The Reconquista OOC

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Copies from IC Thread said:
OOC: Trip Attack#1 17 + 6 = 23, hit! Opposed Trip check: Latalya 17 + 2 = 19 vs Marquis 10, success! Marquis is now prone; Follow-Up Attack 16 + 8 (BAB) + 4 (Magebane) - 2 (Str) – 4 (nonlethal) = 22, hit! Damage = 2d6 – 2 = Marquis takes 9 hp of nonlethal damage, (Magebane) 2d6 = Marquis takes 7 hp of damage; Attack#2 4 + 1 = 5, miss
Thanee, let me know if I messed up on the attack roll adjustments. Even with a lower attack roll bonus, you would have still hit, due to his lowered AC. I just crunched the numbers numerous times and couldn't come up with the ones you did. Rather than delay posting the combat round, I thought I would ask you after the fact.

Well, I counted the weapon as nonmagical since Latalya is inside the AMF (forgot to add in masterwork, though, I think ;)).

If you count the square the attack is aimed at (i.e. the Marquis', which is not in the AMF), then what you used is right, of course.


Thanee said:
Well, I counted the weapon as nonmagical since Latalya is inside the AMF (forgot to add in masterwork, though, I think ;)).

If you count the square the attack is aimed at (i.e. the Marquis', which is not in the AMF), then what you used is right, of course.
Duh, of course. Since you were standing in the AMF (even though you were striking into a space not in the AMF) your weapon would have been considered non-magical.

In this thread I have generally always subscribed to the maxim: "When it comes to the rules, Thanee or Hypersmurf are always right". ;)


Branding Opportunity said:
In this thread I have generally always subscribed to the maxim: "When it comes to the rules, Thanee or Hypersmurf are always right". ;)

They are definitely hard to argue with. Stupid logic! :D

Bloodweaver1 said:
I'm back and will be catching up with a reply later tonight.
Glad to have you back, Bloodweaver.

On a separate subject, I would like to address the absence of J. Alexander. I sent an email a week ago, asking if s/he (don't want to assume) would be back, but received no reply. I assume that means that s/he no longer wishes to play with us.

Seeing that George is the only lockpicker in the group (other than Reivik's maul) he might be good to have around. Would you like me to post a call for a replacement? I could also keep him as a steady NPC, as it is nice to be able to have a steady character to interact with the party IC. Does anyone have any strong preferences? I could go either way.


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