dark_mage said:`Sup U_K!
Hey dark_mage!
Thank you for your continued attention!
Happy to help.
Yeah! Too bad it's not d20 ^^
Or 4E.
The paralels between Apsu and Uranus led me to think about a "category" of Elder beigns, Proto-Titans if you will, more Eldrtich Abominations than proper gods. I'll scour other mythologies when I have time for other potential members.
There are lots out there.
Speaking of which, what is your take on the general origin of gods? I remember reading somewhere, not sure ATM but I think it was a PS book, about a "rumor" that most, if not all, the human gods were humans who ascended a long time ago, so long that they've almost forgotten about their past selves. Sounds interesting to me but I'm not sure if I will consider it for my Campaign.
I don't see one idea thats going to fit every campaign - I think each DM should decide this for themselves.
Interesting, but what is the criteria you use to designate each one? What makes one a Cosmic Afterbirth and not a Pantheon DEstroyer?
Actually my mistake:
Godslayer = Intermediate
Cosmic Umbilical/Pantheon Enemy = Greater (typically a dragon)
Cosmic Afterbirth/Patheon Destroyer = Elder
A Pantheon Destroyer is one fated to (or with the power to) destroy a Pantheon.
Point taken. In this case and since I want to keep some continuity with Planescape canon, I'm thinking of having the "new" Earth goddess, Belet-ili, be a result of the merging of Ki and Ninhursag.
What I meant is that if you thought any of the alignment choices for the pantheon in L&L were innapropiate.
Not so much Legends & Lore but obviously Tiamat really should be Chaotic Evil not Lawful Evil.
Perhaps I need to give it a second reading, but I failed to see how Enlil and Anu can be considered Antagonistic (barring Anu's almost-but-not-quite-a-Cosmic-Horror traits)
He's a deposed and defeated figurehead - thats enough to make anyone bitter.
Perhaps. I was thinking of them baing at least DR 0, from the 3e Deities & Demigods, as I recall it beign the "default" DR for godly scions. What I'm not sure is if DR:0, aka Hero-deity status, grants immortality or not.
There is no Divine Rank 0 in Ascension.
Disciple = DR 1
Prophet = DR 2
Hero-deity = DR 3
Quasi-deity = DR 4
Demi-deity = DR 6
Lesser = DR 8
Inter = DR 12
Greater = DR 16
Elder = DR 24
Besides, if I'm not mistaken, Heracles was ascended into full godhood after his death, wasn't he? I imagined something similar could have happened to Gilgamesh.
Absolutely but maybe we are encountering Gilgamesh before he died.
Whoa! That means you'll have 21+ deities in the pantheon! How many Greater deities do you place, or do you leave the Greater status solely to the Head of the Pantheon?
Greater Deity = 1 (2 in Duality = Persian, 3 in Trinity = Hindu)
Inter = 1 per alignment
Lesser = 1 per alignment
Demi = up to 99
Quasi = up to 999
Hero = up to 9999
In this case, I did not set myself to fulfill some quota, I merely took the gods as they were presented in L&L and On Hallowed Ground, and went from the assumption that Marduk was now the Head of the Pantheon. I took it to mean most of the other gods "donated" some status to him, making him one of only 3 Greater deities in the pantheon; the other two were Belet-ili (her origins, plus she kept herself pretty much isolated from godly politics, and her status and worship as Earth Goddess were enough to secure her rank) and Ishtar (as a wildly popular deity, I assumed the size of her worship would be enough to keep her in Greater rank). The rest of the deities markes as Greater were "demoted" to Intermediate, and the Lesser were kept as is.
For me only the Pantheon Head is a greater god, all other 1E Greater gods are intermediate.
I'm curious as to which other deities, and in which aligments, would you include for the pantheon. Off the top of my head, I got 13 and that's counting Dahak/Kingu, whom you won't be considering as part of the pantheon.
Here was my initial list (Pre-Anu defeat)
Anu = LN
Marduk = LG
Enki = NG
Shamash = CG
Enlil = LN
Nin-hursaga = N
Ishtar = CN
Inanna = LE
Ereshkigal = NE
Anshar = CE
Girru = LG
Nanna-sin = NG
Ramman = CG
Tammuz = LN
Ki = N
Mummu = CN
Druaga = LE
Nergal = NE
Namtar = CE
I also had a list of about 15 Demigods that needed a bit or sorting through, the heroes I previously listed, some anti-heroes: Nimrod and Asarluhhi, various monsters such as: Anzu, Labbu and Sibuttu
I'd also like to know what you make of the Anu-Enlil-Marduk relationship.
Post Anu-defeat...
Marduk = the hero, the good
Enlil = the coward, the bad
Anu = the defeated, the ugly