The "I Didn't Comment in Another Thread" Thread

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Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
But the clouds are so far up there. If I don't yell at them, they're not going to hear me.

This ... well played. WELL PLAYED!

I'll drink to that!


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It does.

If someone blocks you, can see the thread starter, but not subsequent posts by them.
If you block that person, you can't see anything they've posted, including thread starters.

This came up recently because @FitzTheRuke recently "at'd" me in a thread, but it had been started by someone I had blocked. I briefly unblocked them because the thread topic looked like something I wanted to comment in ... but quickly saw exactly why I blocked that person in the first place.

ETA- if you're curious, if someone "at's" you from a thread started by a person you've blocked, you get the notification, but if you try to go there from the notification, you get the "Oops" message.
Took me a second to remember what thread I'd atted you in. I kept thinking, BUT... that was our PBP game! Do you mean that you've BLOCKED ME!? But wait... that's not possible! Then I remembered when I'd done it and why. Still curious about your thoughts on the subject, if not on the thread itself!


Unless I'm missing a setting, it definitely does. I have lost access to threads I was trying to respond to after ignoring the thread starter.
I believe if you're watching the thread you'll get notifications (about people who you aren't ignoring, at least).


ETA- if you're curious, if someone "at's" you from a thread started by a person you've blocked, you get the notification, but if you try to go there from the notification, you get the "Oops" message.
Well that explains a couple of "Oops!" messages I've gotten. I thought my ignore list was empty, but there was... just... one.


Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
(I'll be dead honest: I'm one of them. I try not to spend all my time proselytizing for other games, because I recognize the difference in perception, but selling me that a number of other games have as many problems as D&D 5e makes no sense, because if I genuinely agreed with that, I'd be more willing to play it. In a certain broad, but largely useless sense its obviously true, but that's never what people are really saying).
The reason I can confidently say that any game has just as many problems as 5E is simple:

5E has as many problems as I (or you, or both of us) want it to have. For whatever definition of 'problem' that I (or you, or both of us) choose to use. Arguing 'preference as problem' is never a satisfactory exercise.


The Elephant in the Room (she/her)
It does.

If someone blocks you, can see the thread starter, but not subsequent posts by them.
If you block that person, you can't see anything they've posted, including thread starters.

This came up recently because @FitzTheRuke recently "at'd" me in a thread, but it had been started by someone I had blocked. I briefly unblocked them because the thread topic looked like something I wanted to comment in ... but quickly saw exactly why I blocked that person in the first place.

ETA- if you're curious, if someone "at's" you from a thread started by a person you've blocked, you get the notification, but if you try to go there from the notification, you get the "Oops" message.
I wonder how much this explains when I try to find a thread one you clowns is clearly talking about but I can't find anything remotely close.

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