The Kolloseaum: Team Go Hard or Go Home (DM: Iron Sky, Judge: Luinnar)


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OOC: Waiting on [MENTION=6676620]VanderLegion[/MENTION] and [MENTION=78756]Son of Meepo[/MENTION]. Hope everyone had a good weekend.

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Sha'kar scans the hallway looking for any sign of hidden exits or traps as he swaps his staff back out for his crossbow.[sblock="Actions"]Minor: Perception check for hidden exits
Minor (Move): Stow Quarterstaff
Minor (Standard): Draw Crossbow[/sblock][sblock="Stats"]Sha'kar Menoth Male Genasi Artificer
Initiative: +0, Passive perception: 17, Passive Insight: 12, Senses: Normal

AC: 16, Fort: 15, Reflex: 14, Will: 14
+2 all from Jade Fortified or Tomb Fortified where applies
Resist 5 Psychic

HP: 25/30, Bloodied: 15, Surge Value: 7, Surges Left: 7/10
Action Points: 1/1, Second Wind: unused

Allarian, Tsugo

Basic Attacks:
Melee Basic Attack: +2 vs AC - Quarterstaff 1d8
Ranged Basic Attack: +2 vs AC - Repeating Crossbow 1d8

At-Will: Magic Weapon, Thundering Armor
Encounter: Burning Weapons, Healing Infusion: Curative Admixture, Healing Infusion: Resistive Formula, Void Assumption
Daily: Icebound Sigil
Item:Alchemist's Fire (1/1)

Quarterstaff - 1d8
Repeating Crossbow - 1d8
Current magazine: 5 bolts
Full Magazines Remaining: 14

Conditions: Wearing Jade Fortified and Tomb Fortified Armor

Crossbow Caster - Use Crossbow as implement for implement attacks
Voidsoul - Resist 5 Psychic damage
Arcane Empowerment - Empower magic item once per day + once per milestone (Augment Energy or Impart Energy)
Augment Energy - A weapon gains a +2 bonus as a free action once. A weapon can't be infused twice (lasts until next extended rest or until used)
Impart Energy - Recharge a daily magic item. An item can't be recharged twice in a day.
Arcane Rejuvenation - When an ally uses a daily magic item they gain 4 temporary hit points.[/sblock]

Son of Meepo

First Post
"It looks like the way beyond is through the book room. I could try to disable the wards so that we can proceed."

Dina moves to the other side of the door and observes the traps effects on Rilissa, waiting for something to happen.

[sblock=actions]Move: L6
Standard: Study the trap Arcana (1d20+12=21)[/sblock]

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
Match Two: The Jade Tomb, Round 15

As Ignatz bounds off through the mists towards the entrance, Rilissa finally wears away the binding that keeps the book bound to the pedestal.

Dina analyzes while Rilissa works, noting the link between the book and the braziers that are attacking Rilissa. The book seems to be the key to disabling the trap, but it can be taken out of the room to do so.

Sha'kar, meanwhile, fails to spot anything notable in the passage as he switches his weapons.

Corragan watches the group's back, waiting for the ghost to reappear. He hears it, but never sees it as it rushes through the tomb and lashes out at Ignatz, who narrowly avoids its debilitating touch.

GM: Sha'kar's perception check: 1d20+7=16.

Details of Dina's discoveries are in the Book Room sblock below.

When you guys ready actions, can you post a summary of the power to save me the time it takes to look them up if they trigger?

Especially useful since I didn't track who took what from the armory. In your next post, can you guys list them since I didn't think of it before and don't have time to look it all up now?

[sblock=Enemy Actions]Jade Ghost: Move, charge to U8. Spectral Touch(+2 CA, +1 charge): 14 vs Ignatz' 16 Fort, miss.[/sblock]

Corragan: L6, 17/28hp
Sha'kar: I3, 25/30hp
Rilissa: I6, 25/27hp, Book Trap
Ignatz: U7, 2+17/30hp
Dina: L5, 24/24hp

Jade Ghost: U8
Jade Ghost(Undead): Minion. AC 19, Fort 16, Ref 18, Will 18. MBA: +8 vs Fort, 5 force damage and slowed(save ends). If the target is slowed already, the attack does +2 damage and the target is immobilized(save ends) instead of slowed. Spectral Resistance(Free, when reduced to 0 hp): The Jade Ghost makes a saving throw. On a success, the Jade Ghost gains 1 hp.

Effect Key: location, hp/max hp, damage related, TenT or TsnT, conditional, save ends, encounter[/sblock]

[sblock=Traps][sblock=Disarming the Traps]If you want to try to disable a trap, feel free to be creative and/or ask questions as I'm not posting specific solutions. It's not required to disable the traps, but it should be possible for each of them.[/sblock]

[sblock=Book Room Trap]Anyone who enters the room or starts their turn in it takes an attack: +5 vs Will, dominated(save ends).

