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The House of Rath OOC (One More Player Wanted)

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Well, I'm interested.

I've been playing since about 1984, mostly D&D and its variants, mostly as a DM. I've dubbled in Ars Magica too, and the occasionaly session of another system. In the PbP area I've so far played as a player in one short-lived one, and recently begun my second Ars Magica PbP as a DM.
I like both combat and politics heavy games, but I ain't keen on mystery/detective games (which I find devolve into "what do we do now?!" games) or puzzles (which I find boil down to IQ tests for the players).
Hobbies? Well, reading, physics (I'm a PhD student), and guitar. I doubt the last one will come to bear. :)
English isn't my native tongue, but I think I can write reasonably well.

And without further ado, my character submission. I used the PH and FRCS.

Atavy, the Ghostwise Hunter CR1
Atavy is a typicaly looking ghostwise halfling, wearing a necklece of animal teeth and some pelts over a woodcloak of mottled black, gray, and green. Beneath the cloak is a dark-red leather armor.
Male Ghostwise-Halfling, Ranger 1
Chaotic Neutral, Small Humanoid
Senses Listen +7, Spot +5
Spd 20 ft.
Languages Common, Halfling, Sylvan
AC 18 [+4 Dex+3 armor+1 size], touch 17, flat-footed 14
Hp 10 (1d8+2 HD)
Immune -
Fort +4 [2 base+2 Con], Ref +6 [2 base+4 Dex], Will +1 (+2 vs. fear) [0 base +1 Wis]
Init +4 [+4 Dex]
Melee Greataxe +0 (1d10-2 x3); Thrown Dart +8 (1d3-1 x2 plus poison; 20’) [1 BAB+4 dex+1 size+1 racial+1 PBS]
Atk Options -
Base Atk +1; GRP -1
Combat Gear
Blue whinnis poison [injury DC 14, 1 Con, Uncosciousness], 3 doses (free) on 3 poisoned darts.
Abilities Str 7, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 12 Cha 8
SQ speak without sound, favored enemy, wild empathy
Feats Point Blank Shot, Track*
Skills Climb +0 [0 ranks+2 racial], Craft (poison making) +5 [4 ranks], Heal +5 [4 ranks], Hide +12 [4 ranks+4 size], Jump +0 [0 ranks+2 racial], Listen +7 [4 ranks+2 racial], Move Silently +10 [4 ranks+2 racial], Spot +5 [4 ranks], Survival +5 [4 ranks]
Possessions [240 gp] [Light 16.5 lb. (without backpack); 17.25/34.5/52.5]
Small Greataxe [1d10 x3, 6 lb.] 20 gp
Small Kukri [1d3 18-20/x2, 1 lb.] 8 gp
Small Dart [1d3 x2, 20’, ¼ lb.] 5 sp x6 i.e. 3 gp
Small Masterwork Studded Leather Armor [+3 armor, -0 ACP, 7.5 lb.] 175 gp
Masterwork Bandoleer [FRCS; ½ lb., 12 items] 5 gp
Backpack [½ lb.] 2gp
Caltrops [2 lb.] 1 gp
Flint and Steel 1 gp
Rations, trail, per day [1/2 lb.] 5 sp
Torch [1 lb.] 1 cp
Coins 25 gp
Speak without Sound (Su): A ghostwise halfling, unlike other halflings, can communicate telepathically with any creature within 20 feet, just as if speaking to him or her. The halfling can only spea and listen to one person at a time, and he must share a common laguage with the person or creature he speakes to telepathically, or the telepathic link fails.
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: A ranger is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, and with light armor and shields (except tower shields).
Favored Enemy (Ex): Atavy gains a +2 bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival checks when using these skills against creatures of the Animal type. Likewise, he gets a +2 bonus on weapon damage rolls against such creatures.
Wild Empathy (Ex): A ranger can improve the attitude of an animal. This ability functions just like a Diplomacy check to improve the attitude of a person. The ranger rolls 1d20 and adds his ranger level and his Charisma bonus [+0 total] to determine the wild empathy check result. The typical domestic animal has a starting attitude of indifferent, while wild animals are usually unfriendly.
To use wild empathy, the ranger and the animal must be able to study each other, which means that they must be within 30 feet of one another under normal visibility conditions. Generally, influencing an animal in this way takes 1 minute, but, as with influencing people, it might take more or less time.
The ranger can also use this ability to influence a magical beast with an Intelligence score of 1 or 2, but he takes a –4 penalty on the check.

