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The Kolloseaum: Team Go Hard or Go Home (DM: Iron Sky, Judge: Luinnar)


As Rilissa comes out of the room with the book, a glazed look in his eyes, Corragan suspects magic. He's had so little exposure to magic that he really doesn't know what to think. Pushing past Dina and Rilissa he peers at the book, looking for any more physical bindings that might break the enchanting magic. Spying a loose thread on the bindings, he pulls on it, and the magics binding the book unravel.

The way forward safe, he heads on into the book room to see what awaits them further ahead.

[sblock=Actions]Move: Move to L3
Minor: Thievery to disarm the trap
Standard: Move to G5 and look through the doorway[/sblock]
[sblock=Stats]Corragan - Elf Druid (Unaligned) Level 1
Initiative +3

Passive Insight 15; Passive Perception 22; Senses Low-Light

HP 28 Bloodied 14 Surge Value 7; Surges Per-Day 7
AC 16 Fortitude 11 Reflex 14 Will 16

Speed 8; Size Medium
Str 13 (+1), Dex 16 (+3), Wis 20 (+5)
Con 11 (+0), Int 10 (+2), Cha 8 (-1)

AP: 1, Second Wind: Unused

Wild Shape, Savage Rend, Fire Hawk, Grasping Tide
Thorn Spray, Elven Accuracy - USED
Summon Giant Toad

HP Remaining 17/28
Healing surges remaining 5/7
OOC: Hurrah for luck over judgement!
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First Post
OOC: Medina just barely beat me to it appearently, so I'll update post as soon as we see what's up next from Medina's movement
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Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
OOC: Medina just barely beat me to it appearently, so I'll update post as soon as we see what's up next from Medina's movement

GM: I think we're just waiting for you. Relissa is in L4 if that's what the hold up is (she only had one action and that's where it took her).

Make sure you roll the trap attack against you since you failed by 5 or more.

I'll update tomorrow.


First Post
GM: I think we're just waiting for you. Relissa is in L4 if that's what the hold up is (she only had one action and that's where it took her).

Make sure you roll the trap attack against you since you failed by 5 or more.

I'll update tomorrow.

OOC: With Medina posting before me, Corrigan finished disabling the trap on his turn and moved into the room to see what was beyond. Since he got the trap disabled, I no longer actually needed to make my arcana check to do so, so I was waiting to see what was beyond the book room since he moved in before I took my turn.


First Post
OOC: You should consider posting some conditional actions for the round so that if Medina doesn't see anything more interesting than more hallway, Iron Sky won't have to wait on your turn before doing the next round. Something simple like a declaration that if Rilissa doesn't detect any obvious danger, Sha'kar spends his turn double-moving to E5 or wherever. Just for the sake of keeping things moving.


First Post
OOC: Works for me. [MENTION=60965]Iron Sky[/MENTION]: As WEContact suggested, if theres no obvious danger, I'll move to E5 on my turn. If there's another room that would take me into or I could reach with the double move that doesn't have a fairly obvious trap, I'll go ahead and walk in to trigger whatever NON-obvious trap there might be. I'll also put away my crossbow either way so I can draw whichever weapon I wanna use next round.
[sblock="Stats"]Sha'kar Menoth Male Genasi Artificer
Initiative: +0, Passive perception: 17, Passive Insight: 12, Senses: Normal

AC: 16, Fort: 15, Reflex: 14, Will: 14
+2 all from Jade Fortified or Tomb Fortified where applies
Resist 5 Psychic

HP: 25/30, Bloodied: 15, Surge Value: 7, Surges Left: 7/10
Action Points: 1/1, Second Wind: unused

Allarian, Tsugo

Basic Attacks:
Melee Basic Attack: +2 vs AC - Quarterstaff 1d8
Ranged Basic Attack: +2 vs AC - Repeating Crossbow 1d8

At-Will: Magic Weapon, Thundering Armor
Encounter: Burning Weapons, Healing Infusion: Curative Admixture, Healing Infusion: Resistive Formula, Void Assumption
Daily: Icebound Sigil
Item:Alchemist's Fire (1/1)

Quarterstaff - 1d8
Repeating Crossbow - 1d8
Current magazine: 5 bolts
Full Magazines Remaining: 14

Conditions: Wearing Jade Fortified and Tomb Fortified Armor

Jade Tomb Items:
Jade Fortified Armor (Worn)
Tomb Fortified Armor (Worn)
Jade Bane Crossbow
Trap Seeking Quarterstaff

