D&D (2024) Things You Think Would Improve the Game That We WON'T See

the Jester

What are some changes to the game that you think would improve it that we WON'T see in the new 2024 releases? And why won't we see them?

I'll start with a couple of things. In general, I think that one of my personal complaints about the upcoming revision is "power creep is creepin'". We've seen new versions of cantrips that increase their damage, lots of additional ways to gain temporary hit points, a potential increase in the amount of healing that spells do that just about doubles it, ASIs moved to wherever you want in order to allow increased optimization out the gate, and so forth. There have been a very few changes that reduce a few of the more powerful options, such as the totem barbarian's "resist everything but force" ability, but mostly, it's all MOAR POWER. So my dislike of that is behind a lot of what I would like to see.

First, I think that reverting wizards and sorcerers to a d4 Hit Die would help restore the balance between casters and martial characters, which is a very commonly complained about thing. I don't think we'll see it because the increase to a d6 was widely praised on 5e's release. I'd like to see warlocks drop down to a d6, too, with a possible invocation to gain 1 hp/level to help those who want to be able to go toe to toe.

If 1st level ability score modifiers aren't going to be tied to race, where they existed to set other races apart from humanity, I'd like to just drop them entirely. But given the move to "this is for the optimizers", I can't imagine we will see this, either.

I'd like to see a modification to some of the better barbarian abilities that trigger when raging such that they require concentration to maintain, along with a qualifier that barbarians can concentrate on these features while raging. I am pretty sure there are several reasons why we won't see this, all related to concentration being hard to maintain at high levels when you're the melee guy taking massive whacks.

I'd like to see metamagic moved entirely out of the sorcerer and into the upcasting mechanic for spells, as well as a new downcasting mechanic that lets you use lower level slots for far inferior versions of higher level spells; for instance, reduce the slot level of your fireball by one level in exchange for reducing the damage by 4d6. Pretty sure that one is a pipe dream, for the same reason that we won't see my next one: it's too big and fundamental of a change for one of the base classes to undergo in what is basically a half-edition (or smaller) change.

Speaking of the sorcerer, I'd like to see the number of levels at which it gets subclass features increased to about ten, and to see its sorcerer point stuff tied heavily to subclass, in order to make each sorcerer both more heavily invested in its subclass/theme and to make higher levels of sorcerer more attractive. For example, a spider-themed sorcerer might have an ability to spend a few sorcerer points to add a web-like effect to any spell that has an area of effect or targets a creature. I KNOW we won't see such a massive revision to the sorcerer, but I'd really like.

And finally, I'd like to see a real, actual, full warlord class.

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I don't expect to see any of the fundamental fixes or improvements - ones that impact basic math or play.

For example, I don't expect we will see a rebalancing of classes around a 2-3 encounter day like so many DMs actually run. Because what we have right now has massive class balance between the at-wills (like rogue), the short-rest-recovery like Monk, and the long-rest-recovery (like casters) / hybrids (like barb & paladin).

I don't think we'll see the "HP-as-only-survivabilty-knob" for monsters changed, keeping the HP bloat.

I don't think we'll see the action economy resolved such that having just a (non-legendary) foe or two is regularly viable.

My list is way too big for this thread, but I can share one of a more modest scope:

I do not think we'll see a change to how poisons work on a fundamental level - they'll still be immediate, save for half damage, affairs. And often the poison damage isn't so high as to threaten a fresh PC.

Whereas, I've found that using some "common sense" and "old school" approaches to poison – onset time, ongoing damage, potentially catastrophic consequences – is much more interesting in play as it introduces and maintains tension AND gives the players a chance to take action to save themselves before suffering the poison's effects. It becomes this little story moment as opposed to "oh, another die roll...aaaand more damage...how much was the total damage again?"

To make this really shine, there needs to be other stuff – poisons designed with creative countermeasures in mind & the Delay Poison spell & some reworking of spells/effects that interact with poisons – but in comparison to the other changes I'd like, it's much more of a manageable one.

I'll start with a couple of things. In general, I think that one of my personal complaints about the upcoming revision is "power creep is creepin'".
Martials are more powerful, but they needed it to compete with higher level casters. Also the loss of Great Weapon Master.

Firebolt is still the go to damage cantrips. It's just the bad rated ones that where buffed.
There have been a very few changes that reduce a few of the more powerful options, such as the totem barbarian's "resist everything but force" ability, but mostly, it's all MOAR POWER. So my dislike of that is behind a lot of what I would like to see.
Paladin multi-smite, moon druids, Great Weapon Master, Sharpshooter, Twinned metamagic, Conjure Animals...
Lots of nerfs.
If 1st level ability score modifiers aren't going to be tied to race, where they existed to set other races apart from humanity, I'd like to just drop them entirely. But given the move to "this is for the optimizers", I can't imagine we will see this, either.
Using amy ability score with any race is a boon for roleplayers.
Orc Wizards are now more viable.

Optimizers will still probably go human most of the time, for the extra feat.
as a new downcasting mechanic
They playtested that one. Don't think it got a great response.

If you want to have a level 2 fireball... might as will make it a level 2 spell.
Speaking of the sorcerer, I'd like to see the number of levels at which it gets subclass features increased to about ten, and to see its sorcerer point stuff tied heavily to subclass,
I could get behind that. Maybe not 10 subclass levels, but using sorcerer points for subclass stuff works.
And finally, I'd like to see a real, actual, full warlord class.
Agreed. Would be nice but not going to happen.

I do have a small hope that the last fighter subclass will be one.

battlemaster being pasted to default fighter. add then other subclass normally.

spell-less ranger.

short rest 5min by default.

removing ASIs from later levels.
capping scores at 18(+4)

adding exhaustion level when reduced to 0 HP, this level(s) are removed when healed to 50% or more of your max HP

ranged attack provoking AoO

spellcasting that is not personal or melee provoking AoO

fixed healing from spells from lvl1

moving through threat area provokes AoO.

AoO does not spend reaction but you can perform one per turn.

return to 3 saves:
FORT: str+con mods
REF: dex+int mods
WILL: wis+cha mods

removing medium armor.

Removing ability scores. Having 14 mean +2 is unnecessarily confusing.
yeah, they are really bending backwards to keep scores in the game with "requirements"
if it's 13, just say +1 or +2
Changing the attack and damage into one roll. 1d20+2d6+Str - 20 AC or something like that would speed up the game.

We won't see them because legacy.
have fixed damage for all attacks.
if you beat AC by 5, deal +50% damage
if you beat AC by 10, deal +100%
if you beat AC by 15, deal +150%
if you beat AC by 20, deal +200%

might add general graze rule then, if you miss AC by 5 or less deal only 50% of weapon damage, you cannot trigger any on-hit effects(smite, sneak attack, maneuvers, etc...)

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