Atavy is a ghostwise halfling that was educated and trained to become a ranger of Sheela Peyroyl, the chief deity of the ghostwise halflings. Things did not end as planned. Instead of admiring the delicate patterns of balance in nature, Atavy saw nature as a struggle for survival. Instead of brooding over long-past sins, he called for action and pride. Inevitably, he suffered the worse fate a ghostwise halfling can – exile.
In short time, he sought to his forefather’s belief, now free of the confines of society, and pursued the faith of Malar. (Although he isn’t evil, he is chaotic neutral – and will probably not agree with several tenents of Malar’s faith once he gets to know it.) When he learned that the worship of Malar was legal in the lands of Cormyr, he made his way there through the sea of stars, seeking to bolster his faith and find a new place for himself.

Mechanically, I intend to raise him as a Ranger/Rouge to level 6. If we get that far, I’ll be taking the Bloodhunter PrC from Complete Adventurer, but that’s a long way to go.
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First Post
Wilphe said:
A version of Persimmon Agglax from the now defunct OrkJaeger would seem to fit the bill, with a little tweaking:

If you want him to be unique then he can be their only, or star pupil.
How is that for starters?

That's a good start. The star pupil thing should be fine.

Mephit James said:
Here's what I have right now. Background to come.

Looks good so far. Looking forward to the background. :)

magic_gathering2001 said:
Ive been trying to get a Draegloth into a game for a while so if you will consider it let me know (draegloth is a half drow half fiend from Champions of Ruin)

A Draegloth would be too powerful and out-of-place for this game. Sorry.

Yair said:
Well, I'm interested.

I've been playing since about 1984, mostly D&D and its variants, mostly as a DM. I've dubbled in Ars Magica too, and the occasionaly session of another system. In the PbP area I've so far played as a player in one short-lived one, and recently begun my second Ars Magica PbP as a DM.
I like both combat and politics heavy games, but I ain't keen on mystery/detective games (which I find devolve into "what do we do now?!" games) or puzzles (which I find boil down to IQ tests for the players).
Hobbies? Well, reading, physics (I'm a PhD student), and guitar. I doubt the last one will come to bear.
English isn't my native tongue, but I think I can write reasonably well.

And without further ado, my character submission. I used the PH and FRCS.

Welcome, Yair. Atavy is an interesting concept for a halfling. I like it. :) You're in. And yes your English is fine. :cool:

So far the following people are in: Joshua Randall, Wilphe, Mephit James (I'm sure the background will come out good), and Yair. 4 players, 8 to go (ha ha). Well, depending on how slow recruiting is, we might start the game once 8 players are in and let the last 4 join in as the game is rolling which won't be a problem.

Oh, and as for myself:
Been playing for about 10 years, mainly D&D. I enjoy just about anything a DM dishes out as long as its got a decent story. Aside from roleplaying games, my hobbies include photography, fishing, bodybuilding, writing, and poker. Been in the Marines for 2 years now as an ordnanceman for the F/A-18 jet. Looking forward to winning the lottery some day and getting some $$$.


Chauzu said:
Tell me about yourself, your gaming history, your hobbies, whatever. What's your favorite setting, style of play, etc.

Hello. Umm...let's see. A little about myself: I've been playing various role-playing games on and off for about two and a half decades now, ever since high school. At the moment, I'm running a very fun World of Darkness game--but WoD is not D&D, and I've been kind of jonesing for something different recently. So I've been drifting through these messageboards looking for a cool PbP to attach myself to. Such as this one.

What else? I'm a wannabe writer (like 85% of most gamers, it seems) and I work as a mid-level manager in a chain bookstore. Oh, and I love games of all sortsand types--I'll play anything, from Chess to Tiddlelywinks.

Chauzu said:
Post your characters stats, along with the sources you are using.

Hmm, here's a rough sketch of the character. Strictly Player's Handbook and FRCS. He's a monk who'll be multi-classing with ranger later on in his career. I'll come back and add finishing details later on (such as equipment and all).

