
Greetings Friends!
Please use this thread to store and maintain your approved character sheets.
I'll use this also as a growing repository of world information from time to time.
Game threads:
IC Thread - Chapter One: Endless White
OOC Discussion (Game-related banter, questions and chat)
Tome of Knowledge (Approved characters, and an evolving repository of world information from the DM)
Maps & Locations:
Isle of Solov

Please consider the above a rough, potentially inaccurate layout of the Isle of Solov. The sources of this information are dubious at best! Landmarks and features may well have been missed by it's elderly scriber, and we like to allow players the freedom to contribute to the land and its anthropology too, as we go along. The following however is common knowledge:
Geography: The Isle of Solov is stranded within a great ocean, and forms an intersect between The White Sea, The Aquine Sea and The Sea of Korrus. Although there are numerous small islands off the edge of the map, only a very rare few can claim to have set sail and landed elsewhere, excluding Korrud Dwarves of course. They arrived from some distant landmass to the south, and strangely enough most locals have no interest in sailing The Sea of Korrus and checking Korrud out, first hand.
Although a humble isle, the reaches of your homeland are large and diverse in landscape, culture and mystery. The far north houses a massive fractured glacial plateau, a beach said to be formed of glass, an ever-frozen Halst Peak and more. To simplify the general areas of Solov, it is broken into four sections.
Reinne & its Lands: The most populated area of Solov is to the east, where a variety of natural wonders have helped greatly in the beginnings of civilization. Plains, lakes, shady hills and ample farmland conjoin. The old capital Reinne, is little more than a town these days, with most cityfolk moving to Rowtil city following the fall of Solov's last king several hundred years ago. Monarchy didn't work. It never could. This land was too fractured, varied and vast to suit one ruler alone. Instead, much of Solov's ways are the olden kind, tribal, family-driven, and at times perhaps barbaric or anarchistic.
Wilds: Solov's central region houses some of the isle's harshest environments. Hard and rugged enough to make The Rhyot Break seem like a holiday retreat. Endless dry flats, steaming rivers of molten lava crawling down from towering volcanics, sinkholes that randomly open under one's feet, and if a gale breaks along the coastline, stand well back from Fool'swing Cliffs. Even a fool with wings wouldn't make it.
Quostland: Isolated from the growth (and invasion) of the Reinne, protected by Wilds, Quostland is a peaceful and attractive parcel of Solov. Visitors by sea from Reinne have described the inhabitants as simple folk, who worship a deity named Quost (a bull with nine legs) and seem quite content to live in a sustainable and non-ambitious manner. Slowly perhaps, Quostland is becoming corrupted through tourism and the beginnings of trade with the east, but it is unlikely Reinne could be blamed should The Korrud happen to land there some future day.
Holylands: You've heard of Solov's far west, but not many sources have been generous in detail. A natural fault line, Pincer's Split, all but separates this dreamy place from its neighbors. What people do make mention of under their breath, is The Renir Break, a site theoretically rich in ruby deposits. Also a pair of enormous tors that lean together like lovers, with a shadow that never moves despite the arc of the sun.
Is the rest rumor, hearsay, old wives tales, or truth? There is probably only one way to find out... should things go well.
Geography: The Isle of Solov is stranded within a great ocean, and forms an intersect between The White Sea, The Aquine Sea and The Sea of Korrus. Although there are numerous small islands off the edge of the map, only a very rare few can claim to have set sail and landed elsewhere, excluding Korrud Dwarves of course. They arrived from some distant landmass to the south, and strangely enough most locals have no interest in sailing The Sea of Korrus and checking Korrud out, first hand.
Although a humble isle, the reaches of your homeland are large and diverse in landscape, culture and mystery. The far north houses a massive fractured glacial plateau, a beach said to be formed of glass, an ever-frozen Halst Peak and more. To simplify the general areas of Solov, it is broken into four sections.
Reinne & its Lands: The most populated area of Solov is to the east, where a variety of natural wonders have helped greatly in the beginnings of civilization. Plains, lakes, shady hills and ample farmland conjoin. The old capital Reinne, is little more than a town these days, with most cityfolk moving to Rowtil city following the fall of Solov's last king several hundred years ago. Monarchy didn't work. It never could. This land was too fractured, varied and vast to suit one ruler alone. Instead, much of Solov's ways are the olden kind, tribal, family-driven, and at times perhaps barbaric or anarchistic.
Wilds: Solov's central region houses some of the isle's harshest environments. Hard and rugged enough to make The Rhyot Break seem like a holiday retreat. Endless dry flats, steaming rivers of molten lava crawling down from towering volcanics, sinkholes that randomly open under one's feet, and if a gale breaks along the coastline, stand well back from Fool'swing Cliffs. Even a fool with wings wouldn't make it.
Quostland: Isolated from the growth (and invasion) of the Reinne, protected by Wilds, Quostland is a peaceful and attractive parcel of Solov. Visitors by sea from Reinne have described the inhabitants as simple folk, who worship a deity named Quost (a bull with nine legs) and seem quite content to live in a sustainable and non-ambitious manner. Slowly perhaps, Quostland is becoming corrupted through tourism and the beginnings of trade with the east, but it is unlikely Reinne could be blamed should The Korrud happen to land there some future day.
Holylands: You've heard of Solov's far west, but not many sources have been generous in detail. A natural fault line, Pincer's Split, all but separates this dreamy place from its neighbors. What people do make mention of under their breath, is The Renir Break, a site theoretically rich in ruby deposits. Also a pair of enormous tors that lean together like lovers, with a shadow that never moves despite the arc of the sun.
Is the rest rumor, hearsay, old wives tales, or truth? There is probably only one way to find out... should things go well.
The Rhyot Break

