The Hunt for the Blue Palace (Yoon Suin/Troika!)


Dusty Dragon
Rogue Gallery: OSR - RG: The Hunt for the Blue Palace
Out of Character thread: OSR - OOC: The hunt for the blue palace (Troika!/Yoon-Suin, open).

You are in the Hall of the Blessed Waters, a brick tea-house abutting an enormous warehouse, the Great Granary of Yoon-Suin. You are sipping on tea of the Third Quality and some nan bread, all you can afford giving your dwindling purses. The Yellow City is grand and exciting, but it is not cheap... but all is not lost! You are here because one of you got a lead from an old contact, the apprentice mage Dubi Gan. He apparently has a job for you involving 100 rupees, those thick, fat silver coins the slugmen love so much. He hinted there could be some danger, so you brought along a few friends – the kind you can trust to swing a sword, watch your back or at the very least step into a trap instead of you...

The Hall is busy with the noise of the warehouse workers on break. A slugman golemoligist and a holy woman argue about apotheosis. A woman with a scarred face drinks her tea alone. Dubi Gan should be here soon...
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Are you sure your contact, this Dubi Dan, will show up? I don't trust wizards...


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Dusty Dragon
The door opens, and a young thin man, in the pale blue robes of an apprentice mage, walks in. He sees you, gives Frog Froth a short bow, and sits at your table, and pours himself a cup of tea.

"Greetings, I'm glad you made it - and I see you brought friends with you... a warrior,a seer, a porter... good good, this is excellent. As I said, I have a job..."

He stops and said

"But where are my manners? I'm Dubi Gan, apprentice mage, born in the Yellow City. "

(he pauses to give people the chance to introduce themselves)

"A capital group, I have every hope that you will succeed with such a wide array of talents. So, the job...

It's come to my attention that my master is merely using me as free labor and has no intentions of signing my apprenticeship papers. I pressed him on the issue - politely but in front of a few colleagues, so he couldn't back down on his words. He said he had a final test for me - to find the fabled Halls of the Shimmering Stars in the Deep Blue Firmament - the Blue Palace in common parlance. He knew that I am rubbish at divination spells and that I wouldn't be able to find it."

He frowned and added "Well I can't divinate, but I can research. I bought access managed to narrow down the location to a specific portion of the Old City. I need you to explore that portion and find the Blue Palace. I have a specific description of the building, and a rough map of the area, so it shouldn't take more than a few days at the worse. You don't need to explore or do anything in the Blue Palace, you just have to find it for me. If you do that, I will offer you a 100 rupees reward"

(Frog Froth, you know an apprentice shouldn't have that kind of money, and that he's essentially paying you back money you've paid him for magical lessons.)

"Once I have my Journeyman Status, I will get access to more books and maybe ...." He clears his throat and adds. "I know it's not a huge sum, but it's all I can afford. Plus if you are lucky, you might find treasure of your own in the Old City - there are all sorts of wonders in there. So, is this agreeable?"


Subotai remained silent during the mission briefing, the face covered under his large helmet.

"Treasures... Listening to you, it looks wonderful. Why don't you come with us? Lazy wizard."

He didn't like wizards.
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Yes this is agreeable, the sacred bull will defend our journey and bring us quickly to the blue palasar. (Intentionally misspelled) Ten percent up front please to cover supplies for your task.


Dusty Dragon
Dubi Gan 's face showed dismay at Subotai's word.

"But I, I don't know any battle magic! Surely you are far better suited than I at..."

His face hardened. "No, you are right. I can't stay behind books forever. And I don't want my master to accuse me of cheating. I can still help you with magical matters. I will come with you!"

But, if I do, I want an equal share of whatever treasure we find. I trust that this is agreeable sir.... what is your name good sir?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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