No
Player's Handbook: Yes
EE Player's Companion: Yes
AL Legal: Yes, for the EE story line

Lady Sparky of Gravewell.png

Lady Sparky of Gravewell
1st-Level Fire Genasi Sorcerer (Draconic Bloodline Origin)
Medium Female Humanoid

Armour Class 14 (no armour)
Hit Points 9 (1d6+2)
Speed 30 feet
Sense Darkvision 60ft
Passive Perception 11
Initiative +1
Str 9 (-1) Dex 12 (+1) Con 15 (+2)
Int 13 (+1) Wis 12 (+1) Cha 15 (+2)
Proficiency Bonus +2
Alignment Chaotic-Neutral
Languages Common, Primordial, Dwarvish, Draconic
Background Noble (Knight)

Pedigree: Daughter of the Earl of Gravewell
Retainers: a factotum (Cliff), a lady's maid (Opaline) and a scribe (Ertha)
Dragon Ancestor (White Dragon, Cold damage)
Draconic Resilience
Reach to the Blaze
Darkvision (in shades of red)
Fire Resistance

Tools: Gaming Set (Dice)
Saving Throws: Con, Cha

Deception +4, History +3, Intimidation +4, Persuasion +4

Two Daggers +3 To Hit, 1d4+1/1d4 piercing finesse, light, thrown, range(20/60)
Light Crossbow +3 To Hit, 1d8+1 piercing two-handed, loading, ammunition, range(80/320)
Produce Flame +4 To Hit, 1d8 fire ranged spell attack, range(30)
Chill Touch +4 To Hit, 1d8 necrotic ranged spell attack, range(120)

Magic Ability: Cha
Focus: Rod
MAM: +4
SaveDC: 12
Cantrips: Chill Touch, Control Flames, Frostbite, Minor Illusion
Spells Per Day: 2
Spells Known: Disguise Self, Witch Bolt

Dagger(2), Light Crossbow, Bolts(20), Magic Focus (Rod), Backpack, Crowbar, Hammer, Pitons(10), Torches(10), Tinderbox, Day's Rations(10), Waterskin, Hempen Rope - 50ft, Fine clothes, Signet Ring, Scroll of Pedigree, Ivory Knife, Pair of Scissors, Prayer Beads, Red Sash, 25gp, A mummified goblin hand

Traits: Sparky has a regal bearing. No-one could doubt that she is a cut above the unwashed masses, but she does not, despite her noble birth, place herself above other folk. She believes that we all have the same blood.
Ideal - Family. Blood runs thicker than water.
Bond: Sparky's loyalty to her sovereign is unwavering.
Flaw: By her words and actions, Sparky often brings shame to her family.

There are not many people who are descended from an efreeti on their mother's side and a white dragon on their father's, but then there are not many people like Sparky, either. Perhaps it is fortunate for world that she is unique. Someone has stolen a piece of jewelry that she treasured, and she is touring the district looking for the thief. She hasn't decided, yet, whether to freeze him or fry him, or possibly both.

Religion: Sparky worships at the temple of Fasnu, the Neutral god of knowledge, in Gravewell. Followers there are required to carry an ivory knife, prayer beads, and a pair of scissors at all times, to wear a red sash on holy days, and to abstain from eating dried fish on Saturdays.
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First Post
Originally posted by BoldItalic:

Basic: Yes
Player's Handbook: Not Required
EE Player's Companion: Not Required
AL Legal: Yes (March 2015 Rules)

Parallel Reedstool.png

Parallel Reedstool
1st-Level Stout Rogue
Small Male Humanoid

Armour Class 14 (Leather Armour)
Hit Points 8 (1d8)
Speed 25 feet
Sense Normal
Passive Perception 10
Initiative +3
Str 9 (-1) Dex 17 (+3) Con 11 (+0)
Int 14 (+2) Wis 11 (+0) Cha 13 (+1)
Proficiency Bonus +2
Alignment Neutral-Good
Languages Common, Halfling
Background Criminal (Blackmailer)

Criminal Contact
Sneak Attack (1d6 damage)
Thieves' Cant
Halfling's Luck
Halfling Nimbleness
Stout Resilience

Tools: Gaming Set (Dragonchess), Thieves' Tools (Expertise), Cartographer's Tools
Saving Throws: Dex, Int

Acrobatics +5, Deception +3, Investigation +6 (Expertise), Persuasion +3, Sleight of Hand +5, Stealth +5

