The Reconquista OOC

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Thanee said:
Latalya doesn't have Combat Reflexes. ;)

But that doesn't really matter, since she wouldn't get any AoO, anyways, because of the Spring Attack (if that is the feat).
See, that's what happens when you misread a character sheet and forget certain vital elements of what makes up a feat.

In either case it doesn't matter because nobody hit anyone during the extra attacks anyway. But I will try to remember for next time.

So here's a topic that came up for me during the last round. When you folks are playing D&D, do you let the spellcasters determine which corner of the square they are standing in becomes the "center of effect for a 10 ft. radius spell" centered on the spellcaster? The reason I ask, is that if you center a spell on the center of a square (where the spellcaster is standing) you run into the problem of spells only reaching half a square at their edges.


First Post
I just let the spell cover all squares that are within the radius (as in, the caster could move there with a (radius) ft. move, ignoring obstacles) from the center of the square the caster is in.


Thanee said:
I just let the spell cover all squares that are within the radius (as in, the caster could move there with a (radius) ft. move, ignoring obstacles) from the center of the square the caster is in.
If I am understanding you correctly, Thanee, wouldn't that then cover a larger area than is actually listed? What I mean is if you center a 10 foot radius spell on yourself and you are considered for game terms to be standing in the middle of your square, the spell would then cover half-squares on each end. If I am understanding you, you are saying that one should count those half squares as whole squares?

Sorry this is so convoluted.


First Post
I work it the same way as Thanee in my games. I count the half-squares as whole. So yes, it is technically a somewhat larger area than the true radius/diameter of the spell, but there isn't much you can do when you play on a grid.


Yeah, the games I've played in have gone the same way. A 5' radius spell effects everyone within 5' of the caster (a 15' diameter effect, 9 squares). And the rest extrapolate the same idea . . . like this.


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hafrogman said:
Yeah, the games I've played in have gone the same way. A 5' radius spell effects everyone within 5' of the caster (a 15' diameter effect, 9 squares). And the rest extrapolate the same idea . . . like this.
Gotcha. Thanks for the diagram, hafrogman. I guess as long as one applies this to everyone (PCs and foes alike) it all evens out in the end. D&D combat rules are complicated enough, no need to make them more so by worrying about half-squares.

Thanks for the info, all.

Just a quick note that I have updated the [INFO] thread with a new picture, in addition to creating a separate post listing everyone's condition. I've also removed the duplicate Party Condition listing from the [COMBAT THREAD]. It just didn't make sense to have to update two listings instead of one.

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