The Hunt for the Blue Palace (Yoon Suin/Troika!)


Dusty Dragon
THe party headed south - or at least tried to. Give me an awareness check to see if you can keep your bearings or if you get lost again...

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Dusty Dragon
Perhaps it was because of the noon sun directly overhead, but the group couldn't seem to get their bearings (OOC: with this many failures, I'm assuming that Frog Froth, even if they had succeeded, was overruled)

After picking a direction and some walking, the party arrived at a building that was in better condition than the others. It was built with large topaz flecked stones (not an uncommon building material in the Yellow City, but usually reserved for the better structures). It was squarish, squat and perhaps 60 feet wide. Its solid construction and lack of windows indicated that it may have been built with defense in mind.

A trail leading to the vestibule indicated that the building was still in use!

What does the party do?


Dubi Gan sighed. Those living in this area had not been helpful so far, but he was loathe to miss an opportunity. He waved the group toward the topaz fort.

"Be on your guard," he told the others, "But let us see who is home. Perhaps we will find someone knowledgeable and friendly after all."

He didn't sound like he had much hope of it.


Dusty Dragon
There was no response. But, after a moment of silence, faintly, from withing, you heard... noises. Faint speech noises perhaps, but if so, spoken by inhuman mouths... 2-3 "speakers"

This close to the door, you also smell a peculiar odor... a musky, acidic smell - not like the vinegaroon, which was much more pleasant. More... unhealthy.

Voidrunner's Codex

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