The Reconquista OOC

Been meaning to post this for a while. Paizo accidentally sent me an extra copy of Dungeon magazine #141 (December 2006). Does anyone want it? I'd be more than happy to pass it on for free. Let me know via email (brandingopportunity at gmail dot com), first come, first serve.

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From [COMBAT] thread:
Bloodweaver1 said:
OOC: It is my understanding that the Shadows are in held in some kind of ‘stasis’ and will not return until Mavik’s ward expires? If so, Anastasia will move the south side of the cell opening and help the unconscious ‘King’ through.
Although that is not the interpretation I have ended up with, that is the one I began the encounter with, so it sticks. They will stay "in stasis" until the wizard moves away from his current location. As the field is moved away, they will reappear.

BTW, the Marquis is nowhere near unconscious. ;)

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James Heard

IIRC, Antimagic removes the shadow's ability to strike from the ethereal plane. They're not in stasis or held or anything, they're simply unable to strike at anyone inside the antimagic field because they can't appear there. We should be glad they don't have ghost touch slings/crossbows.


First Post
Well thats good to know incase there are any more of these things.
I have update Anastasia's action for that round.
Is also correct to presume that Mavrik's field also supresses the abilities from our magical items?


James Heard

Yup, I know I wasn't think of Top Gun when I kicked out the name. I think I was actually looking at "Manic" and playing around with changing letters out.


First Post
James Heard said:
IIRC, Antimagic removes the shadow's ability to strike from the ethereal plane. They're not in stasis or held or anything, they're simply unable to strike at anyone inside the antimagic field because they can't appear there. We should be glad they don't have ghost touch slings/crossbows.

Shadows are not on the ethereal plane, they are incorporeal, but nonetheless on the material plane.

Here's what happens with them:

Summoned creatures of any type and incorporeal undead wink out if they enter an antimagic field. They reappear in the same spot once the field goes away.


James Heard

Same difference then, all I know is that Mavic's not gonna sit around played into Shadow pincushion while there are big strong nonmagical arms to beat his king into submission and flee with.

Voidrunner's Codex

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