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The Kolloseaum: Team Go Hard or Go Home (DM: Iron Sky, Judge: Luinnar)

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Son of Meepo

First Post
OOC: I don't see why that matters. I was waiting by the entrance to see if you got dominated before you finished disarming the trap. Since you did get dominated, I moved next to the book and took over disarming the trap. Other than that I don't see how your actions affect mine.


First Post
OOC: I don't see why that matters. I was waiting by the entrance to see if you got dominated before you finished disarming the trap. Since you did get dominated, I moved next to the book and took over disarming the trap. Other than that I don't see how your actions affect mine.

OOC: Rilissa took the book last round, so when she got dominated this round and walked out to attack Dina, the book came with her.

Son of Meepo

First Post
OOC: Rilissa took the book last round, so when she got dominated this round and walked out to attack Dina, the book came with her.

OOC: Ah ok, it was very unclear. I thought our DM was saying it required 3 successful checks before the trap was disarmed and the book could be taken from the room. I thought the pedastal was the source of the trap, not the book itself.

But, I'll be wherever I need to be to disable the trap. If I don't have to move into the room because the book is already adjacent to me, I'll just make an additional checks instead of the minor and move actions I posted.

[sblock=Additional checks]Arcana (1d20+12=25)
Arcana (1d20+12=13)
Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes (1d6=3)

That's one additional success. The last check still fails, but Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes makes sure I don't fail by 5, thus I don't trigger the trap.[/sblock]


First Post
OOC: Put my spoils from the armory in the Status line in my stat block.

Ignatz is incensed by this interruption. "Hey, hyu schtupid ting," he snarls, stepping carefully back. "Jost stay dead, Hy iz tired of playingk vit hyu!" He's angry, but not furious, and he's clear-headed enough to think about the best way to attack. He takes another step back as he speaks, and then he launches himself like a missile off of the balls of his feet. His weapon tears through the ghost like it's not a ghost, and the thing fades away again. Ignatz spits at the ground where it... didn't actually stand at all. Hovered? Ignatz briefly reflects on the irony.

Minor: Body of the Wolf, shift->U6
Move: Shift->U5
Standard: Howling Strike (charge) vs JG AC 19
[sblock=Statblock]Ignatz Jägerkin - Male Half-Orc Barbarian 1
Status: not Wolfen, wielding Jade Bane Gouge
Initiative: +3, Passive perception: 17(18), Passive Insight: 11
AC:17 Fort:16 Ref:14 Will:11
HP: 17/30 Bloodied: 15 Surge value: 7 Surges/day: 10
Speed: 6 squares, AP: 0, Second Wind: unused, Temporary HP: 2
Melee Basic Attack: +6 vs AC, 2d6+4 brutal 1 (Claw: +7, 1d8+4)
Powers: Body of the Wolf, Howling Strike, Pressing Strike
Furious Assault, Swift Charge, Desperate Fury
Thunder Hooves Rage[/sblock]
Last edited:

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
Move - Move to L4
Minor - N/A
Standard - Greenflame Blade at Dina (+7 vs. AC 17)

GM: While dominated, you only get 1 standard action. By the conditions of the domination listed in the trap you first objective is to leave the room, only attacking if you can charge someone on the way out. After that, your job is to do as much damage to the team as possible.

Since you couldn't charge and also leave the room, your single action was the move.

As for the book, as long as you are adjacent to it, you can attempt to disable it and right now it's on Relissa in L4. I forgot to add that you can use Thievery in addition to Arcana (since Thievery's primary role is disabling all kinds of traps) with the same DC.

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