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The House of Rath OOC (One More Player Wanted)

Mephit James

First Post
Joshua Randall said:
I think you have one too many feats, right? My understanding is that your regional feat is one you can take in your normal feat slot -- not in addition to your other feat slots.

Damn, you may be right. Alright, I'll fix that and I need to add another bonus item from the Thay region. This region stuff is new so thanks for the help.

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Would you accept a character from one of the Underdark races? That's the only Forgotten Realms book I actually own, but I've seen some of the other material. Maybe a Deep Imaskari or Gloaming? Or a Kuo-toa (maybe too powerful to start)?


First Post
Great submission, Songdragon. Welcome to the game. :)

OK, I have set up a Rogues Gallery thread for the characters that I have accepted so far. Mephit James, Joshua Randall, Songdragon, Mystery Man, nonamazing, Yair, and Wilphe: go ahead and copy your characters there.

MummyKitty said:
Would you accept a character from one of the Underdark races? That's the only Forgotten Realms book I actually own, but I've seen some of the other material. Maybe a Deep Imaskari or Gloaming? Or a Kuo-toa (maybe too powerful to start)?

I don't have my Underdark book with me at the moment, so you will have to help me out here. What races wouldn't be too powerful for the group? Which have a normal ECL = Level +0?


Community Supporter
Could we by any chance be using material from Poisoncraft? Some good stuff there, although I'd need to change my character a bit... *ponders*

I assume Complete Adventurer is kosher, in principle?

Neon Cactus

First Post
Chauzu said:
  1. Tell me about yourself, your gaming history, your hobbies, whatever. What's your favorite setting, style of play, etc.
  2. Post your characters stats, along with the sources you are using.
  3. Give a description and background of your character. The more, the merrier.
  4. Wait for my response. Easy. :)

  1. I'm 27 years old and been playing Roll since i started at the University playing Call of Cthulhu.
    With my roll group we went downstairs at the lowest level (-4 floor). Where there is a old and little used hallway that leads to the nearby Hospital. It has several rooms not in use, not being a used corridor, the light is always off, making a excellent ambient to play in. (many scaring events took place there)
    Since then I'm been of and on the gamming trying several settings and game types. I've done most face to face playing, but have some online experience. My favorite setting must be Call of Cthulhu, second Eberron.
    Forgotten Realms is a setting I'm very curious about, though i have little experience of actually playing it.

    I'm gonna buy the FRCS books tomorrow, and begin with the character creation, thinking more on a background, etc.

    More to come in this post.


First Post
I'm very interested in playing. My current pitch is a Half-orc monk. I noticed that there was already a monk in the crew, but I figure a group of 12 is bound to have a little redundancy ;) .

1. About me
[SBLOCK]I've been playing various RPG's for about 15 years. Right now, most of my time is devoted to WHFRP and D&D. I tend to move around a fair amount, so I play primarily online. Hobbies include watching hockey, writing for Wikipedia, and skiing. I'm in the process of applying to graduate school as part of my quest to be totally unemployable, so I spend a lot of my time reading and slowly but surely teaching myself a couple foreign languages that I need for my studies (dead Middle Indo-Aryan dialects, anyone?). Style of play- I like a pretty even mix, with maybe a little more emphasis on puzzle solving and combat than deep imersion roleplaying. I used to really love the Dragonlance setting, but I feel like its been driven into the ground. I really like the flavor of Eberron, but haven't gotten to play in the setting as much as I would like- I keep creating characters for games that never really get off the ground. I used to always play Wizards and Thieves in 2nd ed, but I've branched out since the 3rd edition came around- still a lot of Rogues, but a few Fighters, Monks, Clerics, Rangers, and Sorcerors as well.

2. Character Background and Stats
Name: Khol
RACE: Half-Orc
ALIGNMENT: Lawful Good
DEITY: Ilmater (Monastic Order of the Broken Ones)

AGE: 24
WEIGHT: 200 lb
EYES: Black
HAIR: None
SKIN: Grayish
SEX: Male

Physical Description: Khol is tall and imposing, but not nearly as wide or heavyset as most
half-orcs- instead, he is composed entirely of wiry, compact mussel. He's dressed in a
sleeveless, hooded gray tunic accented with red-brown cuffs and trim. His calf-length breeches are tied tight against his lower legs, providing greater mobility. His shaven head makes clear the heavy ridges of his skull, and his skin is of a grayish tone common to half-orcs. His lower tusks protrude from his jaw, giving him a fierce, bestial appearance.

