Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
Of course I can. Warlocks do have fewer spell slots. They also have plenty of spell slots. Other casters have more than enough spell slots. They kind of have to, that’s just how daily spell management is designed to work.But you just said...
So you can't say warlocks have plenty of spells but they also have less spells.
If you’re not actually spellcasting, yeah. That’s not a small ask for a primary caster.They have two spells per rest and if you're not actually spellcasting, you get two smite/crits per rest, plus Cunning if you need it.
And they also miss out on other Paladin features. It’s almost like different classes have different advantages and disadvantages compared to each other.And they get 5th level slots to burn FAR sooner than a paladin will.
It’s not. It’s good for Warlocks, good for Paladins, and good for Warlock/Paladin multiclass characters. All three will be viable options. Everyone wins!Of course it’s all upside. It’s TOO MUCH upside.
And yet, the playerbase does recognize when some things are too powerful, and asks for them to be changed. This is not one of those times.Because MOAR POWAR IS KEWL!!!!1!