Rapier +5 To Hit, 1d8+3 piercing finesse
Shortsword +5 To Hit, 1d6+3 piercing finesse, light
Two Daggers +5 To Hit, 1d4+3/1d4 piercing finesse, light, thrown, range(20/60)

Leather Armour, Rapier, Shortsword, Dagger(2), Thieves' Tools, Backpack, Crowbar(2), Hammer, Pitons(10), Torches(10), Tinderbox, Day's Rations(10), Waterskin, Hempen Rope - 50ft, Dark Clothes with a Hood, 15gp, A glass vial filled with nail clippings

Traits: Parallel is perverse. The best way to get him to do something is to tell him that he can't do it, but he is always the first to note the locations of everything valuable - or where such things could be hidden - when entering a new place.
Ideal - Redemption. There’s a spark of good in everyone.
Bond: Someone he loved died because of a mistake he made. That will never happen again.
Flaw: Parallel has an unfortunate “tell” that reveals when he's lying.

Parallel hails from the halfling village of Goodbottom but he can't go back there for certain reasons. He has been hanging out in Waterdeep for a while, keeping his ear to the ground and soaking up salacious gossip, hoping to put the squeeze on anyone in power with a guilty secret to hide (but not anyone too powerful, obviously). He thinks he might branch out and try his luck in the smaller villages, where people are more afraid of what their neighbours known about them. He sees himself as a public servant - after all, he only takes money from the guilty, and they deserve to pay, don't they?

Religion: Parallel formerly worshipped at the temple of Lenocorácilla, the Neutral goddess of trade, in Goodbottom. Followers there were required to pray to the south at 6 o'clock every morning, and he still keeps up the habit.
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First Post
Originally posted by BoldItalic:

Basic: Yes
Players' Handbook: Not Required
EE Player's Companion: Not Required
AL Legal: Yes (March 2015 Rules)

Flint Balderk.png

Flint Balderk
1st-Level Hill Dwarf Fighter
Medium Male Humanoid

Armour Class 19 (Chain Mail and Shield)
Hit Points 13 (1d10+3)
Speed 25 feet
Sense Darkvision 60ft
Passive Perception 10
Initiative +1
Str 15 (+2) Dex 13 (+1) Con 15 (+2)
Int 10 (+0) Wis 11 (+0) Cha 12 (+1)
Proficiency Bonus +2
Alignment Lawful-Good
Languages Common, Dwarvish
Background Soldier

Military Rank (Sergeant in the Broken Reach Defenders)
Second Wind
Fighting Style: Defence
Dwarven Resilience

Tools: Vehicles(Land), Gaming Set (Playing Cards), Mason's Tools
Saving Throws: Str, Con

Animal Handling +2, Athletics +4, Insight +2, Intimidation +3

Flail +4 To Hit, 1d8+2 bludgeoning
Two Hand Axes +4 To Hit, 1d6+2/1d6 slashing light, thrown, range(20/60)

EQUIPMENT (132 lb)
Chain Mail, Shield, Flail, Hand Axe(2), Backpack, Crowbar, Hammer, Pitons(10), Torches(10), Tinderbox, Day's Rations(10), Waterskin, Hempen Rope - 50ft, Rank Insignia, Combat Trophy, Gaming Set (Playing Cards), Common Clothes, Brass Key, Pair of Scissors, 10gp, A rabbit’s foot

Traits: Flint has lost too many friends. He is slow to make new ones, and he has a crude sense of humour.
Ideal - Greater Good. Our lot is to lay down our lives in defence of others.
Bond: Flint will never forget the crushing defeat his company suffered or the enemies who dealt it.
Flaw: Flint obeys the law, even if the law causes misery.

Flint is a veteran of the Goblin War, the brutality of which left him with mental scars that time will never entirely heal. He travels from town to town, hiring on as a town guard or militiaman where he can, but never staying anywhere for more than a few weeks. What little money he earns, he soon spends on drink. It helps him forget, for a while. He has heard a rumour that gold has been found in the dwarf mines far to the east and there is work for mercenaries, guarding the shipments. He thinks he will make his way eastwards. It's as good a direction as any.

