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The Long Journey Home

Ray Ray

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He sat hammering buttons on his suit while Ghost 'spoke' with the alien.

"I'd stop it if I could cap'n yours seems to have recovered, its never done this before... Maybe a suit malfunction...? Eck I'll need to get this thing looked at when we get back - first I couldn't see the enemy now this! Some kind of power overload? eh..."

Suit still whirring, he picked the claw, pointing to him and ghost,then a picture of 2 aliens hugging, then picked the claw and pointed it at the alien, putting on his best friendly smile despite the roar of his MDA.

"Theres my addition,ey?"

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Mikhail Zhukov

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Artur go outside and check what those two idiots are doing.

Turning to the rest of the group.

I think we have first contact to make.

Mikhail then approached the alien and stretched out his hand offering to help him/her stand up.
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"Indeed, lets try and do this properly." Aleksandra made a point of kneeling down a small way from the alien and placed bother her weapons down. She did her absolute best form there to form some kind of greeting.

OOC: Gonna roll physiology, paxsis and linguistics, trying to see if the alien is actually injured in any way, trying to see what the :):):):) is up with its paxsis shenanigans and trying to approximate something like a greeting.

Physiology=flat pass, paxsis=2 degrees succ, linguistics= 1 degree succ.

OOC: I'M BACK! GOOD GOD THIS :):):):) DON'T SLOW DOWN. But seriously, I apologise for having to be botted for so much of this fight! Right, lets get to work...

Alexander lets out a loud grunt as he keeps his power field active, regardless of the multiple warning lights going off. He was not going to let his squad get hurt, least of all by these evil and disgraceful bots. Paksis core energy warnings? Right arm pressure fractures? Shield temperature of thousands of degrees? Insignificant compared to the perfectly formed human aegis that was Captain Bauhdric's immutable body. Lightning danced over his body from the Blade-bots; though he returned the favour handsomely with each beautiful strike of his magnificent powerfists, sparks flying from his unstoppable knuckles.

"Echo squad! Show me what you can do!"
He growled out, his voice rising about the whining inferno of the flames. As if to answer his call, the armour of him and his team started to light up, the armoured plates of his suit folding away and bursting open. At first he thought it was his paladin suit trying to cool down, but as his team were affected by similar transformations, he couldn't help but let a smile cross his face.

"Foul Deamons of the void, you may have technology and inhumane strength. But we...WE...HAVE...FRIENDSHIP!"
He grunted, ducking low before delivering an uppercut to whatever was closest, using the kinetic energy from each blow he delivered to bolster his powershield, while showing off his flawless German martial technique, his impeccable endurance an example to his squad.

But seriously, hope that makes up for missing so much!

Swift action, rallying flex for 4 mana. CL 12

[EDIT] forgot to state my move action! Which is...Go into the darkness looking for these foul robots!

Attack roll: 9. Willing to spend 3 points to get it to success; seeing as I gained three by taking fire, I may as well use them to fight the fire!

EDITEDIT: The boost is +2 to your next roll

Attack: 17 to hit, 22 DMG.
Hopen gar: Crit to hit, 33 DMG
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OOC: Arthur and Rey will be botted this round

Rey again puts up some shield onto Alexander and Arthur throws a bomb blindly hoping to hit some enemies. Everyone gets a further boost in power from Alexander's mighty muscles. Alexander then rushes in and smashes one of the A.W.Bs into bits. With one left near him and he now is ready for any impact with a huge amount of shields to take off the damage.


It is hard to tell if the alien is injured or not but by the shrieking it at least seems that way. There is a large paksis emission coming from within the alien's body, as you approach your own paksis seems to be working harder. Almost like a heart beating faster. After trying a few tones of voice Alexsandra finds one that starts to calm the alien down, the alien stares blankly at the floor for a little then up at Alexsandra. It makes a quick clicking noise at her and then tries to touch Alexsandra's face.


The alien looks at the picture of the claw bot for a moment, then moves it aside and shows a picture of what looks like a surgery then the next picture of meat and then a picture of an alien eating. He moves those away then shows a picture of a worried alien. Lastly he then points at you, points at a picture of weaponry, a picture of fighting then a picture of the claw bots.

Aleksandra's breath caught in her chest. It took all her nerve to force the air our to continue the responsive sounds. She held her poise and her composure. She cloud feel the liquid plating of her MDA drawing back to reveal her human features beneath the shimmering metal.

Her mind was frequently abuzz but at this moment it was strangely calm and focussed, she only wished that there were something she could do for this creature's suffering.

She sat respectfully and did not impede its actions.

Ray Ray

First Post
OOC: Either its telling us whats going to happen to us and we're going to be recycled into burgers, or its describing something that they did? maybe cannabalism? Or uh...its hungry? Going to wait for Ghost's move as Raymond is dealing with his little suit problem haha)


First Post
OOC: I see, so if :):):):) hit's the fan it's my fault haha

Ghost takes the images, he puts the aliens followed by the surgery, followed by the aliens again, then followed by confusion. He also set's up a series of images showing the aliens, surgery and then a claw pointing towards himself and Ray. Finally, he takes a picture of the aliens, hiding and then follows that with the clawbot. Three separate sentences, whilst he waits for the alien to answer he studies the creatures face hoping any flinch, twitch or movement might betray it's intentions.

OOC: Name me the rolls and I'll make them, assuming I have the skill that is ^^

Voidrunner's Codex

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