Crossbow Caster - Use Crossbow as implement for implement attacks
Voidsoul - Resist 5 Psychic damage
Arcane Empowerment - Empower magic item once per day + once per milestone (Augment Energy or Impart Energy)
Augment Energy - A weapon gains a +2 bonus as a free action once. A weapon can't be infused twice (lasts until next extended rest or until used)
Impart Energy - Recharge a daily magic item. An item can't be recharged twice in a day.
Arcane Rejuvenation - When an ally uses a daily magic item they gain 4 temporary hit points.[/sblock]

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
Match Two: The Jade Tomb, Round 16

Delving into the book, the group manages to disrupt the ritual with cunning and arcane lore as Ignatz does the same to the ghost with his battle shovel.

Corragan moves up and looks through the doorway on the far side of the room as the braziers flicker out, revealing a room with a couple crude statues and the view of another room beyond, Sha'kar stepping past to see two more crude statues in the next room along with yet another door.

GM: @VanderLegion , I'd missed the first one on the last page, so I thought there was still one needed. Here's the updated map. Edit: You were posting your revision while I was updating. I'll assume your action is to move towards the next door to keep things moving.

Corragan: G5, 17/28hp
Sha'kar: E6, 25/30hp
Rilissa: L4, 25/27hp
Ignatz: U7, 2+17/30hp
Dina: L4, 24/24hp

Jade Ghost: Dissipated
Jade Ghost(Undead): Minion. AC 19, Fort 16, Ref 18, Will 18. MBA: +8 vs Fort, 5 force damage and slowed(save ends). If the target is slowed already, the attack does +2 damage and the target is immobilized(save ends) instead of slowed. Spectral Resistance(Free, when reduced to 0 hp): The Jade Ghost makes a saving throw. On a success, the Jade Ghost gains 1 hp.

Effect Key: location, hp/max hp, damage related, TenT or TsnT, conditional, save ends, encounter[/sblock]

[sblock=Traps][sblock=Disarming the Traps]If you want to try to disable a trap, feel free to be creative and/or ask questions as I'm not posting specific solutions. It's not required to disable the traps, but it should be possible for each of them.[/sblock]

[sblock=Book Room Trap, UPDATED]Disabled.[/sblock]

[sblock=Incense Burner Trap]Anyone who enters the room or starts their turn in it takes an attack: +3 vs Fort, 1d6+4 poison damage and 5 ongoing poison damage and weakened(save ends both). Characters can ward themselves against the trap with Heal or Endurance.[/sblock]

[sblock=Armory Room Trap]Anyone who tries to take a weapon or armor from the rack or statues takes an attack: +5 vs AC, 1d12+2 damage. Warding: Normal Defense boosters (Aid Another, Total Defense).[/sblock]

[sblock=Trap Warding]As a minor action, make a DC10 check with the skills listed in the trap to ward yourself or help ward an adjacent character against the trap until the end of your next turn. If you beat the DC, the target gains +1 to their defense against the trap, +1 per 5 over the DC.[/sblock][/sblock]

[sblock=Rooms][sblock=Armory Room]There are weapons, armor, and implements of all types and all are mundane but have one of the following properties. Both types of armor may be worn together.:
*Trap Seeker(Weapon): These weapons act as dowsing rods but for finding traps. Characters holding them gain +2 to all skills, attack, and damage rolls involving finding, warding against, and disabling traps in the Jade Tomb.
*Jade Bane (Weapon): These weapons gain +1 to hit the Jade Ghost and ignore its Spectral Resistance.
*Jade Fortified (Armor): Characters who take a piece of this armor can don it as a minor action. They gain +2 to all defenses against the Jade Ghost's attacks, +2 on saves against effects it inflicts, and can move through its square(provoking OAs as normal).
*Tomb Fortified (Armor): Characters who take a piece of this armor can don it as a minor action. They gain +2 to all defenses against trap attacks in the Jade Tomb, +2 on saves inflicted by traps, and DR2 against trap attacks while in the Tomb.[/sblock][/sblock]

[sblock=Terrain]Stairs: The stairs take a move action to ascend (enter the map) or descend (leave the map).

Walls: The walls are fairly rough, DC 18 to climb. The arena is 2 squares tall with a forcefield shimmering over the top to keep the gladiators (read: you) in the arena.

