The Reconquista OOC

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Ranger Rick said:
Alex (correct?),

Do not forget about my boots of speed once I get dressed.
Yes, Alex is correct :)

I did forget about the boots of speed, which brings me to an (interesting) point. When describing your actions, would it be possible for everyone to list any appropriate modifiers/changes in the post? You all know your characters much better than I do, and this will keep me from making silly technical errors and then having to go back and correct previous posts, which just slows everything down.
Think this is doable?

Ranger Rick

First Post
Branding Opportunity said:
Yes, Alex is correct :)

I did forget about the boots of speed, which brings me to an (interesting) point. When describing your actions, would it be possible for everyone to list any appropriate modifiers/changes in the post? ....Think this is doable?

I forgot about them in my initial post and then I talked about them in here. (In fact I think you answered about that.) To be honest, this will be the 1st time I ever used them so I am a little unsure how it would work in the practical sense, not the book instructional sense.

I think it is doable. The more we post, the more we get into that habit as well.


First Post
BO: It would be good to know (also important for Scotley), whether Latalya's action works that way (and how flat, high, stable, etc the roof is ;)).



First Post
Dimension Door ends the turn of the caster, but has no such effect on those transported (as written, that is, can get a bit wonky with delayed actions).



Branding Opportunity said:
... and this will keep me from making silly technical errors and then having to go back and correct previous posts, which just slows everything down.

On that note... :)

... just a question about the crazy man's AoO vs the grapple.

Earlier, you noted "You could have run around him I guess ... Well, since he can't make an AoO, I guess that would have been possible."

If he has Improved Unarmed Strike or monk levels, ignore this... but if he doesn't, he's unarmed and doesn't qualify for an AoO vs the grapple attempt, right?

If it hadn't been for your earlier comment, I'd have assumed there was a reason and left it, but the "since he can't make an AoO" implies an oversight somewhere...?


Voidrunner's Codex

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