Glar Dragonsbane (alias Dorn), Human Monk (Ilmater, Order of the Yellow Rose)
Home Region: Damara Alignment: Lawful Good
Statistics: Str 12 Dex 14 Con 11 Int 12 Wis 14 Cha 10
(While Glar is nimble and quick-witted, he is not paticularly large or strong. He is usually somewhat quiet, and tends to fade into the background at social gatherings.)​

Skills: Balance +4 (2 ranks), Climb +4 (2 ranks), Escape Artist +4 (2 ranks), Hide +6 (4 ranks), Jump +4 (2 ranks), Listen +4 (2 ranks), Move Silently +6 (4 ranks), Perform (dance) +4 (2 ranks), Spot +4 (2 ranks), Tumble +4 (2 ranks)
(Glar's training was very informal, and his skills tend to reflect this. He knows a little bit about a broad variety of things, but has never possesed the temperment to specialize in any one thing. He did spend many of his early years assisting his mother, a hunter, and her lessons about how to stay quiet and unnoticed have always stuck with him.)​

Feats: Stunning Fist, Survivor, Dodge
(Glar tends to be more defensive than offensive, concentrating on disabling foes and avoiding their attacks. Because his mother was a skilled hunter, Glar is used to living off the land.)​

Combat: AC: 14, HP: 8, BAB +0 (Melee +1), Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +4

Chauzu said:
Give a description and background of your character. The more, the merrier.
Glar was a simple, lazy lad with one major problem: everyone expected him to do something major with his life. "Be an adventurer," they say, "like your wonderful grandfather was!" But Glar never asked to be the grandson of Lord Gareth Dragonsbane, king of Damara. He never wanted to be an adventurer, and he certainly didn't enjoy being forced to live up to other people's impossible standards.

So at the age of twelve, Glar ran away from home and joined the Monastery of the Yellow Rose, where he lived for the next six years, working as a servant and watching the monks from the shadows and corners. He learned the value of discipline, and by the time he was ready to go on his way, he was no longer the lazy little boy he had once been, much to his own surprise.

But he still had no interest in living up to the high expectations of his people (or was it something he found himself to afraid to face up to?). He has been travelling farther and farther south, using a false name and keeping his identity concealed. Glar, somewhat ignorant of the ways of the world, does not realize that very, very few people outside of Damara would know who he is, and even fewer still would care.

Glar is an innocent, somewhat idealistic kid who's just starting to make his way in the world. He's still learning about himself and deciding what he wants to do with his life. On the one hand, he's not particularly interested in being a hero or an adventurer. But on the other hand, if he's in a situation where people need help, he can't just stand around and do nothing.

Chauzu said:
Wait for my response. Easy. :)

Okay, I'm waiting. :)

Mystery Man

First Post
I'll play a bard if you need one.
I've been Dming an ongoing Forgotten Realms campaign for about 3 years now. None of my current groups has the attention span, time or dedication enought to actually run a game so I figure my best chances of being a player are pbp.

Here's my character who is currently in Wheloon....

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Mephit James

First Post
It would be very hard to mistake Jand Blackstaff as anything other than a foreign wizard in Cormyr. His crimson robes are marked with ostentatious sigils, with a similarly complex sign marking the tanned skin of his bald forehead. His spell components sway constantly in the breeze whenever he throws his cloak over his shoulder in a self-important manner, which is frequently. On his shoulder perches a sleek, black raven who watches everything with a sharp eye. Lastly, the casual-but-firm manner in which he holds his crooked staff of dark wood causes onlookers to eye the object with suspiscion.
If his appearance marks him as a wizard, his attitude marks him as an arrogant one. He makes no effort to hide his Thayan accent and flaunts his homeland as if he were a zulkir, which makes him either powerful or naieve and a fool.