Personality: Khol is quiet and reserved, and extremely serious. He has lived his entire life
learning the ways of discipline, and absorbing the stoic attitudes of the priests and servents
of Ilmater. He has also been taught compassion, and is eager to help those in need,
particularly children and the defenseless. He is calm and unruffled in most situations, but
when an innocent is threatened or harmed, his orcish heritage emerges in a protective rage.
Because he has lived most of his life in the cloistered confines of the monastery, he knows
little about the outside world, and so is often hesitant to offer up opinions or
recommendations. He also realizes that his bestial appearance puts off many people,
contributing to making him even more shy and reserved.

Character Region: The Dalelands

History: The temples of Ilmater have long been the last refuge of the desperate in the Realms. Such was the case for the unknown parents or family of Khol, who left their apparently unwanted child on the steps of an isolated temple in the Dalelands some 24 years ago. The temple was no stranger to foundlings- indeed, its reputation for taking in any, no matter how crippled or unwanted may have guided his parents there- and soon made a place for Kohl, putting him to light housework in the temple in exchange for providing a basic education, and instructing him in the teachings of Ilmater.

But there was more to the temple than just prayers and dishwashing. The temple had once been visited by a traveling group of Tethyrian monks of Ilmater, who had taught the local Dalelands monks the martial ways. It was in these ways that Kohl soon began to be educated, each day learning more and more and soon demonstrating a natural talent for the martial arts. Kohl passed years in the temple in this fashion, his life split between hard
labor and the study of the combat arts. At times, the monks would journey to nearby towns and villages to participate in rituals honoring Ilmater, or to provide aid to poor communities. At times during these outings Kohl was exposed to the prejudice against half-orcs that is found in many communities, but his strong religious beliefs kept these encounters from fostering bitterness.

Finally, the master teacher of the temple passed away. The remaining students in the monastery were hardly equal to the task of providing Kohl with further instruction; by imitating his teachers and carefully applying himself, he had already surpassed most of the other students. Recognizing this fact, Kohl was selected by the abbot for a special duty. He would carry the ashes of his teacher to Cormyr, to return them to his master's place of birth. Additionally, Kohl was instructed that he was to seek out a new teacher for himself in the martial arts, so that he might continue to develop his skills and put them to use in the service of Ilmater. So Kohl set out from his long-time home, not knowing if or when he might return. He traveled to a small village in Cormyr, enshrining his teacher's relics in the village temple. Setting out from the village, he realized that for the first time in his life he was without any set schedule or duties, other than his charge to seek out a new teacher and to develop his own talents. The nearby city of Wheloon seemed as good a place as any to begin a journey, but somehow something seemed to always keep him from leaving...

CLASS: Monk 1

HP: 9/9
AC: 16 = 10 +2 Dex + 2 Wis
SPEED: 30 ft.
INIT: +2
BAB: +1

(20 Point Buy: Starting Array Str 13, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 8)
STR: 15 (+2)
DEX: 14 (+2)
Con: 12 (+1)
INT: 10 (+0)
WIS: 14 (+2)
CHA: 6 (-2)

FORT: +3 = +2 Class, +1 Con
REF: +4 = +2 Class, +2 Dex
WILL: +4 = +2 Class, +2 Wis


Unarmed Attack (+4, 1d6+2/20/x2)
Masterwork Quarterstaff (+4, 1d6+2/1d6+2/20/x2, 4 lb) (Regional equipment)
Dagger (+3, 1d4+2/19-20/x2, 10 ft., +2 Sleight of Hand, 2 lb)
Sling (+3, 1d4+2/20/x2, 50 ft., 0 lb)
Kama (+3, 1d6/20/x2, 2lb)

Tumble (+2 Dex, +4 ranks)
Climb (+2 Str, +4 ranks)
Move Silently (+2 Dex, +4 ranks)
Jump (+2 Str, +4 ranks)

Darkvision 60 ft., Flurry of Blows (-2/-2), AC Bonus (+2)

Feats: Weapon Focus (Unarmed Attack), Stunning Fist (1/day), Improved Unarmed Strike

LANGUAGES: Common, Orc, Chondathan

MONEY: 10 gp,3sp

EQUIPMENT: Monk's Outfit, pouch of sling bullets (10, 5 lb)
Backpack (bedroll, waterskin, 5 days trail rations)
I may not be entirely done buying equipment, but that's likely the bulk of it.


