OOC: The hunt for the blue palace (Troika!/Yoon-Suin, full for now).

Where is this House of Winds?
Excellent question. Frog Moth tells you that it's in the Old Clay District, a somewhat poor area. He can also tell you that the House of Wind is particularly weak. It's noted for its mastery of air magic, but their numbers are dwindling (bad gene pool?). It's been on the decline for a long time, although recently they've had a minor reversal of fortune with a few more members.

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I also bring to your attention this following rumor:

"- The mage apprentice Dubi Gan is looking for a few stout souls for a short exploration mission"


I have no idea where the notion of a 1000 rupees for the return of the brass golem came from, but it's ok, we'll run with it - Frog Froth said it, and we'll see how things turn out! :)

Don't feel that you have to "follow" the adventure - I mean Dubi Gan clearly wants something, but I know the city well, you can veer off-path quite a fair bit and it's perfectly fine.

I will add some notes on the Lamarakhi. (see post #3 of this thread)
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I think Frog Froth made up the 1000 rupees reward, but it does make sense that the House would pay to get their golem back, though they probably don't have that much. How much is a golem worth, anyway?

At least if the House refuses, we can blame it on them, or say we were misled. We can forge up a document that claims the reward. It doesn't even have to be a good forgery, we would only have to claim that we believed it was real.

I think Frog Froth made up the 1000 rupees reward, but it does make sense that the House would pay to get their golem back, though they probably don't have that much. How much is a golem worth, anyway?

I'm working on a blog post about the golems of the Yellow City, but it won't be ready in a few days. But in short, the answer to your question is "a lot of money".

At least if the House refuses, we can blame it on them, or say we were misled. We can forge up a document that claims the reward. It doesn't even have to be a good forgery, we would only have to claim that we believed it was real.
all valid options.

I sort of made a half-post because I thought some of you may want to do something, protest etc. If you are fine with what is unfolding right now, just post something very short about it so I can post the next step.

I didn't realize how ... challenging the exact pacing would be. In real life, the players can interject at any moment, but here I have to move the plot forward more than one step at a time. Was I tight to stop at that exact moment or should I have moved the encounter a bit more forward? I'm not sure!

Anyway, this is not for now, but the somewhat near future, @wingilbear and @FitzTheRuke could you give me an awareness check?

Well I think that first adventuring day went well. I hope that you don't mind this "writing" of Miu's history @tuffghost12 , but when you were the only one failing the check, and when I remembered your character's image... it seemed too good to pas up.

Once I get's everyone's healing, watch and awareness check, we can move on - we've already done a reasonable chunck of the adventure :)

Also at any point, feedback on the system would be appreciated. It's definitely not d&d. It seems relatively deadly -an unarmored Miu would have died.

Potentially deadly, yes, but also pretty straightforward. The fact that with every attack, either side can get hurt is both exciting and dangerous. I like it so far.

Well I think that first adventuring day went well. I hope that you don't mind this "writing" of Miu's history @tuffghost12 , but when you were the only one failing the check, and when I remembered your character's image... it seemed too good to pas up.
I'm totally into it! Good touch!
Also at any point, feedback on the system would be appreciated. It's definitely not d&d. It seems relatively deadly -an unarmored Miu would have died.

I was taking a beating... Thankfully I took your advice at the start and armored up.

I'm really into the system so far. Like @JustinCase said, I like the fact that every attack is risky. Both sides get an opportunity to potentially hit, which can go either way.

There's a lot of flavor baked into the system and the character choices are awesome.

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