the tablet war is heating up


First Post
At CTIA Samsung showed mockups of the new Galaxy tab 8.9 and 10.1.
Pricing is competitive of the Ipads. And they are thinner then the Ipad 2.

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I should think a product war consists of products actually competing for market share. At prsent, there are like 2 viable alternatives to ipad on the market.

And their sales aint that great

Hand of Evil

I think this is going to be like the iPod wars, yes there will be better cheaper products out there but because of marketing the pad wins, it hit first and has dug in.


Mod Squad
Staff member
It's not a war until they actually come out at a competitive price, rather than being promised at them.

It isn't a war until they start shooting each other with bullets.

Hand of Evil said:
I think this is going to be like the iPod wars, yes there will be better cheaper products out there but because of marketing the pad wins, it hit first and has dug in.

I dunno. The tablet market may be more like the smartphone market. Android phones, taken collectively, have become significant competition to the iPhone.
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First Post
I have the same basic question regarding tablets as I do for smartphones:

Who is it out there that is so obsessed with thinness that a few milimeters is a purchase consideration, and why?

I have visions in my head of people trying to slice fruit with their phone or tablet, and it just doesn't work.


First Post
I have the same basic question regarding tablets as I do for smartphones:

Who is it out there that is so obsessed with thinness that a few milimeters is a purchase consideration, and why?

I have visions in my head of people trying to slice fruit with their phone or tablet, and it just doesn't work.

Well thinness and weight sells. If you look at the orginal galaxy tab and compare it to the new one which would you buy?

Relique du Madde

This war will not be about iPad vs Xoom, Galexy Pad X.x, Smart Tab, Play Book, etc..

It will ultimately be about iPad vs Android, RIM, webOS, and Black Berry (Since Balmer is to cautious about making a Windows Platform that is optimalized for tablets before 2012).

It will be interesting to see who will win the Android side of the battle. However with that said, I'm eagerly waiting my Xoom WiFi knowing that its heavy enough to crack the skull of a iDone waiting in line for an iDevice.
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