Community Supporter
Chauzu said:
Fill me in on 'Poisoncraft.'
Poisoncraft is a book, "the best poison book on the market." (Check out the bottom of the link for reviews.) I only browsed through it; it seems fairly balanced but keyed to high-Int characters so I'd need to alter my character a bit. As my character is kinda useless without poison use, I am kinda keen on using it.

You can get it as a pdf through RPGNow, or DriveThruRPG.

DriveThruRPG said:
Poisoncraft: The Dark Art
ISBN: 1-30000-033-0
File Size: 7.1 MB
Original electronic format
Watermarked PDF
View Preview NEW! $16.95 $6.66
Poisoncraft: The Dark Art

"The best d20 poison book on the market." - Bradford Ferguson, reviewer Silven Crossroads*

Blue Deception … Quod … Wisp of Pallstone. These are but three of the lethal poisons that grace the pages of this book. Never again will your characters yawn at the mention of a poisoned arrow or the sight of a venomous serpent. For instead of merely being weakened by the kiss of poison, they may find themselves deafened, unable to cast spells, or thrown into the very depths of fear!

The first in our Complete line of d20 sourcebooks, this 96-page tome contains so much more than a simple recitation of poisons. A free-form poison creation system means the product of your character's skill will be limited only by the breadth of your imagination. The Complete treatment includes:

# Detailed rules for brewing magical poisons, harvesting raw materials from vanquished foes, and creating antidotes.
# More than 40 new feats, including metapoison feats, epic feats, and the dreaded Toxic Substitution.
# Over 30 poison-related spells, including the ultimate in retributive magic: Vengeance on Tainted Hands.
# An armory-full of new equipment and magic items, like the sinister Hollow-Blade and the legendary Staff of Serpents.
# Six new prestige classes, including the Ki Corrupted and Toxomancer.
# A menagerie’s worth of baneful creatures, featuring the venomous gaze of the Syrallax and the grim essence of the Toxic Deathlord.
# Adventure seeds incorporating all of the new rules for levels 1-20, including fully statted NPCs.
# Detailed notes for using the Poisoncraft rules in any Monte Cook’s Arcana Unearthed campaign.

You might find all of that in a regular sourcebook. In a Complete sourcebook, that’s just the beginning! Blue Devil Games also gives you: rules on poison decay, the perils of handling poison, two versions of the poison cleric domain, three creature templates, a random poison naming table, a detailed description of all nineteen poison families, a character sheet addendum, and a Poisoncraft worksheet for creating new poisons. Oh, and did we mention the Codex Venenorum, with more than 60 poisons!

All this, brought to life by the incomparable artistic talents of Tyler Walpole, Kev Crossley, Jennifer Rodgers, and Fil Kearney.

If your on the fence or just want some cool, free material, check out our demo, which features the table of contents from the entire book, the free-form poison creation rules, and the first page of the Codex Venenorum.

*For a full copy of Mr. Ferguson's review, click here.


Glandred d'Azerkyn


I'm keen to have a crack. I've been playing DnD since the blue book came out. Own a heap of FR but stopped 'collecting' about the time of Champions of Ruin (I think the last book I grabbed was Shining South). I've been playing in PbPs for about 6 months now and try and post every day with the exception of weekends where I usually post only once. I dig Realms, Eberron, Dark Sun and Planescape.

I think I'll go the old vanilla dwarven fighter - the current role call looks like it could use one ;)

Glandred, Shield Maiden of Azerkyn
Dwarf (Shield) Fighter 1
Medium Humanoid
Alignment: Neutral Good
Deity: Haela Brightaxe (Lady of the Fray, Luckmaiden)
Region: Cormyr, Eagle Peak, Storm Horns (hamlet, 153; FRCS 112)
Sex: female
Height: 4’7”
Weight: 132 lbs
Skin: Dark, almost red tone

Hair: Flame red
Eyes: Orange
Age: 121

Str: 16 (+3) [10 points]
Dex: 10 (0) [2 points]
Con: 16 (+3) [6 points]
Int: 12 (+1) [4 points]
Wis: 9 (-1) [1 points]
Cha: 8 (-1) [2 points]
* +2 con; -2 Cha

Racial Abilities
Darkvision 60'
Weapon Familiarity - dwarven urgoshes and waraxes
Stability - +4 to resist bull rush and trip attempts when standing on the ground

Class Abilities
proficient with all simple and marial weapons
proficient with all armour and shields
bonus feat

Hit Dice: 1d10
HP: 13
AC: 17 (+0 Dex, +7) Touch – 10, Flat-footed – 17
ACP: -5
Init: +4 (+0 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative)
Speed: 15ft
*+4 dodge bonus to AC vs giants

