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The official 2015 Doctor Who (with spoilers for aired episodes only) thread


The Doctor says that Missy brought Clara to him because she did. Clara was given the phone number to the TARDIS phone by "a lady in a shop", as she told Matt Smith's Doctor. At one point Missy admitted to being that lady and repeated her conversation with Clara, to Peter Capaldi's Doctor.

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The Doctor says that Missy brought Clara to him because she did. Clara was given the phone number to the TARDIS phone by "a lady in a shop", as she told Matt Smith's Doctor. At one point Missy admitted to being that lady and repeated her conversation with Clara, to Peter Capaldi's Doctor.

Ah, yes. Good memory!


Well, that was fun
Staff member
The Doctor is now Lord President... Does he get to keep the new allocations since he ran away?

Who elected him to be Lord President?

Hey, now he's President of Earth and Gallifrey!

Who's Rassilon? I take it he's an old Who character?

He's been in both classic and nu-Who. He was last played by Timothy Dalton in a Tennant two-parter.

Who was the guy from the prior episode who got accused of a crime? He just came out of nowhere as a friend of the Doctor and Clara (we didn't recognize him from a prior episode).

Who do you mean? The guy from Face the Raven? That was Rigsy from last year's episode Flatline (the one with the 2D aliens).


Hey, now he's President of Earth and Gallifrey!

He's been in both classic and nu-Who. He was last played by Timothy Dalton in a Tennant two-parter.

Who do you mean? The guy from Face the Raven? That was Rigsy from last year's episode Flatline (the one with the 2D aliens).

All the mysteries are being solved :) Yes, I meant Rigsy, who I didn't recall he was from Flatline.

And now we know how Missy connected during the Matt Smith era as well.

too many details...


Totally Awesome Pirate Brain
Who do you mean? The guy from Face the Raven? That was Rigsy from last year's episode Flatline (the one with the 2D aliens).

You'll also note he's the young chap that Clara snaps a selfie with when The Doctor notices Afshildr in the background.

I don't know what to tell you. I think it's the best DW has been in years. You don't.

I win, I guess! Because it's like I like it right now. :)

One of the things I will say is that I wouldn't have a Dr. Who that didn't range from the sublime to the ridiculous. It has the freedom to experiment in primetime in the way very few other shows do - can you think of any other prime time shows that have had five episodes in a row as different from political machinations and terrorism of The Zygon Inversion the found footage horror of Sleep No More, the genuine tragedy of Face the Raven, the single handed show that was Heaven Sent, and the heist/payoff/tragedy/farewell of Hell Bent? That's just the last five eposodes.

I can recall precisely two runs of TV shows where the episodes were as individually distinct and the quality was as high. Forest of the Dead/Midnight/Turn Left/The Stolen Earth/Journey's End, and Cold Blood/Vincent and the Doctor/The Lodger/The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang. Yes, there are better seasons of TV than any of those three - but when I look at Hannibal I get Hannibal, and it simply doesn't have the range of Dr. Who.

And in Capaldi and Coleman they've two of the best actors on TV and one of the strongest double acts, period. Almost certainly the best actor to play The Doctor ever, and I can't think of a better actor as Companion either (although the writing for her hasn't always been so strong).

That said, any show that's as experimental as Dr Who is going to have some duds in there. (Sleep No More, Under the Lake, and especially Before the Flood all spring to mind). And if you don't want to bounce from technothriller through tragedy into single handed acting then current Dr. Who isn't the show for you. I see why people don't like it; if your tastes aren't fairly cosmopolitan then it's going to be outside comfort zones. And the scripts range from superb to ridiculous rather than being consistently high quality because it is experimenting (I'd say the most consistent season was Eccleston's)

And on Hell Bent, who else noticed The Doctor's double take when Clara asked him to tell her about Clara? Or the wink before using the memory wipe? Or Capaldi's eyeline near the end when he first said what he didn't know (looking away) then that he'd recognise her (looking straight into her eyes)?


Well, that was fun
Staff member
What did ya'll think of the finale?

Loved it.

Another Capaldi acting masterclass. How many actors can carry the whole first 20 minutes without saying a single word? That whole sequence, escalating up through ranks, until Rassilon stood before him? Perfection.

And the classic TARDIS interior? How gorgeous was that? It was like seeing an old classic car in perfect condition.

If I have a criticism, I don't like the flying diner imagery. That looks silly. And I'm not sold on the idea of Me being billions of years old. The Doctor's main strength is age and wisdom. She's, what, a billion times older and wiser? It makes him kinda insignificant.

Loved it.

Another Capaldi acting masterclass. How many actors can carry the whole first 20 minutes without saying a single word? That whole sequence, escalating up through ranks, until Rassilon stood before him? Perfection.

And the classic TARDIS interior? How gorgeous was that? It was like seeing an old classic car in perfect condition.

If I have a criticism, I don't like the flying diner imagery. That looks silly. And I'm not sold on the idea of Me being billions of years old. The Doctor's main strength is age and wisdom. She's, what, a billion times older and wiser? It makes him kinda insignificant.
The difference is that the Doctor doesn't forget. (The dialogue of the previous episode might even imply that eventually he also remembered each instance of the pseudo-loop he went through, towards the end of each loop. Why? Time Lord Magic, I figure).
Me has a human brain and can't hold to all her memories. She might actually forget the lessons life gave her occassionally. She might end up as wise as an old human, but... If I think of my grand pa, that might not be al that wise at all. ;)


The difference is that the Doctor doesn't forget. (The dialogue of the previous episode might even imply that eventually he also remembered each instance of the pseudo-loop he went through, towards the end of each loop. Why? Time Lord Magic, I figure).
Me has a human brain and can't hold to all her memories. She might actually forget the lessons life gave her occassionally. She might end up as wise as an old human, but... If I think of my grand pa, that might not be al that wise at all. ;)

Yes, at best she might be able to pack a few lifetimes of wisdom and experience into that tiny human brain, along with a library of her past experience. Her biggest strength might be a Meegle Search.

Voidrunner's Codex

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