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[The One Ring] The Marsh Bell

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Hobnob steps in front of Riggins and unleashes a rock from his sling...
OOC: EDIT: When the Eye of Sauron fell upon him!

Stay back and keep hammering arrows until it runs off.
Tucking the strap back in a pocket, the hobbit unsheathes his sword and prepares for the worst.
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First Post
Since I don't seem to have a ranged weapon, can Kurin make any other preparation for the melee?

You can pose yourself preparing however you want, but there's no extra mechanical effect: the Battle roll you already made is assumed to be the result of all your preparation.

I think I would still only get a 16 if I use my point of hope, still a miss, correct?

Let's see, you have 3 body, so alas, yes.

When the Eye of Sauron fell upon him!

Eek! That's basically a critical fumble...

And I notice Authiel actually specified in her action that she was "shooting for the beast that rises from the depths", so I can apply the result of her action now.

The two hobbit bows thrum almost simultaneously, and both arrows go wide. Hobnob's, in fact, tumbles wildly through the air as he catches his finger painfully in his bowstring and looses too early.

Take off 1 endurance.

Authiel's two arrows fly straight and true, though, both piercing the center of the hulking figure's mass one after the other. It bellows and stumbles forward into the light - a troll! One gnarled hand clutches at the arrows protruding from its chest and it sinks to its knees, bellows again, and topples slowly forward. A pool of blood seeps from its wound and begins spreading through the murky water.

As well placed as the shots were, you're surprised that they were enough to fell a troll, whose toughness is legendary. Then you notice an axe head already buried in its side. The two wounds together were too much for it.

You have no time to look closer, though, as the slavering hound is still rushing towards you!

So what just happened? Your first shot did 5 Endurance damage. Your second rolled a Great success (one Elrond) so it also adds your Damage rating (on the right side of your sheet, below Wisdom). So the second shot does 5 from the bow and 5 from you. 15 Endurance total. (That's a bit under a quarter of the troll's total!)

But the first shot also had a chance to Wound him. The troll rolls his armour rating of 3d (to compare, your armour rating is 3d+1), with a target number of 14 (your bow's Injury rating). It gets a 9, so it's Wounded.

The first Wound has no real effect. The way it works is this: if you reach 0 Endurance, you fall unconscious. If you are Wounded twice, you fall unconscious. If your Endurance reaches 0 while you are Wounded, you are knocked unconscious and dying, and need to get help immediately!

This troll was already Wounded from an earlier battle, so your first arrow brought him to two wounds and knocked him unconscious immediately!

We're now waiting for Vardolas to take his ranged attack (with the extra bonus die that Authiel donated) - [MENTION=51930]fireinthedust[/MENTION], are you there? [MENTION=6078]garyh[/MENTION] still hasn't checked in either.
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I just got a PM from fireinthedust - he's dropping out for lack of time. And still nothing from [MENTION=6078]garyh[/MENTION], so I assume he's out too.

So what do you want to do? Should we bother continuing? Or NPC those three characters for this fight and then find an excuse to split the group up and have the rest of you go on?


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OOC: Agreed, this is completely different but I'm enjoying myself very much. Should we look for replacement players/characters?

(assuming we live) maybe a disagreement about direction and the groups split?


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All right then, I guess for this combat I'll be NPC'ing Borin, Orin and Vardolas. Only Vardolas has a missile attack.

22 is a hit (forgot that he had the bonus die granted by Authiel, so I had to add it later). Vardolas' Bow has Damage 5 (so the wolf loses 5 endurance), Edge 10 (so if he rolls 10 or higher on the d12 - which he did not - he'd do a Piercing Blow), and Injury 14 (so if he does do a Piercing Blow, the enemy needs to roll a 14 to resist).

Vardolas spends a point of Hope to invoke Stinging Arrow, causing an automatic Piercing Blow. So the wolf needs to roll 14 on its "armour" stat of 2d to resist.

Gotta go - next round you'll need to choose tactics. I'll post how tomorrow.