[sblock]Jand Blackstaff (name changed from original post) was born very recently. In the past year, in fact, between Aglarond and Cormyr on the Sea of Fallen Stars. Before this the short, thin wizard who now bears this name was known as Jaindis al'Tezc of Eltabbar. He was a rich merchant's son and attended a prestigious academy of Thay in his father's footsteps. He excelled at his studies, easily surpassing other students and developing a fierce pride. The professors at the academy praised him highly, increasing his sense of self-worth, and he graduated with honors and returned home to eventually take over his father's business.
To friends, Jaindis's life seemed charmed, but to enemies it looked like an easy mark. Risk comes with every success in Thay, and Jaindis's father's success had earned him many enemies. When the boy returned, the threat of a legacy was too much for rival merchants and they set a trap.
After his father's poisoning, Jaindis found his world rapidly crumbling and he found he had no choice but to leave Thay. He traveled across the oceans to western Faerun where he hopes to make a name (and fortune for himself), adopting the name Jand Blackstaff on the way. He worries often about being pursued by his father's killers, who he believes fear him for his magical ability. In truth, no one cares much about young Jand as long as he doesn't try to reclaim his father's business. Despite this paranoia, Jand is still a braggart and prideful. Changing his name had much more to do with an air of mystery and adventure than with hiding his identity, and Jand certainly makes no secret about being a Thayan and aspiring to be a Red Wizard some day. At the academy, reading about foreign wizards and lands, he began to develop a wanderlust and has used his father's death and the collapse of the family business as an excuse to strike out in the world. His plan is to make his own way for a while and then return to Thay to enter the service of the Red Wizards, using his (then) considerable travel expertise to establish enclaves and pull strings in nations across Faerun and perhaps beyond.[/sblock]


First Post
nonamazing said:
Okay, I'm waiting. :)

You're in. :)

Mystery Man said:
I'll play a bard if you need one.
I've been Dming an ongoing Forgotten Realms campaign for about 3 years now. None of my current groups has the attention span, time or dedication enought to actually run a game so I figure my best chances of being a player are pbp.

Here's my character who is currently in Wheloon....

As are you. ;)

Good info on Jand, Mephit James.

Here's a rundown of how we look so far:
  • Meliria - Elven Rogue
  • Persimmon Aglax - Human Marshal
  • Jand Blackstaff - Human Wizard
  • Atavy - Ghostwise Halfling Ranger
  • Glar Dragonsbane - Human Monk
  • Daneel - Half-Elf Bard


About Me:
I started gaming when I was 11 years old, back with the old "Red Box Set" of D&D. I have since played mostly D&D in its various incarnations. I have within the last year an a half met another gaming group who have let me experince some other non d20 games out there, such as Exalted and Iron/Jadeclaw. I currently play in several RPGA campaigns, online due to where I live, which include Living Arcanis (alternate D&D), Living Force (d20 Star Wars) as well as two face to face campaigns of Star Wars d20 (set in the Knights of the Old Republic setting) and Stargate.

Besides roleplaying, which one of my bigger hobbies, I do like the out of doors and various activies therein. Although I have not had much oppertunity the last few years to experince what I used to, like rock climing, hiking, and white water rafting. I was part of my local Search and Rescue group.

Since I do rolplay a lot, I do get a lot of varety in what I play. I would like to think of myself a "role"player first. I like to explore the depths of my character to the fullest seeing what they are all about and what they can amount to. I dislike puzzle solving, mostly because it tends to require the player instead of the character to solve such a thing.

If you wish to know anything more, just ask.

Nysa Dawnbringer
[sblock]Nysa Dawnbringer

Gender: female
Race: human (Region: Cormyr)
Age: 22 (Born on the 21st day Nightal, in the Year of the Dragon.
From: http://realmshelps.dandello.net/datafind/bday.shtml

Born 21 Nightal, 1352 DR.
Year of the Dragon

Born under the Sign of the Stone
and with Crescent Selûne under the sign of the Trident

Those born under the sign of the Stone are complex, tenacious and fearless. Proud and independent, they have great strength of character and rarely compromise. They thrive on challenge and have an innate belief in their own destiny.

Those born with Selûne under the sign of the Trident are quick witted, spontaneous and gregarious. They have a lively curiosity and are intelligent, persuasive speakers, enthusiastic, inquisitve and communicative. They love discussing new ideas and projects. [/sblock]
Height: 5'8
Weight: 110
Hair: black, long
Eyes: dark blue
Complexion: light

( Picture: http://www.songdragon.net/pics/nysa_dawnbringer.jpg )

When adventuring, Nysa is dressed in well made banded mail, shined and well taken care of. She carries a large wooded sheild with the symbol of Lathander prominently displayed across the front. She wears her dark colored hair up as to easily place her helm upon her head. At her side is a heavy mace, the head in the form of a blazing sun colored gold. A shethed sickle is also at her side with a full boltcase and a crossbow tucked beneath her light yellow colored cloak.

When not meaning for battle or adventuring, Nysa wears her fine rose and yellow colored clerical robes, her hair is let down to flow about her, and her holy symbol made of silver ever about her neck displayed with pride.