Hallways: Hallways contain a mist that is light obscurement; anything 2 or more squares away is concealed, anything beyond has total concealment (can't be seen).[/sblock]

[sblock=Special Rules][sblock=Appease the Crowd]
*As a minor action, a PC may make a skill check to wow the crowd. If they succeed at the check, they gain +2 to their next d20 roll if they beat the DC, plus +2 per 5 by which they beat the DC. If the check is failed, the PC takes a -2 penalty to their next d20 roll, -2 more per 5 by which they miss the DC.

I.E, if the DC is 15, 1-5 would be -6, 6-10 would be -4, 11-14 would be -2, 15-19 would be +2, etc.

*All skill DCs will start at 15 and each individual skill's DC goes up by 2 per time the skill is used as the crowd gets more jaded. The DCs go up at the end of the round in which they are used. The DCs do not drop between arena rounds.

*Any skill can be used, as long as the player can provide relevant character action to back up the roll.

Current Skill DCs:
Athletics: 17
Endurance: 17
Heal: 17
History: 17
Perception: 17
Religion: 17
Others: 15[/sblock]

[sblock=Victory Condition]Treasures: To win, the group must find, collect, and escape with the three treasures. 1 has been found.[/sblock][/sblock]


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First Post
Pausing for a moment, Rilissa delves through the deep well of her knowledge of magic, searching for a thought...

"Ah, now I realize," she says, speaking to the crowd, "I should have listened to my masters so long ago. They advised me often that magic was quite literally a thread woven into the common day world."

The crowd both alternately roars with laughter and chatter of approval from the scholars in the crowd.

Rilissa moves forward scouting the lead, feeling quite confident in her abilities now.

Minor - Appease the crowd (Arcana 15)
Move - Move to G5
Standard - Continue move to E10

[sblock="Stat Block"]Rilissa Shandalar - Female Shadar-kai Assault Swordmage 1
Initiative: +1 Passive Perception: 9 Passive Insight: 9
AC: 19 Fort: 14 Ref: 14 Will: 14
HP: 25/27 Bloodied: 13 Surge Value: 6 Surges left: 6/9
Speed: 6 Languages: Allarian, Imperia
AP: 0 Second Wind: Used

Tomb Fortified Armor, Jade Fortified Armor, Jade Bane Longsword

Aegis of Assault, Lightning Lure, Greenflame Blade
Shadow Jaunt, Flame Cyclone
Frost Backlash[/sblock]

OOC: Holy McCrapballs.. +6 to my next d20.. gotta make that one count.
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First Post
Ignatz resumes his urgent errand, loping down the hall and into the next room with surprising speed.

Minor: Body of the Wolf
Move: ->R3
Standard: Move->to the entrance to the room and then into the room
[sblock=Statblock]Ignatz Jägerkin - Male Half-Orc Barbarian 1
Status: Wolfen (+1 speed, claw weapon), wielding Jade Bane Gouge
Initiative: +3, Passive perception: 17(18), Passive Insight: 11
AC:17 Fort:16 Ref:14 Will:11
HP: 17/30 Bloodied: 15 Surge value: 7 Surges/day: 10
Speed: 6 squares, AP: 0, Second Wind: unused, Temporary HP: 2
Melee Basic Attack: +6 vs AC, 2d6+4 brutal 1 (Claw: +7, 1d8+4)
Powers: Body of the Wolf, Howling Strike, Pressing Strike
Furious Assault, Swift Charge, Desperate Fury
Thunder Hooves Rage[/sblock]


Seeing no clear danger as Sha'kar entered the room, Corragan continues on ahead to try and find more of the 'treasure'. He heads ahead and peers through the doorway...
Move: Move to E11 (1 square of Movement left)
Other actions to follow when we see into the next room[/sblock]
[sblock=Stats]Corragan - Elf Druid (Unaligned) Level 1
Initiative +3

Passive Insight 15; Passive Perception 22; Senses Low-Light

HP 28 Bloodied 14 Surge Value 7; Surges Per-Day 7
AC 16 Fortitude 11 Reflex 14 Will 16

Speed 8; Size Medium
Str 13 (+1), Dex 16 (+3), Wis 20 (+5)
Con 11 (+0), Int 10 (+2), Cha 8 (-1)

AP: 1, Second Wind: Unused

Wild Shape, Savage Rend, Fire Hawk, Grasping Tide
Thorn Spray, Elven Accuracy - USED
Summon Giant Toad

HP Remaining 17/28
Healing surges remaining 5/7

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