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The Long Journey Home

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OOC: Right, I'll try to post one time a day to catch up a little. If there are no posts I won't update anything but I'll try to update anything that is posted each day.


At Rey's question the Alien replies. <One of us? The sick one you mean? Is she alright? She was prematurely broken from her pod. Someone thought her to be a gift of god when we first found her. Some revered her, it is a long story if you wish to hear it. It however effectively comes down to some extremists thought she would save us from the attack. She did although.. she was upset and I'm not sure why. I'm surprised you met her without her killing you. That girl is not the only one though, there was another trapped in that cage. He escaped in the commotion of the emergency alarm on the surface. I didn't know that anyone was still alive up there, someone must have pressed it to warn us. We are still on edge maybe the enemies are waiting for us up there.>

The Alien makes a weird clicking sound. <You say you are trained in warfare, do you know of our enemies? We know naught about them other than they dissect us for parts and take us away. They are not interested in our weapons nor our armour. They took the strongest first which is why we have barely any soldiers left. It is just us civilians left.>

The rest of the group start talking about a plan to get rid of the 'toasters'. As they converse they notice however an emergency beacon code released from the surface. The code they recognize as 'Man alone' against an enemy force. The group seems to be missing one of their new crew members. They wonder what has happened, going up now might be perilous but perhaps establishing communication might be a first port of call. Unless of course the group can come up with something better.

Ray Ray

First Post
"Man alone...? Wait, whos up there, ey? Theres no one missing...?" He looked around quickly, counting group members to make sure he wasn't imagining things.


First Post
So miss Mourisette can you actually understand what they are saying to you? You seem to be engaged in a conversation of sorts, at least that's what I'm guessing is going on. That or you're clicking randomly at an alien species, which seems a little unusual at best. If you can communicate with it, can you find out where our weapons are? Currently myself and your brother are at a slight disadvantage. As for the man alone, couldn't that be our mutual friend who apparently knows me from hotel squad?

Arthur Campbell

First Post
"It would seem reasonable that the person in question is private Blanchot. If he's sending that message It would seem that the toasters may have returned to the surface. I'm no tactical expert but I feel that allowing the toasters to overrrun the surface would leave us somewhat trapped. If we're going to re-establish comms would it be pertinent to move closer to the surface for less interference and avoiding giving away this particular stronghold?"

Mikhail Zhukov

First Post
Well either Carl is in the :):):):) so if we hail him he will just tell us as much, or this is a trap then if we hail Carl he will still tell us he is in the :):):):) so might as well go there and check it out. After all we don't leave our own behind, presuming Carl is one of us ... this is just confusing.

So who is with me.

Ray Ray

First Post
"I'm with you, even if I can't get Rexxar back, Misha is on the surface still...I hope, ey? I can pick her up on the way. Sorry to disturb your conversation dear sister, but the ethereal Cap'n is right. Though if they say anything to the tune of 'oh yeah, we destroyed those' I'd appreciate you keeping that to yourself, ey?"

OOC: Mikhail is invisible, no-one sees him!

If there is anything the group would like to do post it in your next post I'll update what is happening on the surface here.

As the group arrives at the surface they see the unmanned snowflake moving around seemingly looking for a target. The emergency signature for the fellow member of starseeker is coming from the second story of the Satellite building, the tank is patrolling near this area. As soon as anyone steps outside the office building they hear a repeating loop from Remi.

"Any squad members out there that here this. A vessel is approaching the planet. The same size vessel that attacked the Wanderer. I expect incoming be careful! If it gets hot I will withdraw, send out a distress call if you need Evac if I have left atmosphere. Stay alive, Planetside crew!"

The group can tell that the enemy vessel hasn't landed yet but Snowflake seems to be a problem. Likely the enemy will touchdown nearby they have time to set up something to surprise the enemy as long as that tank doesn't get in the way.

Mikhail Zhukov

First Post
While we might not have all the facts here I think it is safe to guess that Snowdrop is trying to kill Carl so assume it is hostile. Mikhail stooped to think for a second and then addressed Ray, or Raymond, he wasn't sure and didn't really care Private give me two minutes and then get its attention. I will go around and try to jump in while it is distracted.

He prepared to leave but stopped for a second.

Oh and do try to not get killed by it, I have enough crap on my service record already.

Voidrunner's Codex

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