Religion: On his rare visits to his dwarven home in Lonely Barrow, Flint worships with his family at the temple of Shokmor, one of the dwarven gods of war. Followers there are required to carry a pair of scissors and a brass key at all times, and to give one sixth of their wealth to the temple.
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Well, that was fun
Staff member
Originally posted by Echamil:


Hasied Jassan
1st-Level Half-Elf Fighter
Medium (Fe)Male Humanoid
Armor Class: 13
Hit Points: 13
Speed: 30 Feet
Sense: Darkvision; 60 Ft., Passive Perception; 12
Str:   8 (-1) Dex: 14 (+2) Con: 16 (+3)
Int: 10 (+0) Wis: 10 (+0) Cha: 16 (+3)
Allignment: Chaotic-Neutral
Languages: Common, Elven, Orc
Background - Charlatan
  Feature: False Identity
  Favorite Schemes: I put on new identities like clothes.
Proficiency: +2
  Armor: Light Armor, Medium Armor, Heavy Armor, Shields
  Weapons: Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons
  Tools: Disguise Kit, Forgery Kit
  Saving Throws: Strength, Constitution
Racial Features
Fey Ancestry
Class Features
Fighting Style; Archery
Second Wind
Acrobatics +4, Deception +5, Perception +2, Persuasion +5, Sleight of Hand +4, Stealth +4
Melee--Rapier: +4 to hit (Reach 5 ft., One Target) Finesse.
Hit: 1D8+2 Piercing Damage.
Melee--Shortsword: +4 to hit (Reach 5 ft., One Target) Finesse, Light.
Hit: 1D6+2 Piercing Damage.
Melee/ Range--Handaxes: +1 to hit (Range 20/60, One Target) Light, Thrown.
Hit: 1D6-1 Slashing Damage.
Range--Longbow: +6 to hit (Range 150/600, One Target) Ammunition, Heavy, Two-Handed.
Hit: 1D8+2 Piercing Damage.
Leather Armor, Longbow, Arrows; 20, Rapier, Shortsword, Handaxes; 2, Explorer's Pack; (Backpack, Bedroll, Hempen Rope; 50 ft., Mess Kit, Rations; 10, Tinderbox, Torches; 10, Waterskin), Clothes; Fine, Disguise Kit, Con Tools; Deck of Marked Cards, Belt Pouch; (Containing 15 GP), Trinket; Old divination card bearing likeness.
   Personality Traits: I lie about almost everything, even when there is no good reason to. I pocket anything I see that might have some value.
   Ideal: Independence. I am a free spirit--no one tells me what to do. (Chaotic)
   Bond: A powerful person killed someone I love. Someday soon, I'll have my revenge.
   Flaw: I can't resist swindling people who are more powerful than me.
   Hasied Jassan began life in a cruel world, in 1342 DR. She was born to a woman who would never love her, in a world that would shun her, to a life that would ruin her. Growing up on the scorching streets of Calimport--Hasied learned that to survive; you had to lie, cheat and steal. This led to a pittiful life of cheating foreign merchant and dignitaries from their ill-gotten gains. During the Second Era of Skyfire, Hasied met a woman, a slave, with whom she fell deeply in love. Tymora's luck did not favor Hasied though, and she was forced to watch her beloved's public death at the hands of an Earthsoul Genasi Nobleman. Convinced there is a better life out there, Hasied fled from Calimport during the Rise of the Genasi, empty and broken inside with only the thought of her beloved fueling her actions.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Originally posted by Echamil:

