The yells of “FIRE FIRE” continue, making some sleepy heads poke out of the rooms, asking what happens, while Draig heads for the stairs. As soon he starts descending them, a throwing axe sinks in the handrail with great force, not far from his head. The thrower is one of five silhouettes, human shaped and sized, lighted up by the flames that are starting to hungrily grow, burning the tables, kitchen and barrels. You can´t see their faces, since they are covered with clothes that only show the eyes.
One of them breaks a small barrel with another throwing axe and starts pouring lamp oil on the walls. As arsonist, they clearly don´t have much experience, since they set the place on fire before soaking everything with oil. Whatever the experience, it´s clear for Draig that they´ll make the inn a raging hell in less than a minute unless stopped.
[ooc: The arsonists don´t wear visible armor and are armed with axes and long knives (shortswords). No news from Azaroth, but he can choose to be with Draig or the halflings, as he wish. I´ll post a map if there´s actual combat
The throwing axe was very close to hitting Draig. The group of good guys have the initiative now.]