While dominated, the domination will force the PC to leave the room through the south door, then attack fellow players with their best at-wills on any subsequent rounds they are dominated. If the PC can leave the room and still charge someone, they will do so.[/sblock]

[sblock=Incense Burner Trap]Anyone who enters the room or starts their turn in it takes an attack: +3 vs Fort, 1d6+4 poison damage and 5 ongoing poison damage and weakened(save ends both). Characters can ward themselves against the trap with Heal or Endurance.[/sblock]

[sblock=Armory Room Trap]Anyone who tries to take a weapon or armor from the rack or statues takes an attack: +5 vs AC, 1d12+2 damage. Warding: Normal Defense boosters (Aid Another, Total Defense).[/sblock]

[sblock=Trap Warding]As a minor action, make a DC10 check with the skills listed in the trap to ward yourself or help ward an adjacent character against the trap until the end of your next turn. If you beat the DC, the target gains +1 to their defense against the trap, +1 per 5 over the DC.[/sblock][/sblock]

[sblock=Rooms, UPDATED][sblock=Book Room]The book requires 3 successful minor action Arcana checks from an adjacent PC to disable the trap. It may be taken out of the room. If the Arcana check fails by 5 or more, the trap makes an attack against the character who rolled it, regardless of whether they are in the Book Room or not.[/sblock]

[sblock=Armory Room]There are weapons, armor, and implements of all types and all are mundane but have one of the following properties. Both types of armor may be worn together.:
*Trap Seeker(Weapon): These weapons act as dowsing rods but for finding traps. Characters holding them gain +2 to all skills, attack, and damage rolls involving finding, warding against, and disabling traps in the Jade Tomb.
*Jade Bane (Weapon): These weapons gain +1 to hit the Jade Ghost and ignore its Spectral Resistance.
*Jade Fortified (Armor): Characters who take a piece of this armor can don it as a minor action. They gain +2 to all defenses against the Jade Ghost's attacks, +2 on saves against effects it inflicts, and can move through its square(provoking OAs as normal).
*Tomb Fortified (Armor): Characters who take a piece of this armor can don it as a minor action. They gain +2 to all defenses against trap attacks in the Jade Tomb, +2 on saves inflicted by traps, and DR2 against trap attacks while in the Tomb.[/sblock][/sblock]

[sblock=Terrain]Stairs: The stairs take a move action to ascend (enter the map) or descend (leave the map).

Walls: The walls are fairly rough, DC 18 to climb. The arena is 2 squares tall with a forcefield shimmering over the top to keep the gladiators (read: you) in the arena.

Hallways: Hallways contain a mist that is light obscurement; anything 2 or more squares away is concealed, anything beyond has total concealment (can't be seen).[/sblock]

[sblock=Special Rules][sblock=Appease the Crowd]
*As a minor action, a PC may make a skill check to wow the crowd. If they succeed at the check, they gain +2 to their next d20 roll if they beat the DC, plus +2 per 5 by which they beat the DC. If the check is failed, the PC takes a -2 penalty to their next d20 roll, -2 more per 5 by which they miss the DC.

I.E, if the DC is 15, 1-5 would be -6, 6-10 would be -4, 11-14 would be -2, 15-19 would be +2, etc.

*All skill DCs will start at 15 and each individual skill's DC goes up by 2 per time the skill is used as the crowd gets more jaded. The DCs go up at the end of the round in which they are used. The DCs do not drop between arena rounds.

*Any skill can be used, as long as the player can provide relevant character action to back up the roll.

Current Skill DCs:
Athletics: 17
Endurance: 17
Heal: 17
History: 17
Perception: 17
Religion: 17
Others: 15[/sblock]

[sblock=Victory Condition]Treasures: To win, the group must find, collect, and escape with the three treasures. 1 has been found.[/sblock][/sblock]


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Breathing a sigh of relief for finally extracting the book, Rilissa turns with a glint in her eye, as the trap finally catches her. She walks past the two companions at the southern door, and just as she gets past, turns at Dina, swinging her sword, with a faint green-tinged flame trailing the blade. Fortunately for Dina, Rilissa's luck with her blade has not changed, and she misses the swing.

Start of Turn - Takes attack from Trap: +5 vs Will 16 (+2 from Tomb Fort armor)
Move - Move to L4
Minor - N/A
Standard - Greenflame Blade at Dina (+7 vs. AC 17)

[sblock="Stat Block"]Rilissa Shandalar - Female Shadar-kai Assault Swordmage 1
Initiative: +1 Passive Perception: 9 Passive Insight: 9
AC: 19 Fort: 14 Ref: 14 Will: 14
HP: 25/27 Bloodied: 13 Surge Value: 6 Surges left: 6/9
Speed: 6 Languages: Allarian, Imperia
AP: 0 Second Wind: Used

Tomb Fortified Armor, Jade Fortified Armor, Jade Bane Longsword

Aegis of Assault, Lightning Lure, Greenflame Blade
Shadow Jaunt, Flame Cyclone
Frost Backlash[/sblock]
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