1st-Level Half-Orc Barbarian
Male Medium Humanoid
Armor Class: 14
Hit Points: 15
Speed: 30 Feet
Sense: Darvision; 60, Passive Perception;
Str: 16 (+3) Dex: 13 (+1) Con: 16 (+3)
Int:  10 (+0) Wis: 12 (+1) Cha:   8 (-1)
Allignment: Chaotic-Neutral
Languages: Common, Orc
Background - Variant Entertainer: Gladiator
  Feature: By Popular Demand
  Entertainer Routines: Combat, Juggler, Tumbler
Proficiency: +2
  Armor: Light Armor, Medium Armor, Shields
  Weapons: Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons
  Tools: Disguise Kit, Musical Instrument; Flute
  Saving Throws: Strength, Constitution
Racial Features
Relentless Endurance
Savage Attacks
Class Features
Unarmored Defense
Acrobatics +3, Athletics +5, Intimidation +1, Performance +1, Survival +3
Melee--Shortsword: +5 to hit (Reach 5 ft., One Creature) Finesse, Light.
Hit: 1D6+3 Piercing Damage.
Melee/Range--Dagger: +5 to hit (Reach 5 ft., One Creature) Finesee, Light, Thrown  (20/60).
Hit: 1D4+3 Piercing Damage.
Melee/Range--Trident: +5 to hit (Reach 5 ft., One Creature) Thrown (Range 20/60),  Versatile.
Hit: 1D6+3 Piercing Damage. 1D8+3 Piercing Damage.
Range--Javelin: +5 to hit (Reach 5 ft., One Creature) Thrown (Range 30/120).
Hit: 1D6+3
Shortsword, Dagger, Javelin; 4, Trident, costume, Explorer's Pack; (Backpack, Bedroll,  Hempen Rope; 50 ft. Mess Kit, Rations; 10, Tinderbox, Torches; 10, Waterskin.), Favor of  Admirer; Trinket: (An Old Key), Belt Pouch; (Containing 15 GP).
   Personality Traits: I love a good insult, even one directed at me. I know a story  relevant to almost any situation.
   Ideal: Greed. I'm only in it for the money and fame. (Evil)
   Bond: I will do anything to prove myself superior.
   Flaw: Despite my best efforts, I am unreliable to my friends.
  Kruntch, older than most beginning adventurer's, was born a slave. His mother, a human  woman captured by an Orc tribe, did not survive through Kruntch's birth. Born the bastard  half-orc child of the Tribe's Chief, there was no love lost when Kruntch was thrown into a  dark pit and forced to fight beasts for his meals and to survive. His entire life was  torturous entertainment for the Tribe. During his 23rd winter, nothing more than bones,  Kruntch was sold to a slave-trader, and forced to perform in "underground" arena-pits. The  bare knuckled, bloodied, kill or be killed life was all that Kruntch had ever known until  one evening, an unbridled rage compleed Kruntch to take the slave owners head between his  muscled hands, and squeeze. Since then, Kruntch has fled, trying to find a better life,  fighting to survive and make something out of it in the process.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Originally posted by MadPuppy:


1st-level Barbarian, Medium humanoid (human), chaotic Neutral
Armor Class 14 (16 with Shield)
Hit Points 14 (1d12 + 2)
Speed 40 ft.
   STR          DEX         CON
15 (+3)     14 (+2)     14 (+2)
   INT           WIS         CHA
8 (-1)      10 (+0)       13 (+1)
Saving Throws Str +4, Con +4
Skills Acrobatics +4, Athletics +4, Perception +2, Intimidation +3, Survival +2
Tool proficiency: Navigators tools, Vehicles (water)
Senses Passive Perception 12
Languages Common, Draconic, Orc
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
Equipment. A BattleAxe, 2 hand axes, Belay pin (club), an explorer's pack, 4 javalins, a Shield , 50' silk rope,  A silver tear drop earring (made from a dragons tears!), a set of common clothes, , and a belt pouch containing 10 gp.
FeatMagic Initiate (Sorcerer):
Cantrips: Shocking Grasp (1d8, adv. vs. metal armor), Fire Bolt (1d10 range attack)
1st level: Witch Bolt (1d12 range attack, concentration maintains 1d12 every round 30'range)
Proficiency. (+2) Fenris is proficient with light armor, medium armor, shields, simple weapons, martial weapons.
Rage. In battle, Fenris "The Feared" fights with primal ferocity, On his turn, he can enter a rage as a bonus action. While raging, he gains the following benefits if he isn't wearing heavy armor:
  • He has advantage on Strength checks and Strength saving throws.
  • When he makes a melee weapon attack using Strength, he gains a +2 bonus to the damage roll.
  • He has resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.
If Fenris is able to cast spells, he can't cast them or concentrate on them while raging. His rage lasts for 1 minute. It ends early if he is knocked unconscious or if his turn ends and he hasn't attacked a hostile creature since his last turn or taken damage since then. He can also end his rage on his  turn as a bonus action. Once he has raged twice, he must finish a long rest before he can rage again.
Unarmored Defense. While Fenris is not wearing any armor, his Armor Class equals 10 + his Dexterity modifier + his Constitution modifier. He can use a shield and still gain this benefit.
BattleAxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d8 + 2 (1d10+2 two handed) slashing damage.
Handaxe. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20 ft./60 ft., one target. Hit: 1d6 +2 slashing damage.
Javalin. Melee or Ranged Weaopn Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 30 ft./120 ft., one target. Hit: 1d6 + 2 piercing damage.
Background. Pirate
Feature. Bad Reputation
No matter where you go, people are afraid of you due to your reputation. When you are in a civilized settlement, you can get away with minor criminal offenses, such as refusing to pay for food at a tavern or breaking down doors at a local shop, since most people will not report your activity to the authorities.
I work hard so that I can play hard when the work is done. I stretch the truth for the sake of a good story.
Ideal. The Sea is freedom, freedom to go anywhere and do anything.
Bond. I was cheated out of my fair share of the profits, and I want to get my just due.  (bad reputation)
Flaw.  Once someone questions my courage, I never back down no matter how dangerous the situation
known for the viciousness he showed to his vanquished foes, as well as his success in raiding many towns. Fenris has a sadistic, bloodthirsty streak that was predominant in his career. A feral combatant his rage leaves none without harm in his wake.  Will allow a tough opponent to strike him before he defeats them, baiting them and intimidating them in the process.
His reputation was further heightened on his last voyage. It was on this last raid that his latent magical abilities manifested with a surge of wild magic that sucked the life force out of the merchant galley Luscious Trader's crew and flooding Fenris with mighty temporary power.  In his rage he slew the remaining crew and a few of his own that got in his way.
The merchant galley "Luscious Trader" was heavily laden with treasure from the far reaches of Faerun's continent Kara Tur. Gold and Jewels that sparkled greater than the evening sky. His Pirate colleagues fearing the new magic from Fenris left him on a derelict "Luscious Trader" with no sail, a broken Rudder, and no treasure. With some luck a storm pushed the ship into A reef near the coast. It took all of his strength to reach the shore during the storm. Vengeance or a large portion of the treasure is all that will satisfy his rage.
Now few will take "the Feared" on as a crewman, thus Fenris has taken up adventuring, the thrill and danger is as great if not greater than pirating after all.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Originally posted by Whir:

This character requires the Player's Handbook and is therefor not basic. This character requires the Elemental Evil player's guide. This character is, to my knowledge, legal for Adventure League play.
Rette “Whirl” Renner
BACKGROUND (OUTLANDER — Feature: Wanderer; Origin: Guide)
Rette was born to a small tribe of nomads still clinging to their hunter-gatherer lifestyle. To them, her birth was neither auspicious or a portend of dark times -- all new life on the plains was honored and celebrated. As she grew, her tribe was winnowed by age, affliction, and accident. Finally her remaining family looked to civilization to fill their bellies and became guides and hunters for hire, bringing merchants and nobles safely across the great plains and keeping dangerous animals from the livestock of farmers.
Even before adulthood, Rette heard the call of the windsong of the great meadows and unbroken expanses of grasses of her childhood. When she was old enough, she would accompany her father when he led patrons across the Golden Seas, making and breaking camp for their charges and learning to harvest plants and animals for the materials they could yield. In just a few years, she would be leading her own groups.
Now of age, Rette has gone her own way, living free on the plains and enjoying the company of the beasts that dwell within. Her greatest joy is the feeling of the wind and sun on her face, though she finds the great storms that roll across the open ranges exhilarating and might be seen dancing naked in the gales, giggling like a child.

Personality Traits: I’m driven by wanderlust that led me away from home.
Ideal: Life is like the seasons, in constant change, and we must change with it.
Bond: An injury to the unspoiled wilderness of my home is an injury to me.
Flaw: I am slow to trust members of other races, tribes, and societies.
1st level Air Genasi Ranger
Medium Female Humanoid
Proficiency Bonus +2
Armor Class 16 (scale mail)
Saves Strength, Dexterity
Hit Points 12
Speed 30 ft
Sense Normal
Str 8 (-1) Dex 16 (+3) Con 14 (+2)
Int 10 (+0) Wis 14 (+2) Cha 13 (+1)
Alignment Chaotic Good
Languages Common, Primordial, Elven
Favored Enemy (Beasts)
Natural Explorer (Grasslands)
Unending Breath
Mingle with the Wind
Animal Handling (+3), Athletics (+1), Nature (+2), Perception (+4), Survival (+4)
Musical Instrument (shawm)
Melee Attack— Shortsword: +5 to hit (reach 5 ft; one creature).
Hit: 1d6+3 piercing damage
Ranged Attack— Longbow: +5 to hit (range 150/600 ft; one creature).
Hit: 1d8+3 piercing damage
Cantrips: —
Prepared Spells: —
scale mail, (2) shortsword, longbow, quiver ((20) arrow), explorer’s pack (backpack, bedroll, mess kit, tinderbox, (10) torch, (10) day's ration, waterskin, (50') hempen rope) hunting trap, pouch, shawm, staff, trophy hawk feathers, traveler’s clothes, 4gp, 8sp, 20cp
Rette is lean and her movement efficient. Her sky blue skin is often smudged with dirt and her wavy white hair seems to blow in a supernatural breeze even when indoors (and sometimes scatters grass seed as if of its own accord). Very fine crystals form at the nape of her neck and disappear into her scalp above and between her shoulders below.
Rette rarely wears her heavier armor, preferring to move unhampered among the grass of her home. She wears loose and simple but utilitarian clothing and no accessories save a bracelet adorned with hawk feathers on her left wrist. The bracelet was made by her mother from the bounty of Rette’s first wild hunt.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Originally posted by Whir:

This character requires the Player's Handbook and is therefor not basic. This character requires the Elemental Evil player's guide. This character is, to my knowledge, legal for Adventure League play.
Ahnric “Wet Feet” Delinn
BACKGROUND (SAILOR — Feature: Ship’s Passage)

Ahnric was born with sea blood, his sailor father would comment when someone asked about the lad’s strange skin and perpetual moistened state. Being the son of a sailor, Ahnric was often under the light supervision of his port-tethered mother and two flighty older sisters. He reveled in the tales his father told of the sea and felt its calling more strongly ever year.
When he was old enough, Ahnric took up a job with local fishers. His unique abilities made him popular with crabbers and clam divers and for a time he was paid well for his services, keeping his mother and sisters well above the wages of an average sailing man’s. During this time his sorcerous blood manifested and he learned how to control water and flames to great effect at his work and small emergencies at port.
After a one long day in the ocean, Ahnric came home to the news that the ship his father crewed had been attacked and sunk by raiders. Tears still streaming, somewhat unseen, down his face, he ran to the naval office and begged to be allowed to join the navy. Still too young, they turn him away. After that, for nearly a year, he begged every ship’s crew and captain for a job aboard their ship, and searched for more information on the raiders that sunk his father’s.

Now of age and two years at sea, Ahnric sails on the Pearly Princess, a merchant marine ship captained by a strong-willed half-elven woman named Diara Greenbeard. He is still searching for the raider captain Curmush Jawcracker to avenge his father’s death.

Personality Traits: I enjoy sailing into new ports and making new friends over a flagon of ale.
Ideal: The sea is freedom—the freedom to go anywhere and do anything.
Bond: Ruthless pirates murdered my captain and crewmates, plundered our ship, and left me to die. Vengeance will be mine.
Flaw: I can’t help but pocket loose coins and other trinkets I come across.
1st level Water Genasi Sorcerer
Medium Male Humanoid
Proficiency Bonus +2
Armor Class 11
Saves Constitution, Charisma
Hit Points 9 (1d6+3)
Speed 30 ft.; swim 30 ft.
Str 8 (-1) Dex 12 (+1) Con 16 (+3)
Int 10 (+0) Wis 14 (+2) Cha 15 (+2)
Alignment Chaotic good
Languages Common, Primordial
Sorcerous Origin (Wild Magic)
Acid Resistance
Call to the Wave
Arcana (+2), Athletics (+1), Perception (+4), Persuasion (+4)
Navigator’s Tools, Vehicles (water)
Melee Attack— Dagger: +3 to hit (reach 5 ft; one creature).
Hit: 1d4+1 piercing damage
Ranged Attack— Light Crossbow: +3 to hit (range 80/320 ft; one creature).
Hit: 1d8+1 piercing damage
Ranged Spell Attack— Ray of Frost: +4 to hit (range 60 ft; one creature).
Hit: 1d8 cold damage and the target’s speed is reduced by 10 feet until the start of your next turn.
Spell Save DC 12
Blade Ward; Control Flames; Ray of Frost; Shape Water
Prepared Spells: (1st level, 2 per day) Mage Armor; Ice Knife
(2) dagger, light crossbow, case ((20) crossbow bolt), arcane focus (orb), explorer’s pack (backpack, bedroll, mess kit, tinderbox, (10) torch, (10) day's ration, waterskin, (50') hempen rope), belaying pin, (50’) silk rope, common clothes, pouch, a glass orb filled with moving smoke
Ahrnic stands shorter than most of his mates, but is tough as nails and works through the driving rain of a sea squall without hesitation or complaint. His dark green skin seems to continually shed water and his black hair shimmers against the sun as though damp from a recent swim.
Ahnric keeps his clothing simple but durable to persevere under the demanding lifestyle of a sailor at sea. He keeps a nice set of clothes for evening at port, but swims nude (or in a loincloth depending on company). His arcane orb is in a pouch on his belt at all times and a dagger in his boot while on shore. He uses his smoky orb to break the ice with strangers put off by his appearance.

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