Player Characters:
@daindarkspring - Zemryn Neveryn - Female High Elf Paladin
@Steve Gorak - Gimlak - Male Human Barbarian
@Imladir - Faenala Onarieth - Female High Elf Wizard
@JustinCase - Welkin di Vicomte - Male Tiefling Warlock
@TallIan - Rorik Brigward - Male Human Fighter
@McD MIA- Rolin Nazfell - Male Half-Elf Rogue
@EarlyBird MIA - Gob Ironfoot - Male Halfling Monk
@tglassyMIA - Thorin - Male Dragonborn Sorcerer
Post Formatting:
The below is just a guide. Everyone has their own style, and that's fine. For the sake of consistency though, please feel free to format your posts as follows

Titles: You are welcome to title your posts if you want.
Actions and reactions: Plain text
Speech: "Use quotation marks and a pretty color."
Thoughts: Use italics and a pretty color.
OOC Stuff, Questions, Dice Rolls: Pop at the end of posts between ooc tags.
Rolling Dice: Use https://rolz.org/dr?room=Rhyot stating your character name and reason for roll, eg: #d20+3 #Bob Initiative
or https://www.coyotecode.net/roll/
Style of Play:
My preference is that story comes first, and the inner musings, actions, dialogue, relationships and paths of characters are more important than unwavering interpretations of rules, extended disputes or technical issues which arrive in a tabletop designed game such as D&D. I'll make some rule interpretation mistakes and errors along the way for sure! I ask for your forgiveness in advance
Everyone is important to the Solov world, and look forward to seeing where it takes us all.

Other Stuff:
Pace / Posting Frequency:
I aim to post at least once per week (seems to be Thurs-Fri Aussie time at the moment), giving everyone about a week to respond. If anyone is unable to post in this time-frame I'll continue anyway, for the benefit of those that are keeping up. If we happen to all move faster than one post a week then fantastic! I'm actually available to reply most days.
If you miss a weekly cycle don't stress, however if you miss two or more in a row I'll assume you are MIA. Please contact me if you need some leave from the game or need more time to respond, we will work something out

Most Importantly:
Have fun
Have fun

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