Stat Block
Cleric 1: medium humanoid; HD 1d8+1; hp 8; init +0; Spd 20ft; AC 18 (+6 banded armor, +2 large shield), ff-18 (+6 armor, +2 shield), touch-10 ; melee +1 (heavy mace 1d8+1 /x2); +1 ( sickle 1d6+1 /x2) ranged +0 (light crossbow 1d8 19-20/x2); SA spells; turn undead (d20+4 turn check, 3d6+4 dmg, turn as a 2nd level cleric) SQ n/a; AL: NG;

Saves: Fort +2, Ref +0, Will +4;

Str 13, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 14.

Skills: Diplomacy +6 (4 ranks (of 7)), Knowledge (religion) +4 (4 ranks (of 8)), Listen +2, Perform (Oratory) +4 (2 ranks (4 ranks cross-classed)), Sense Motive +2, Spot +2.

Feats: Initiate of Lathander (source: player's guide of Faerun), Improved Turning

Languages: Common, Chondalthan

Spells: (3/3)
0-level (12) :
1st level (13) :


Glory (source: SRD): Turn undead with a +2 bonus on the turning check and +1d6 to the turning damage roll.
1) Disrupt undead, 2) Bless weapon, 3) Searing light,

Renewal (source: player's guide of Faerun): if fall below 0 get 1d8+1 hp back
1) charm person, 2) lesser restoration, 3) remove disease

Equipment: banded armor (regional benifit), large wooden shield, heavy mace, sickle, dagger(2), light crossbow (20 bolts), backpack, belt pouch(2), holy symbol of Lathander (silver), holy water (2 vials), spell component pouch, clerical vestments, rations (2), waterskin(2), rope silk 50 ft, healers kit, bedroll 18 gp, 9 sp. (98 lbs – medium weight)

Nysa was born to a minor noble family in Cormyr. As the 5th child and being a girl, she was sent off to an isolated temple of Lathander at an early age to learn. Hear family seemed to have little care for her, as they fawned over their sons for future endeavours within the kingdom.

In temple she learned to excell and learn all she could. One day while out with some other students roaming the countryside with her teacher, they small group was attacked by goblins, highly unusual due to the closeness to the temple. The teacher told her students to run for the temple and turned to defend his students from the half dozen or so goblins charging them from the treeline.

Nysa started to run but after a few steps looked back to see that her teacher was no match for the goblins as they thrust their spears into him. She froze in facintation of the battle before her and the death of one of her instructors.

It was the pounding of horse hooves that shook Nsya from her state and could see that the her instrutor was now dead, and the lead goblin was mere paces away. She turned to run, as she spotted a woman on horse back, in full armor, weilding a mace charging at her position. She watched as the horse moved past her by mere feet, and trampled down the first gobin as it sheiked out in terror. The next took a mace hit to it body and was sent flying, and this champion conintued on until every last goblin was dead.

Now gathered with the others, the champion on horseback approached and dismounted, remvoing her helm as golden locks of hair fell about her. It was at that moment that Nysa knew what she wanted to be, one of Lathander's choosen.

To that end Nysa later appraoched the woman who had saved her life, Morninglord Aurora Dawnbringer, and asked her to teach her to become a Morninglord of Lathander. Aurora put the young girl to task, making sure she would be ready when her time came.

Nysa then dropped her family name, not caring of the family who seemed to care little for her, and took up the name of Nysa Dawnbringer. She studied and practiced hard and at 22 years of age, Aurora came to Nysa and told her that she was ready to go out into the world, where she would learn the remaining lessons needed to become a Morninglord. Aurora presented Nysa with a well made suit of banded mail, and many of the other items she would need and then with a quick embrace departed leaving Nysa to depart from temple alone.


If you have any questions or concerns, let me know.

~ Songdragon
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I'm updating my character (Meliria) above. Corrected numbers, equipment, more background.

Chauzu -- you might want to make a Rogues Gallery thread for the PC sheets (only), so we don't have to keep coming back to this thread, which is bound to get cluttered as we continue dicussing the game.

Mephit James said:
Jand Blackstaff
- Scribe Scroll [Bonus]
- Signature Spell (magic missile) [Human]
- Spell Mastery
- Tattoo Focus [Regional]
I think you have one too many feats, right? My understanding is that your regional feat is one you can take in your normal feat slot -- not in addition to your other feat slots.

Voidrunner's Codex

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