Thirst for power (Finished) (Knight Otu judging)

OOC: For the record, I was assuming that Draig would have his urgosh when in his room. No need to keep it in the haversack unless the party is out in public.

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ooc: Since Banion's previously stated actions will take ten rounds, I won't be posting much until that time passed (or something happens to interrupt him) -- wanted to make sure no one's waiting for me.

“Wait a moment” says Azaroth, and casts a protective charm on Draig before the dwarf descends the stairs at full run, shouting war cries. Now that the yelling spell ended, everyone can hear them. Meanwhile Beamer creates a similar protection on him. Some of the other guests come out of their rooms asking what´s happening.

Down in the common room, Draig faces two arsonist, who leave their work and, drawing their knives, attack the dwarf. He parries one of the attacks and counters with the urgosh, but his opponent dodges the blade. The other one can´t find the opportunity to attack being blocked by his companion.

[ooc: Banion spends his 4th round dressing; Azaroth y Beamer cast Mage Armor and ready weapons. Draig´s attacks fail, the same as his opponents.

In the map: A is the “kitchen”, B is the counter, C marks the common room and D the stairs.]


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Draig swings his Urgosh towards the arsonist next to him and in front of Azaroth, hoping to clear a path to the exit, yelling up the stairs, "Get everybody out!".

ooc: Where's the exit to the inn? I'm impressed by the cool looking map, by the way!

Beamer quickly explains the situation to the other guests. "The inn is on fire and it sounds like fighting downstairs. Get everyone out of the inn. Try the windows first." Then Beamer dashes down the stairs to help. If Azaroth or Draig have been injured by the time he gets downstairs he will fire a magic missle at the arsonist they are fighting. If neither is injured, he loads and fires his crossbow trying to position himself so the enemy does not have cover, but ignoring whether they are in melee (precise shot).

wmasters said:
ooc: Where's the exit to the inn? I'm impressed by the cool looking map, by the way!

ooc: I knew I forgot something. The exit is somewhat in the middle of the "south" side and it´s open; there´s also a smaller, locked door in the east side, near the upper corner. Both doors will show in the next map.

Which is nothing really; I made animated maps in Flash for the last adventure, though I ddn´t have the opportunity (yet) to use the lightning bolt and fireball animations. I´ll make for this one, if I have time.

OOC: I'm going to be out of internet contact for a week, returning on the 29th. Beamer will act as described above. He will save three first level spell slots unless the situation grows dire. I'll leave Xaov, wmasters, and Patlin to determine what 'dire' means.
Current spells remaining: 5 0th level, 5 1st level.

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