The 2024 cosmology makes clear that the Astral Plane overlaps all of the Inner Planes, including Fey, Shadow, Ether, and Elementals. Material remains the center of the multiverse.
In a sense both the Material and the Outlands are at the center of the multiverse, tho it is less clear how these relate to each other. That said, both are an area where all of the alignments can interact with each other.
The "wheels" of the Inner and Outer planes seem clear to me. I view them as a gyroscope.
Here the horizontal wheel is the Inner Planes. The outer rim is the Elemental Planes. Perhaps they rotate, such that each Elemental cycles thru the seasons of becoming more Lawful then more Chaotic. Sometimes Air is Lawful and Earth is Chaotic, sometimes opposite.
The center is the Material Plane with the Positive Fey overlapping from above and Negative Shadow overlapping from below. Meanwhile, the entire horizontal wheel is the Ethereal pervading everything across the Inner Planes.
The vertical wheel is the Outer Planes, the alignment planes. Good correlates upward with Positivity. Evil correlates downward with Negativity. Positive energy can be used for Good or Evil, and likewise Negative void can be used for Good or Evil. Even so, the tendency toward "up" or "down" is true enough.
The Fey as a Positive Ether orients toward the Good planes, because of the Positive energy in common. The Shadow as a Negative Ether orients toward the Shadow planes, because of the Negative void in common.
The link between the Negative Shadowfell and Evil "Hades" are entangling concepts relating to the underworld of the dead. Likewise, Hell, Gehenna, Carceri, and in some sense the Abyss are all underworld concepts. There seems to be natural "crossings" between the Material to Shadowfell to the Evil alignment planes. The link is the Negativity, despite the Negativity itself being Unaligned. There are likely crossings from the Shadowfell to LE, ELE, E, ECE, and CE.
Oppositely, the Feywild via the Positivity implies crossings to all of the Good planes: LG Celestia, GLG Bytopia, G Elysium, GCG Beastlands, and CG Arborea. Because of the Eladrin, one might expect a special connection between CG Arborea and the Feywild. However it is probably true that there is an equally special connection between LG Mount Celestia and Feywild, as well. The Feywild itself is Unaligned being an aspect of the Material. It orients toward all of the alignment planes that Positivity prevails.
In the thoughtscape of the Astral Plane, Positivity relates to Good ethics, while Negativity relates to Evil ethics. But in the materialization within the Ethereal Plane, Positivity and Negativity relate neutrally to matter and space, respectively.
The Neutral alignment planes of LN Mechanus, N Outlands, and CN Limbo are a mix of Positivity and Negativity that seems to strongly associate the Ethereal and its Elementals, and seems intimately involved in the production of the Material Plane and the matter within it.