Vardolas' bow strums half a moment behind the others, and his arrow bursts into blue flame as it speeds towards the wolf. The wolf shies away from the approaching fire, breaking the momentum of its charge, and leaps into the air and howls as the arrow sinks deep into its flank. The flames gutter out before its fur can catch fire, but it turns in a rage to snap at the arrow. The end breaks off and it snaps it in half in its powerful jaws, an turns again to stalk more warily towards the companions.

I'm keeping the character sheets up to date at http://azrapse.es/tor/sheet.html (click on "Online Character Server", group "JoeNotCharles-pbp", password "enworld").
Authiel has 1 bonus die.
Borin has 1 bonus die.

Troll is unconscious.
Wolf has 5 endurance damage and is Wounded.
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First Post
The initial ranged volley is over, and combat begins!

Every character must choose a "combat stance", which is how engaged you are in combat - are you right up close to the enemy, taking risks in order to get a better chance to land a blow, or fighting really defensively and conservatively (or standing back and making more ranged attacks)?

Then everyone chooses which enemy they'll be engaged with - which is obvious at this point because there's only one left.

Then, the two sides take turns attacking and changing stances. You have the initiative, since you're set up to defend against the wolf, who's moving in to attack, so you go first - which means you might as well roll your first attack along with your choice of stance.

(Actually, the order of action is supposed to depend on what stance you're in, but that's too fiddly for PbP, so I'll ignore that rule.)

There are four possible stances:

Forward: (Close combat) "Exploiting any opportunity to attack, to the point of exposing yourself to the retaliation of your enemies." Your TN to hit and to be hit is 6 + Parry. (So you'd need 11 to hit the wolf.) In this stance, instead of attacking, you can try to intimidate foes by making an Awe or Battle roll - if you succeed it denies them the chance to use their special abilities.

Open: (Close combat) "Fighting without sparing yourself, but giving proper attention to your enemies' actions." Your TN to hit and to be hit is 9 + Parry (so you'd need 14 to hit the wolf). In this stance, instead of attacking, you can try to rally your comrades: make an Inspire or Song roll, and if you succeed your allies can regain some Endurance that was lost in the current combat (but if you fail, you lose a point of Hope).

Defensive: (Close combat) "Fighting conservatively, trying to protect yourself or others and holding your ground." Your TN to hit and to be hit is 12 + Parry (so you'd need 17 to hit the wolf). In this stance, instead of attacking, you can try to protect a companion. Declare who when you choose your stance, and if they are attack, you can spend a point of Hope to become the target of that attack instead.

Rearward: (Ranged combat) "Staying away from the press, to attack your foes from a distance." Your TN to hit is 12 + Parry (17 to hit the wolf again), and you can't be attacked unless the enemy has a ranged weapons or a special ability. In this stance, instead of attacking, you can spend the entire round aiming, in which case if you successfully attack in the following round it automatically counts as a great success.

Also, if you wish to run from combat, you can automatically flee if in a Rearward stance. If in a Close stance, you need to make a roll.

If the enemies outnumber the heroes by 2-to-1 or more, nobody can choose a Rearward stance because you're surrounded (not a problem here). And, for every hero that chooses the Rearward stance, 2 heroes must choose one of the three Close stances (to guard them so that the enemy can't get through). Which means that, with 7 of you, up to 2 can take a Ranged stance (2 people in Ranged combat, 4 in Close combat, and the last person can't choose Ranged so must be Close again).

Vardolas is still stuck in the mud. It would make sense to say that Authiel and Vardolas are in the Rearward stance, and Vardolas spends his action pulling free while Authiel attacks. But let's make it a little more tactically interesting...[/sblock]

The maddened wolf gathers its stringy muscles and bounds into a frenzied leap, sailing right over Kurin's head. It lands menacingly close to the hole that Vardolas is trapped in, and snarls menacingly at its tormentor. Vardolas scrambles to free himself from the hole.

Vardolas is in the Close stance, and does not attack. The wolf will have a TN of 12 to hit him. He could use somebody using the defense action on him (in the Defensive stance)... Unless you can kill the wolf before it gets to act, that is.

I'll let you guys choose stances and attack before I decide what Orin and Borin do.

Voidrunner's Codex

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