Fortitude + 5 [2 base, +3 Con]
Reflex 0 [+0 base, +0 Dex]
Will -1 [+0 base, -1 Wis]
*+4 vs fire effects (Azerblood); +2 vs poison (dwarf); +2 vs spells and spell effects (dwarf)

BAB/Grapple: +1/+4
Melee Atk: +4 Dagger (1d4, 19-20/x2)
Melee Atk: +4 Flail (1d8, x2)
Melee Atk: +4 Long Sword (1d8, 19-20/x2)
Ranged Atk: +1 Light Crossbow (1d8, 19-20/x2, 80')
* +1 attacks vs orcs and goblinoids (dwarf)

Class Skills: 12
Climb 2 [4 ranks, +3 Str, -5 ACP]
Craft (weaponsmithing) 6 [4 ranks, +1 Int, +1 Azerblood]
Handle Animal -1 [0 ranks, -1 Chr]
Intimidate -1 [0 ranks, -1 Chr]
Jump 2 [4 ranks, +3 Str, -5 ACP]
Ride 0 [+0 Dex]
Swim -7 [0 ranks, +3 Str, -10 ACP]
*+2 Appraise (stone or metal) (dwarf); +2 Craft (stone or metal) (dwarf)

Azerblood - descendant of Clan Azerkyn - +4 saves versus fire effects, +1 craft (armoursmithing, blacksmithing and weaponsmithing)
Improved Initiative - +4 initiative

Languages: Dwarf, Common, Ignan


Wearing or carrying at hand
Masterwork Banded Mail (regional) – 0 gp (35 lbs)
Masterwork Light Steel Shield - 159 gp (6 lb)
Dagger - 2 gp (1lb)
Flail – 8 gp (5 lbs) (Bludgeoning)
Light Crossbow - 35 gp (4lb)
20 bolts - 2 gp (4lb)
Long Sword - 15 gp (4lb) (Slashing)

In or on containers
Backpack - 2gp (2 lbs)
Waterskin – 1gp (4 lbs)
Flint and Steel – 1 gp (--)
Whetstone - 2cp (1lb)
Bedroll - 1sp (5lb)
20 days Iron Rations - 10 (0lb) (consumed in the trip from the Storm Horns)

Total weight carried – 69 lbs, light load.

2gp 3 sp 8 cp


Appearance: Glandred is well muscled with bronze, almost red skin. Her hair is worn long and, like the downy growth upon her cheeks, is a fiery orange in color. Her eyes are dark, almost black with pale yellow pupils. She favours dark colours, particularly mauves, purples, reds, blues and deep oranges and yellows. She carries herself with a swaggering confidence gained through the knowledge that she seems to finally be in control of her own destiny.

Personality: Glandred is a little confused. There seems to be large chunks of her memory that are missing. She doesn't have any idea what happened previous to the last year and she acts accordingly. She is a little paranoid, seeing a threat behind every shadow, she is cautious around strangers though always ready to take matters into her own hands. She is impatient and hates standing in ques or large crowds. If she trusts someone she trusts them implicitly, and can be easily led by such individuals.

Background: Glandred literally translates as Forgotten or Lost Maiden (RoS 25). Glandred has no idea as to her past. She woke up just over a year ago high in the Storm Horns battered and bruised. She wandered for a couple of days before, half dead, she stumbled into Eagle Peak. She had no possessions and no money and so was forced to work for the human smith Belden for a year and a day in return for lodgings, a stipend and a little equipment once the tenure was over.

Glandred proved to be a great asset to Belden and secretly he squirreled away a portion of the money he made from her wares. After the term of the contract was up Belden presented Glandred with a suit of mail and her share of the takings from the year. Glandred, although moved to tears by the friendship of Belden, had resolved to depart as soon as she could so she could try and solve the mystery of her past.

Glandred said her goodbyes to Belden not more than 3 weeks ago and has slowly made her way out of the Storm Horns and through Cormyr since. She has been in Wheedon for only a week and is starting to run low on funds. She is reluctant to get a job at another smithy so soon after leaving her last job and so is looking for a more direct means to earn some money, and a chance to practice her martial skills.

Note: She recalls her surname but not the signifigance of its meaning.
Last edited:

Mystery Man

First Post
Chauzu said:
OK, I have set up a Rogues Gallery thread for the characters that I have accepted so far. Mephit James, Joshua Randall, Songdragon, Mystery Man, nonamazing, Yair, and Wilphe: go ahead and copy your characters there.

Daneel is up and ready.

Voidrunner's Codex

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